Magic clouds application for the senior group. Summary of GCD for application in the early age group. Clouds in the sky. Applications of paintings using the cutting technique

Purpose of the lesson : 1. Teach children to perform plot appliqué, cut out figures according to the drawn pattern;

2. Develop fine motor skills and imagination;

3. Cultivate curiosity.

Material for the lesson:

  • Sheets of white paper with painted clouds;
  • Sheets of colored paper;
  • Colored cardboard;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Napkins for each child;
  • Illustrations depicting the sky with clouds;
  • Sample.

Progress of the lesson:

1 Interesting point and explanation.

Hello children! Today we will be doing appliqué, and in order to find out what we will cut out, you must guess the riddles:

  1. White sheep don't sit on the stove.

And cumulus floats from afar... (clouds)

  1. Lambs walk across the sky - silvery curls.

They wander after the sun all day.

They dance under the rays.

Their fat sides warm, luxuriate... (clouds)

Today the theme of our application is clouds. Guys, answer my questions, what kind of clouds? What color are they? What are the forms? What is their size? Where are the clouds? (showing an illustration of the sky with clouds) (children's answers).

You answered the questions well, now please tell me what types of clouds do you know? (children’s answers: cumulus, nimbus, cirrus).

Guys, listen to the poem:

Where are you going, clouds?
And most importantly, where from?
- Where are we from? From afar!
And we go everywhere.
We are there - and here,
We are here and there.
We obey the winds:
They blow to the north - we are there,
To the south - please, always.
And here it is night, it's time for you to sleep,
And the winds are calling us with them.
And there are no wings, but we are flying,
And even at night we don't sleep,
And there is no corner in the world,
Wherever the clouds are.

(I. Millis)

Children, you and I remembered what clouds are like and where they are, now we can safely start making appliques. Please look at what applique we are going to cut out (children look at a sample of the work). In front of you are rectangular sheets of blue cardboard - this is our basis - the sky, on which we will place everything. There are already drawn clouds on sheets of white paper, which you will need to embed and then place on the base - the sky. Triangles made of yellow paper are the sun, and we will cut out grass from strips of green paper.

2 Independent activities of children. Children begin the task, the teacher monitors progress, helping children who have difficulty with advice.

3 Summary of the lesson . Demonstration of their works by children; choose the most neat and beautiful works with the children.

children, what did we do today? (children's answers).

Well done, you all tried your best and you did a good job. This concludes our work.

Program content: teach children in the middle group to depict clouds in shape similar to familiar objects and phenomena, placing them evenly over the entire plane of the sheet; encourage children to create unusual images in appliqué; continue mastering the cutting appliqué technique; promote the development of children's creative expressions; develop their imagination, attention; cultivate accuracy and independence in work.

Material and equipment:

a) demonstration: teacher’s sample with images of clouds of different shapes, easel, material and equipment for display, children’s song “Clouds are white-maned horses”;

b) handout: a sheet of blue cardboard (for the background), white square and rectangular leaves of different sizes for clouds (5-6 each), glue, a brush, oilcloth, stands for brushes, a rag.

Preliminary work:, practiced tearing off objects of different shapes, and watched the clouds while walking.

Methods and techniques: conversation about air and the teacher's story about clouds, listening to a children's song, examining samples, showing cutting techniques, instructions, help, assessment.

Progress of the lesson

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

IN. Clouds “live” high in the air. Let's remember how we watched the clouds while walking. What color are the clouds? What might they look like in shape? If you look closely, you can see that the clouds look like familiar objects, animals, and fairy-tale characters. Each cloud is unique in its outline. Besides, the clouds change all the time. In calm weather they seem to stand still, but in windy weather they quickly move across the sky. In clear weather, the clouds are light, fluffy, white, like cotton wool. What are clouds like in rainy weather? (heavy, gray).

If different people look at the same cloud, they will see it differently: one will remember a bear cub, another - a mountain, a third - a fairy-tale character.

The teacher plays the phonogram of the children's song “Clouds are white-maned horses” (lyrics by S. Kozlov, music by V. Shainsky). While the melody is playing, a sample with images of clouds of different shapes, made using the tearing technique, is placed on the easel.

IN. Let's take a closer look and answer, what is shown here? (Clouds) What color are all the clouds? (white) Are the clouds all the same? What is the difference? (shape, size). What do you think this cloud looks like? (the teacher asks several children, ensuring that the children name 2-3 comparisons, for example, oval, cucumber, ball, etc.). Is it big or small? Several more clouds are considered in the same way.

IN. Today in class you will perform an application on the theme “Clouds”. During this lesson we will not need scissors, since we will be tearing clouds out of paper.

Demonstration of cutting techniques.

IN. I will make a large oval cloud from a large rectangular piece of paper. I hold a piece of paper in my left hand, and with my right hand, in small steps, I pinch off the excess parts of the paper a little at a time. I tear off the corners of the rectangle, trying to round out the shape. It turned out to be a cloud. What shape is it? What about the size? What shape do you need to take a piece of paper to make a circle? Each of you will make several clouds of different shapes and sizes. Then the resulting silhouettes must be laid out beautifully on a sheet of paper and then pasted on.

Fixing the rules for gluing: spread the silhouette with glue on the oilcloth, use a brush, dab the pasted image with a cloth.

The sequence of work is clarified once again. Children sit at tables and begin appliqué. To create an emotional atmosphere during the lesson, calm music is played. The children get to work. If necessary, the teacher conducts a repeated individual demonstration for those who interrupt poorly; helps children to break off; advises on how to position the finished form on the background sheet. Monitors the sequence of work, compliance with the rules of gluing, and the posture of children. Reminds you of the need to keep the workplace clean.

3 minutes before the end of the lesson, the teacher warns the children about the need to finish their work. Invites children to place their finished works on the board and conducts an analysis. Questions for analysis:

IN. Who came up with the most unusually shaped clouds? What do clouds look like? Whose job involves the most clouds? Who arranged the clouds beautifully in the sky? Whose clouds are most neatly pasted on? All the guys did their best in the lesson.

Prepared by M. Korenkova

Summary of a lesson on semolina application “Fluffy Cloud” in the younger group
Direct educational activities.
Educational field: “ARTISTIC CREATIVITY”.
Purpose: To introduce children to the properties of semolina.
1. Introduce children to a new technique in appliqué using semolina.
2. Develop thinking and fine motor skills.

3. Develop aesthetic perception, create a joyful mood
4. Replenish your vocabulary with new words (semolina, tender, crumbles, beautiful fluffy cloud, turtles).
5. Cultivate accuracy while working and a desire to play more.
Vocabulary work: Semolina, crumbles, tender, sand, beautiful, fluffy cloud, turtles.
Preliminary work: Showing illustrations of “a plate of porridge”, drawing children’s attention during breakfast to tasty, aromatic semolina porridge. Examination of illustrations: “White Cloud”, “Clouds in the Sky”, observing the clouds while walking, talking with questions to the children. Drawing with fingers on the sand while walking (sun, rays).
Equipment: FAIRY doll, bucket of semolina, low basin, blue cardboard with a silhouette of a cloud, for each child, glue stick for each child, napkins, tape recorder + audio disc.
Progress of the lesson:
Org. moment. Children enter the group, greet the guests, and sit at the same table. Music sounds (Visiting a fairy tale)
Q: Guys, close all your eyes for a moment (children close their eyes).
The teacher takes out a doll and invites the children to open their eyes.
Q: Guys, look who came to visit us? (children --- doll) Doll: - Hello guys, (children also greet the doll)
- I am a good fairy. I flew to you from a magical forest and brought you an unusual gift, a bucket of “magic cereal”, why do you think? (play)
Doll: That's right, we'll play with you now (pours cereal into a low basin)
---let's take turns putting our hands into the basin and feeling it
What does she look like? (for sand, cereal)
--Right. This cereal is called semolina, and my mother cooks semolina porridge from this cereal. But from this cereal you can cook not only porridge, but also make a beautiful applique... Let's take the cereal into a fist and sprinkle it... What does it feel like?
(children answer - like sand, soft, crumbles)
---What animal do you think likes to walk on sand? Pussy loves to walk on the sand, and the dog?
---Does the turtle like to walk on the sand? (Yes)
Fizminutka: Now you and I will turn into turtles, do you want? I turn you into little turtles (wave of the “magic” wand) Here you are, little turtles:
A turtle walked across the field and shook all over with fear.
Oh I'm afraid, oh I'm afraid! bite-bite, bite-bite,
I'm not afraid of anyone! (2 times) .
And now I’ll turn you back into kids (wave of the “magic” wand).
Look what else is on our table?
(cardboard) --- what color is it? (blue)
---Looks like a piece of heaven? (yes, similar)
---What is drawn on the cardboard? (cloud)
---That's right, but it's boring and ugly, don't you think? Maybe we can revive him? (Let's)
---Look what else is on our table? (glue stick)
---Right! Take the glue in your hands, watch how I apply the glue to the cloud, I apply it in a circular motion, without going beyond the outline of the cloud.
And now you, carefully, smear your cloud the same way I did. Well done! You are doing well! Now, together with me, take the “magic cereal” into your fist and together with me we will sprinkle it on our cloud...
(children take the cereal from the basin and pour it onto the cloud, press the cereal with your palm like me, WELL DONE!
Now let’s pour the excess back into the basin…. What did we get?

(beautiful, fluffy cloud)

Great! What a great fellow you are! We have created a real masterpiece...

Now, take napkins in your hands and carefully wipe your fingers (the children wipe their fingers, and the Fairy praises the children for their neatness and good work)

Maybe we can give our works to guests? (let's give it as a gift).


FAIRY: and now let’s play the game “Sun and Cloud”.

The fairy sings a song: “The radiant sun smiled merrily...” (shows a picture of the sun, the children are jumping and having fun at this moment).

FAIRY: And then a cloud floats up and shows the picture “cloud” (children squat down and hide).

FAIRY: Oh, it’s raining, show how the rain is dripping (children show) (1 time).

RESULT: Guys, what did you like most about our lesson today? (they painted with glue, worked with semolina).

And what did we get (Cloud).

What a (fluffy) cloud.

And who have we turned into today? (in turtles).

Well done to all of you, you have done some beautiful work.

Fairy: It’s time for me to return to the magical forest, but I will leave you “magic cereal” so that you can create new drawings... Goodbye! (children say goodbye to the Fairy)

Lyubov Fedotova

I would like to bring to your attention a summary of the cloud observation walk lesson.

The purpose of the lesson is walking:

Learn to see the beauty of the world around you;

To form an idea of ​​the phenomena of inanimate nature;

Develop attentiveness, fantasy and imagination.

Carrying out:

Educator: Today I want to invite you to go to the zoo.

Children: But we don't have a zoo nearby.

Educator: This is an unusual zoo and the animals there are unusual. First guess the riddle and then you will understand everything:

"White sheep"

Blue field

Looking down into the river from above

What it is?"

Children: Clouds.

Educator: Right. These are clouds and animals will be from a transcendental zoo. Who knows how clouds appear?

Children: The water evaporates and rises, forming clouds.

Educator: Right. Clouds are water that evaporates from seas and oceans, rivers and lakes, ponds and streams. Light steam rises high into the sky and gathers into small light clouds. They float across the sky and gather into large large clouds, and water vapor turns into raindrops. Let's remember how steam is formed and raindrops appear (experiment with hot water in a glass covered with a glass lid).

Educator: While the cloud grows, the wind carries it far away - far from the place where it was born.

"Clouds, clouds -

Curly sides.

Curly clouds,

Whole, holey,

Light, airy -

Obedient to the wind." (S. Mikhalkov)

Let's watch the clouds (children look at the clouds)

Educator: What's happening to them?

Children: They float and change.

Educator: Right. I suggest you play the game "Ride on a Cloud":

Hoops - clouds - are laid out on the grass. Children move around the playground to the music (“Clouds are white-maned horses”)

after the words:

“Please don’t look down on me,

And ride us across the sky, clouds...”, the music is interrupted, and the children take up the hoops. Whoever does not have enough hoop is eliminated from the game.

Note: So that the game does not take long and reaches its logical end - there is only one player left, we immediately lay out fewer hoops than children, and remove 2 - 3 hoops at a time.

Educator: You can also predict the weather by the appearance of the clouds: if the clouds are light, high in the sky, and quickly floating across the sky, the weather will be good; if the clouds are low, dense and almost standing still, expect rain. What kind of weather do you think is expected in the near future?

Children: In the near future there will be good weather, without rain.

Educator: Since the weather is good, it’s time to go to the zoo - we’ll notice a cloud in the sky that looks very similar to an animal, show it to our friends and take a photo as a souvenir - everything, just like in a real zoo.

Didactic game "What does a cloud look like":

“There are white lumps in the sky -

Either dogs or flowers.

Past us from afar

The clouds are passing by."

Children look at the clouds, share their impressions and take photographs of their “animals”.

Educator: I suggest drawing your animal (drawing with foam rubber - “dipping” technique). Children draw.

After this, a vernissage of children's works is held.

and is carried out plot-role-playing game “Exhibition - Zoo”, where every child strives to become a tour guide and tell about their cloud.

I suggest looking at photographs of some of the “animals”.

This is a hare.


Little dragon (turned his head onto his back).


The bear looks out from behind a log.

On top is a capercaillie, and below it is a dinosaur.

On our evening walk we continued the theme of clouds - we made them from plastic bags

and played games with them: “Don’t drop it”, “I will lead the cloud through the rainbow-arc”, Game – relay race “Collect the cloud”.

Tasks. Teach children to draw clouds that are similar in shape to familiar objects and animals. Continue mastering the cutting appliqué technique. Develop imagination, attention and observation, sense of humor, coordination of eye and hand movements. Cultivate interest in understanding nature and displaying impressions in visual arts.

Preliminary work. Observing clouds during walks and excursions. Didactic game “What clouds look like.” Examination of reproductions of paintings by I.K. Aivazovsky, F.A. Vasiliev, as well as photographs, art postcards, calendars, magazine illustrations depicting clouds.

Materials, tools, equipment. Sheets of blue or dark blue paper for the background, sheets of white typewritten paper and paper napkins for depicting clouds, glue, glue brushes, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, cloth napkins.

It's a fine day.
There are clouds in the blue sky.
Who do they look like?
On a camel.
On a bull.
Bull and camel?
Where are they running?
From how far away -
The clouds won't tell.

The teacher recalls with the children how they watched the clouds on walks, looked at their images in photographs and paintings by artists. Emphasizes that clouds have different shapes, so people like to compare them with different objects, animals or fairy-tale creatures. The teacher focuses on the fact that if different people look at the same cloud, they will see it differently: one person will see a camel, the second will see mountains, the third will see a forest, and someone will think that this cloud looks like a carriage , in which Cinderella went to the ball.

The teacher takes a sheet of white paper and quickly tears it into the shape of a cloud. Then he crumples it slightly, straightens it and shows it to the children again. Asks you to guess who this cloud resembles. After several answers, the children turn the cloud 180° (90°) and again ask them to guess who it is.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the art materials prepared on the tables and suggests creating beautiful pictures with “live” clouds, i.e., looking like someone or something: make a cloud out of white paper (with your fingers, without scissors) and glue it to a sheet blue paper - sky. He advises working on the expressiveness of the form - additionally modifying the silhouette so that ears, paws, wings appear (tear off, tear, crumple, pluck, etc.). He asks how else can one show that this cloud is alive. Children realize that they can draw eyes, nose, mouth and other facial features on the cloud. Advises children to compare “living clouds” created from different types of paper (thicker offset and soft napkins).

Children begin to make appliqué using the cutting technique. The teacher helps you decide on your plans and quietly (in your ear) asks who (or what) the cloud resembles. It suggests that a “living” cloud can be either whole or made up of pieces. At the end of the lesson, children tell each other about their clouds, give them names, and make verbal portraits.

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