Setting the pin code on the phone. How to set a password on a SIM card and why you need it. Why set a PIN? Feature Benefits

For most, a phone or tablet is no longer just a device for accessing the Internet or a way to contact someone, but also a device that stores your personal information: photos, videos, information on bank cards, contacts, social network passwords, etc. And each of us thought about how to protect this data, one of the most simple ways is an setting a password on a phone or tablet. Password protection is a compromise between convenience and security, you choose the type of password and regulate its complexity. In this article, I will show in detail what types of passwords exist for the Android OS and how to set them.

There are several types of passwords in Android:

1) Password;

4) Face recognition.

To select one of the methods, open the "Settings" menu.

Select "Lock screen", on some device models you need to go to "Security".

I propose to disassemble each of the methods, and start with the safest.

Set a password for Android.

This method in the best possible way provides security for accessing information on a smartphone / tablet, since you can come up with a very complex password, which will be incredibly difficult to hack / guess.

Choose "Password".

Create and enter a password using numbers, letters (uppercase, lowercase) and special. signs.

The minimum password must contain at least 4 characters, maximum 17. There are few of you in the password, which limits and quite easily you can come up with a really complex password. The only thing to consider:

a) Do not forget the specified password;

b) Please note that you need to enter it every time you unlock the device and enter 17 characters for a rather long time.

Setting a PIN code on a smartphone/tablet.

Another way to secure your mobile device is to use a pin code. This method is less secure, since it involves the use of only numbers in the password.

Select "PIN" from the list of methods.

Installing a graphic key.

Another way to secure your gadget is to install graphic key. This method is quite convenient to use, since you need to select a pattern as a password. Its minus is that with standard 9 points this method provides 389122 combinations, which is not so much today.

Select Pattern.

You need to connect at least 4 points.


Face recognition as phone/tablet unlock.

This method, it would seem, will be the standard and it is practically impossible to hack it, since all faces, like prints, are unique. But bypassing such an unlock is quite simple, for this you need to have a photo of the owner of the mobile device, and today almost any photo can be obtained from social networks, Instagram and other services. There are variations using the face and voice, but such a combination also does not complicate the hacking process much. Plus, you need to remember that you may find yourself in a dark room or in a place where it will be extremely inconvenient to bring the gadget to your face.

Smart Lock feature in Android.

Starting with version 5 of Android, it has a Smart Lock feature that can make it easier to access the device. What is Smart Lock? You specify the conditions under which a password, pin code or pattern code will not block your phone/tablet. What conditions can be used:

1) Reliable devices. These can be a Bluetooth clock, a Bluetooth speakerphone in a car, or NFC tag in the car. For example, if the watch is near you, then unlocking your phone/tablet is not required.

2) You can specify a geographic location where password entry is not required, such as home, workplace, etc.

4) Physical contact. Mobile device will be unlocked as long as it remains in contact with you (in hands, pocket, bag).

Naturally, in order to use certain conditions, it is necessary to use the appropriate sensors (GSM, take a photo, connect a Bluetooth watch, etc.).

It must be admitted that such a function will be extremely convenient if you actively use your phone or tablet. But keep in mind that each of the conditions leaves a small loophole for attackers.

As we all know, Microsoft has consolidated all its services into one single account, which has greatly simplified the work with applications, programs and services for many of us.

Today, in order to log in, read incoming letters, upload any file to the OneDrive cloud storage, and even log into your Skype messenger account, it is enough to remember one single login and password, with which the user can access all the above and other branded ones. microsoft chips.

It would seem that all this is cool. Basically, that's the way it is. However, there is one huge minus, especially it terribly infuriates those people who have a long and rather complex password from a Microsoft account.

And he actually infuriates when the computer / laptop / tablet turns on, or he wakes up from sleep mode. After all, every time we turn on our workhorse, we have to enter a password.

There are two ways out of this situation. The first is to disable the need to enter a password. The second is based on entering a short PIN-code consisting of numbers, instead of a long password.

But unfortunately the first option is not suitable for everyone, and now I will try to briefly explain why. For example, I have a Surface RT tablet, a PC, and a netbook. They all work for the G8. And when I leave home, I try not to leave the computer on, because someone else can sit down for it. Once there was a case when my nephews came to me (and I didn’t have a password), then they sent me anything, deleted information that was extremely important for me, and much more. I think many of you are familiar with this situation. Approximately the same situation happened with the tablet. If you remove the password, then everyone can take and read, for example, my correspondence in various social networks. networks, because almost all the applications I use are on the start screen. Of course, I do not want my correspondence to be read by third parties. Therefore, until now, on all Windows devices used by many, there was a password, which, frankly, I didn’t really want to enter every time, but I was forced to do it, in fact, like you. But, a few days earlier, I learned that this can be avoided.

The second option is to replace the long password with a short PIN. That is, if you set this pin code, you will use it to log in to the system, and not your password from your Microsoft account. Now, I will try to explain and show on the screenshots how to do it. The instructions are quite simple and will not take you much time. Everything about everything will take you literally a couple of minutes.

First of all, on the desktop of your device, we call the “Charm bar”, through which we will go to the parameters (you can do it differently).

Then, on the left we will see a small menu, here you need to select an item called "Accounts".

The next step is to select the Login Options tab.

After that, a window will appear in which in the corresponding line you will need to enter the existing password from the MS account. Done? Fine.

Once you have entered your password correctly, a window will appear prompting you to enter your PIN. Enter the PIN twice and click the "Done" button. Just watch and don't forget it.

Great, as we can see, the login PIN has been set successfully (this is evidenced by the buttons: Change and Delete).

Now let's check if it works. To do this, go to the start screen, you know how to do it without me. In the upper right corner we find our nickname / name, which is located near the profile picture, click and see a small drop-down menu. Click the "Exit" button, but before you do this, you will need to close and also save all open documents. So, click "Logout", you, as usual, log out of the system.

Now, we will need to log in again (most likely, after logging out you will see a background image, as well as the time and date) press any button, after which your avatar should appear, as well as the line in which you previously entered the password, but now instead of a password you are asked to enter a PIN. Enter the pin you set and return to the system.

As you can see, everything is very simple. I hope that my short guide on setting a PIN code in Windows 8.x will be useful to you.

With the release of Windows 10, users have access to such a convenient feature as locking the system using a PIN code. How is PIN locking in Windows 10 different from the usual one? First of all, the fact that the same PIN code is put on all user devices and, in the case of the current use of the OS on any one device, all other devices become inaccessible!

This feature gives a very significant advantage over the usual lock, because if attackers suddenly find out the usual password, they can immediately gain access to all other user devices. While a leaked PIN won't help attackers, as long as you're currently logged into your account.

Another advantage of using a PIN code is that it is easier to log in with it and easier to remember, because, unlike a complex password, a PIN consists only of a set of numbers. In addition, only with a PIN can you use this windows application 10 how to iris scanner and login using Windows function Hello - with the help of a touch or a look, however, here you will no longer need to enter a PIN code, the system will recognize you and unlock you.

So how to set a PIN on Windows 10? The installation procedure is very simple and does not take much time.
In order to enable the PIN code in Windows 10, click the " Start", then - " Parameters» - « Accounts».

Here select " Login options" and in the window, in the paragraph " Pin", click on the button" Add».

If Windows 10 asks for a password for the account, then enter it and click " OK". If you have a Microsoft account, then type in your profile password and log in.

A few tips for choosing a PIN code:

Do not set simple codes like 0000, 1234, 01234567 and the like;
- you should not set an unreasonably large PIN code, so as not to spend a lot of time entering it;
- do not use passwords from other accounts, bank accounts, cards and wallets as a PIN code.

How to change or remove Windows 10 PIN

In order to change the Pin, you need to go to the settings " Login options» and section « Pin" click on the " Change».

Here you need to type the old Pin and enter the new one twice, and click " OK».

There are also situations when a user has forgotten their PIN code on Windows 10, or the need for it has disappeared. In such cases, the code can always be removed. To do this, in the "Login Options" settings in the "PIN code" section, you must click on the line " I don't remember my PIN».

After that, a dialog box will appear where you will be prompted to enter the password for the current Windows 10 account:

After successfully entering the password, you will be prompted to set a new PIN code, or click " cancellation”, after which the Windows 10 PIN lock mode will be disabled for you. In addition, sometimes the system requires the user to enter a special security code to unlock the protection system, as a rule, this code is sent to an additional postal address that was specified when registering an account with Microsoft.

It is worth noting that when booting the PC in safe mode, entering the system by pin code will not be available, you will need to enter the password for the user account.

If you are doing a clean Windows installation 10 1803 (or an upgrade from a previous version, I'm told on twitter) and choose to sign in with a Microsoft Account (MSA), you'll be prompted to create a PIN you can't refuse. The decision is controversial and immediately sparked outrage on social media.

Of course, after installation, the PIN code can be deleted in ParametersAccountsLogin options, but there is an interesting nuance. The next time the system boots, the login screen prompts for a password, but the option to login with a PIN (red arrow) is highlighted because the previous login was with it.

And if in this scenario you enter a password, then on the next screen you will again be forced to create a PIN code, and now this is a very unsuccessful UX. You can refuse in the end, but it’s easier to immediately select the entrance with a password.

PIN code is not a replacement for a password

If only because it cannot be created without a password. For home users with a Microsoft account, a PIN is first and foremost a convenience (and the more complex the password, the more convenient the PIN :)

Windows 10 won't let you set overly common PINs

These are combinations in which the difference between adjacent numbers is always the same.

  • Not allowed: 1111, 2345, 1357, 9630
  • Possible: 1115, 2346, 1358, 9530

PIN is safer in a number of scenarios

It is tied to the device, stored only on it, protected by TPM. It is not transmitted over the network, unlike the password, which is one of the main aspects of security [in an organization]. Extended explanation Microsoft.

The PIN code is not limited to four digits and allows other characters

If you wish, you can make it as complex as your password.

And if earlier this had to be enabled by politicians, then at some point (it seems, in 1709) a flag was added directly to the PIN code creation dialog.

Bonus: profile name based on account type

back to the question clean installation, there is one more nuance, which for someone will be more important than the PIN code. When you sign in with MSA, your profile folder name is based on the first 5-6 characters of your email address. For example, if my MSA [email protected], then my profile will be sterk.

You can work around this by creating a local (standalone) account with the desired name (let's say Vadim), which can be linked to the MSA after logging in. However, now for a local account they are forced to come up with security questions :) It is better to give answers to them that are not related to questions.

If you didn't anticipate this scenario and received an unwanted profile name, see KB2454362 for instructions on how to change the account name and accordingly the profile folder name.

Do you use a PIN or biometrics to log in?

1. To set a PIN code, go to the panel and in block Pin use the button Add.

2. Even before entering the PIN code, the user is prompted to confirm his identity by entering a valid password.

3.1 If desired, for the PIN code, you can use not only numbers, but also letters and symbols. To use this feature, just check the box next to the option Include letters and symbols.

3.2 For PIN codes, there are some security rules that do not allow you to set combinations that are too simple. You can see their list by following this link. PIN code requirements in the same window Setting up a PIN. Organizations are given the opportunity to tighten these requirements at their discretion, in your case they may differ.

Changing, deleting and resetting your PIN

1. If necessary, the PIN code can be changed or deleted at any time, the corresponding functions are available in the same panel Options → Accounts→ Login optionsPin, called by buttons with meaningful names Change And Delete.

2. To change the PIN code, after pressing the button Change, you need to specify the old combination, enter and confirm a new one, and then apply the changes by clicking on the button OK.

2.1 You can change the PIN code without entering a previously used combination using the reset function offered by the link I don't remember my PIN in the panel Settings → Accounts → Login OptionsPin. In the window that opens, you just need to follow the instructions of the wizard. Reset may result in the loss of confidential data, after the reset, you will need to re-enter games, applications, social media, access to which has been restricted by a PIN code.

3. To remove the PIN code, after pressing the button Delete, you need to confirm your intention again by clicking on the button of the same name again, and then enter a valid password that confirms your identity.

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