Can't login to wordpress admin. How to log in to the WordPress admin panel-WordPress admin panel overview. We use the phpMyAdmin control panel to log in to the admin and create a small php file that can change the login password

In fact, you are not the only person who cannot log into the admin panel of your own website created on the WordPress engine. If you simply enter the domain name in the address bar of your browser, you get to the desired site, but only as a visitor, and not its creator and father. What to do, how to login to wordpress admin and start working on your project?

It turns out to hit the control panel of your blog in the browser bar something else needs to be added. Today I want to tell you dear readers about two working ways. They will help you finally, after much torment and nerves, to still go to your site as its rightful owner.

Just do not think that you have been scammed and there is no way to get to the site. I understand the nerves are naughty, I myself was in the same situation. And there are those who are already thinking about how to create their site in a new way. Don't worry, in just a few seconds you'll be enjoying the editing process and typing a new article.

In the meantime, carefully watch and remember what you need to do. You may have to use these methods very often to enter the admin panel. Of course, you can save your username and password later. However, after clearing the history in the browser or if you are working on the site from another computer, you will need to somehow get into the admin panel again.

How to log into the wordpress admin working methods

Your browser, I'm sure, is already open, so let's proceed to the entrance to the home site. To do this, in the address bar, you need to enter any of the links below. Now just copy any option, and instead your website enter the name of your project.

  • http://your_site/wp-admin will come out like this
  • http://your_site/wp-login.php or

You will be taken to a login page where you need to enter your username and password.

Everyone entered these data when creating the site, when they installed wordpress. If you specified only a password, then everyone will automatically have a username admin. I would recommend checking the Remember me box, this will allow you to enter the admin panel automatically next time, after entering only the name of your project in the address bar. It is clear that if you do not work at home, then you should not put any checkmarks. If the data is correct, then in a second you will find yourself in the admin panel, exhale with relief and start working on the site.

But what if you don't remember your password or username?

Do not panic, this information can be viewed in the letter that was sent to you by E-mail. I hope you did not specify the left mail when creating the site and you can go in, open this letter and get into the admin panel of your own site. By the way, you have also been sent an already active login link. So you can click on it directly from the letter to get to your site. This is exactly how I came to my project for the first time, and to be honest, not only the first, sometimes I still use this method.

We logged in and everything is fine, but sometimes you need to log out and the site control panel, especially if you work away from home. Always keep this in mind, because otherwise another person will get to your site, change the password and become its full owner. You can log out with one click, just hover over your username, which can be found in the upper right corner, and click logout in the window that opens.

To log in to your WordPress dashboard, in your browser's address bar, type site_url/wp-admin/(in our case it is, and don't forget to run DENWER). First of all, you get to the main page of the console, it looks like this.

Here are collected what, according to WordPress developers, webmasters use most often, and the panel meets you Welcome, which offers to start acquaintance with the admin panel right now. In addition to the main page, there are many other pages in the panel, which can be accessed through the admin panel menu located on the left.

Regardless of which part of the panel you are in, you will have access to several of its elements.

  • Screen setup. Clicking on the button will open the settings panel. Its interface will change depending on the page on which you opened it.

For example, customizing the home page screen means enabling/disabling its elements.

At the page Entries More screen settings.

  • Help. Contains links to the support forum and documentation for the current topic. Help, unfortunately, opens in English, but the forum is in Russian.

  • . A kind of quick access panel. From it, as well as from the main page, you can quickly go to the most popular sections of the admin panel, as well as open profile settings or go from the admin panel to the site itself.

The advantage (and for some, the disadvantage) of this panel is that it is displayed even when you are on the site, and not in the admin area. You can turn it off if needed. To do this, open Users -> Your profile, uncheck the box on the displayed page Show the top bar when browsing the site and press Update Profile.

Now the top panel will be in the admin panel, but not on the site.

  • . Located on the left. It can be collapsed by pressing the button of the same name (its lowest item). Then it will be displayed with icons without inscriptions, but will not completely disappear (screenshot below).

There are no more important elements common to all pages of the control panel, and it's time to dwell on the main menu in more detail, describing each of its items so that you can familiarize yourself with the administration capabilities of a site built on WordPress.

  • Console. Consists of two tabs - home And Updates. Pro Home we have already said - the user gets to it immediately after entering the admin panel. On the tab Updates collected information about the available new versions of both the engine itself and the plugins and themes installed on it. If there are updates, a number appears next to the tab name indicating the number of updates.

On the tab, you can not only find out the details of available updates, but also apply them.

In our case, an update has been released for the Akismet plugin that protects the blog from spam. After the update procedure, the number next to the tab name disappeared.

  • Entries. This item and its submenus allow you to manage blog entries: add new ones, view, edit or delete existing ones. You can also set up categories and tags here. Headings are categories into which entries can be distributed for ease of search and navigation. Headings can be added to the site menu. Tags are tags - keywords that improve resource navigation and make it possible to find similar articles.

  • media files. WordPress allows you to add not only text to pages, but also pictures, music, videos, and other files. Paragraph media files contains two subsections: Library And Add new. Library allows you to manage all uploaded files directly from the admin panel. You can replenish the collection by looking at the page Add new.

  • Pages. Obviously, item tools allow you to create and edit pages, but it's not obvious how they differ from posts. Imagine a blog. Every day some interesting information is published there, and each new article belongs to one of the headings established on the site. These are records. But in addition to posts, almost every blog has "About us", "Contacts", "Advertising". These are pages. They do not belong to categories, are not displayed in the blog feed, and are usually not commented on. It is for the management of such pages that the item in question is responsible.

  • Comments. Needs no explanation - you are the moderator here.

  • Appearance. An important and functional tab, with the help of elements of which you can almost completely change the design of the site. It allows you to choose a theme, customize menus and widgets (these are movable information blocks, such as a search block, recent comments, or a calendar), change the name of the site, add a logo and background, and use the editor to manually edit the theme files. By default, WordPress has three themes, but you can add others - there are about four thousand of them available from the described panel alone.

To change the theme, hover over the theme you like and click Activate.

  • Plugins. Plugins are add-ons that extend the functionality of WordPress. For example, they wanted photos to open beautifully - installed a plugin, decided to integrate the site with social networks - installed a plugin, decided to add a forum to the blog - installed a plugin, etc. Like themes, there are thousands of extensions for WordPress. The submenu in question allows you to manage installed and add new plugins. Also from it you can get into the editor to edit the add-on code, but this fun is only available to web developers, because most plugins are one or more PHP files.

  • Tools. Allows you to use additional features of the engine. For example, here you can import posts and comments from your other site to this one, export blog content to a file, quickly embed material from the Internet into your post, or convert categories to tags.

  • Settings. Allows you to manage a large number of important blog settings. For example, here you can configure the principle of link generation, the content of the main page, set the default image sizes, change the site address and the location of the blog on it, set the date and time.

All these items together make up the functionality of the WordPress administration panel, you will use them in the process of working on the site. After installing the plugins, the menu can be updated with new items.

This manual is complete, but it contains links to materials not yet published. Please do not be afraid if any of the links do not open. Everything will work soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

Sincerely, Alexander.

To log in to the WordPress admin interface, use the username and password that you specified during site installation or given to you by the administrator (if you are not one).

In all WordPress sites, the login form is located at http://your-site-url/wp-login.php. Yes, it's inconvenient to enter this address every time, so I recommend saving it somewhere, for example, in your browser's Favorites. ๐Ÿ™‚

The login form looks like this:

If you enter the correct data, you will automatically be taken to the site management interface. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed:

There is only one problem with this message: it is too wordy! ๐Ÿ™‚

If you enter an incorrect username, you will see an invalid username message. If you enter the wrong password, you will also see this. And it's very bad.

At the end of our course, there is an instruction for removing this inscription so that any third-party user does not know what exactly he entered wrong. Get to know her.

Some users leave a link to enter the admin area at the bottom of the site or somewhere in the sidebar, but I ask you right away - do not do this. It is better to add the link to your browser's Favorites or somewhere in your bookmarks in order to conveniently use it.

More and more Internet users and bloggers use this remote administration system. With the help of Worldpress, you can upload articles, video and audio files, photos. The editor also allows you to track visitors and capture their activity. The most important advantage of the system is that you can edit texts and photos without using additional software. Enough editor tools.

Using the system

Many webmasters are well aware of a wonderful tool for quickly creating and editing websites and blogs. This is the Wordpress editor. Its main feature is the ability to edit text and pictures online. With a wide range of webmaster tools, the editor allows you to effortlessly create a colorful, structured and informative web page.

The scope of the editor is quite wide. It is used by site administrators and moderators. Also, the web page management system is popular with bloggers and those who work remotely. All you need to get started is to download and install special software. For ordinary users, it's even easier - go to the start page of the editor of the hosting you are interested in and register. You will receive credentials, and with them the ability to create and edit your own page. That's all, the Wordpress admin panel is available. Many companies offer users hosting with Wordpress installed for hosting websites and blogs. More and more commercial organizations are installing the Wordpress content management system on their corporate pages.

Other programs for managing web pages

There are many content management systems (SMC). As an alternative to managing a web page, there is, for example, "1C-Bitrix" - a system that coordinates with the "1C-Enterprise" program. Almost all organizations have such a database, but its administration requires special knowledge. Also, this system is cumbersome, and slow, unlike Wordpress. Login to the admin panel is all you need to get started. Russian webmasters are well aware of Joolma, Amira and many other management systems. Working with them also requires special training and does not involve the connection of an ordinary user. Wordpress editor allows you to do without additional skills. Installing it is quite simple. You only need basic knowledge of the computer in order for the Wordpress admin panel to become available.

How to get access?

To understand how the system works, it is necessary to structure it. You need to understand that the program itself is installed on the server where the site is hosted. The user, opening a page with a specific address, simply connects to the system remotely. Without providing user credentials, the program will not be able to recognize you and open your blog specifically. There can be many pages edited by different bloggers. That's what identification is made in Wordpress for. Login to the admin panel does not require captcha or SMS confirmation. It is enough to enter the password.

To open the Wordpress admin panel, just enter its address in the browser. It looks like this: http://your blog/wp-login.php.

Or like this: http://your blog/wp-admin.php.

In some versions, there is such a form: http://your blog/login.

You will see a window with Wordpress, there you need to enter the username and password of the site. After that, you will find yourself in the control panel of your site. Here you can create a new page or edit an existing one.

If you are a user

Installation information is more useful for administrators. is intuitive to all users of standard office applications, difficulties may arise mainly with logging into the system. Most calls to technical support are related to the fact that the Wordpress admin panel does not open. This problem occurs for beginners and for those who started working in the editor a long time ago, but forgot their credentials. There is nothing reprehensible in this, all beginners face a similar problem.

If you are an ordinary user who remotely edits your blog using Wordpress, you will not be able to log into the hosting. To remember your password, use the reminder system. To recover your password, first of all, you need to go to the editor's home page: http://your blog/wp-login.php or simply: http://your site/login. Below, under the window for entering credentials, the path will be indicated. Just click on "Forgot password". Enter the email address provided during registration. You will be sent a link to change your credentials. Follow the link to change your credentials. Memorize or write them down. Your password is valid again. That's why you provided your email address when registering. After recovering your account, go back to the home page and re-enter your username and password. Now you can start editing the site.

How to login as an administrator?

If you have forgotten your login details for the administration panel, you can find them out. All information is stored in a database on the hosting. If you are the site administrator at the same time, go to the control panel of the hosting hosting the editor, then in phpMyAdmin, find the wp_users table and click on the "edit" button. After that, you can safely copy the username and password to manage your site.

Have problems remained?

Even if you do everything right, problems may remain. Most of them are related to the fact that the Wordpress admin panel does not work. or a message from the host will not please those who are trying to do their job on time. Upon entering, you will see an inscription stating that it is impossible to work in the editor for one reason or another. There can be several reasons to change the WordPress admin area:

  • Paid hosting may expire a subscription. In this case, you again need to get into the hosting control panel. Remember if you received any relevant warnings from the hosting company. If there is a message about the expiration of the paid period, you should renew your subscription.
  • The entry says that maintenance work is being carried out, you need to wait for the end of the technical break.
  • Login to the administration panel can be replaced by a hoster. This is done in the event of a virus attack or hacking of the site. You should contact the hosting technical support to clarify the terms for restoring the site and new credentials.
  • Damage to the site as a result of a virus attack, temporary suspension of its work for troubleshooting. Contact the technical support of the hoster to clarify the situation. It is possible that the hosting company itself will send a notification by mail about the possibility of further work in Wordpress. How to enter the admin panel after troubleshooting, you already know.

There is access, but the page cannot be edited

There is one more problem - you have entered the site and the console, but you cannot edit the entry. The reason is simple - someone else is editing the same page. This can happen if you work in a team and your work is controlled by an editor. In this case, you should contact a superior employee to clarify the situation. The reason for this error is by no means Wordpress. The address of the admin panel may have the same look for everyone working on the site, but the address of your profile or article is unique and cannot be confused. The post you create can be edited either by you or by an editor with more privileges, such as a site moderator. If your content does not comply with the rules for posting information or is contrary to the law, it may be removed or edited.

You saved your changes, but they are not visible

According to user feedback, this problem is also observed in Wordpress. How to enter the admin panel is not the most difficult aspect of the work. The situation is not connected with the program itself, but with web page caching mechanisms that are widespread everywhere. After editing the picture, the changes are not reflected in the preview, and the picture retains its original appearance. One solution might be to reset your account. You will have to leave the Wordpress editor. How to enter the admin panel again, you already know.

Grand total

Today, Internet resources are actively developing and interacting with the user. Fresh news, tips, stories from personal life will regularly appear on your page. Of all the site management tools, the editor available to everyone is the best solution. No wonder webmasters use Wordpress so widely. How to enter the admin panel is the only thing you need to know.

Default go to WordPress admin You can use any of the following links:



A page will open with a form in which you must specify the username (administrator) and password. You entered this data at the time.

Click โ€œLoginโ€ and if the specified user with such a password exists, then you will be taken to the WordPress admin panel (administrative part).

This is where you will spend most of your time while working with the site. Although, writing articles can and should be moved outside the admin area. Those. do it through a third party program. The most popular of these is Windows Live Writer. I will write about this later. Some more points can be done directly in the files, but in general, the entire process of setting up, installing plugins, etc. will take place in this administrative part.

At the beginning of the article, I wrote that the specified admin panel URLs are available by default. Those. Immediately after installing WordPress, you will be able to use them in the admin area. But, in the future, in order to avoid brute force attacks, it will be necessary to change the address of the admin panel and the name of the administrator. I will also write about this in one of the following articles.

I think the question โ€œHow to log into the WordPress admin area?โ€- Opened and did not cause any difficulties.

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