Presentation "computer - good and evil" presentation for a lesson on the topic. parent meeting computer good or evil computer evil or good essay

MKOU "Lahdenpokh Secondary School"

Project on:

"Computer: good or evil?"

Project prepared

3G class student Kirill Shumilov

Project Manager

primary school teacher

Stepanenko Valentina Ivanovna

Mom project consultant

Dotsenko Irina Sergeevna

Project defense on the topic “Computer: good or evil?

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My name is Kirill Shumilov. I am a 3rd grade student.

The head of my project is Stepanenko Valentina Ivanovna.

Project consultant mother Irina Sergeevna.

I present to your attention a project on the topic: "Computer: good or evil?"

I have a computer. When I sit at the computer for a long time, my mother says that the computer has a bad effect on health. I was interested in how the computer affects the human body.

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Purpose of my research:

Find out the positive and negative aspects of the influence of the computer on human health.

I have two guesses:

perhaps a computer is good, as it helps in learning, develops children.

perhaps the computer is bad, because it harms the health of children.

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In order to uncover the goal, I set myself the following tasks:

find out what benefits and what harm is a computer;

learn how to properly organize the workplace at the computer;

What are the safety rules to follow.

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In order to test my assumptions, I drew up a research plan.

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To answer the questions posed:

My mother and I took advantage of the Internet, found the necessary information and analyzed it.

Together with the teacher, they compiled a questionnaire.

Conducted a survey.

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The results of the study showed that almost all children have a computer at home, that they learn to use different programs, and that computers help many children both in their studies and in friendship. Many parents control the time of their children at the computer.

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But Few think about the dangers and benefits of the computer. On this slide you can see how parents and children answered the main question of the questionnaire “What does the computer bring: benefit or harm”. Most parents answered that the computer is harmful.

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For the students in my class, I taught a class hour.

I present to your attention a few slides about the positive and negative impact of the computer on human health.

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On the one hand, the computer is a good assistant, it gives us a lot of information, helps to develop memory, thinking, attention, and maintains interest in learning.

10 slide. Gives the opportunity to participate in remote contests.

11 slide. Thanks to the computer and the Internet, Masha Vashchenkova's achievements have been placed on the International Board of Honor.

12 slide. Several of our photographs are placed in the album "Our Children".

13 slide. This year, Valentina Ivanovna created a personal website, where there is material about us and for us.

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On the other hand, mental capacity decreases. A person who sits at a computer develops only those parts of the brain that are responsible for vision and movement. The frontal lobe does not develop.

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On the one hand, during the game, the motor coordination of the child and the small muscles of the hand develop.

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On the other hand , there is pain in the hands, especially in the right hand, caused by long work at the computer. This is carpal tunnel syndrome.

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On the one hand, the computer develops creative abilities, opens up a huge, interesting world.

18 slide. Smirnova Olga and Platonov Edik participated in the International Festival of Children's Creativity "Stars of the New Century". Awarded with diplomas.

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On the other hand, games hinder the development of children's creativity, because they place them in an imaginary world.

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If you are at the computer for a long time, there is a possibility of developing a curvature of the spine.

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Sleep is disturbed, appetite worsens, irritability appears.

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Vision deteriorates. There is a disease of the lungs, heart.

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When working with a computer, you must follow a number of recommendations.

If all these conditions are met, the computer will turn into a friend and faithful assistant.

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An important point in maintaining the health of students is:

Physical education and sports;

Limiting the amount of time children interact with computers.

The main thing is live communication.

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The results of my research showed that my assumptions were confirmed.

The influence of the computer on children is ambiguous.

The computer, like everything that surrounds us, can be both useful and harmful.

I think that my work will be useful both for me and for the guys who sit at the computer for a long time.

I was fascinated by the work on the project, and I want to devote the next project to the topic “Computer games: pros and cons”.

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Thanks for attention!

Enable "Electronic Song"(click on speaker image)

27 slide. Literature.

There will be a file: /data/edu/files/q1453556755.ppt (Project on the topic: "Computer: good or evil?")

    The fabric of our life is woven from tangled threads, good and evil side by side in it.

    Honore de Balzac.

Technological progress does not stand still. Various types of computers are today's reality, not fiction.

The computer world is very interesting for me personally. I set myself the goal - to consider the positive and negative aspects of the influence of the computer on children.

Object of study: the impact of the computer on children.

Subject of study: the relationship between the level of computer literacy, the outlook and the state of health of students, to determine what is more good or bad.


  1. Compile questionnaires and conduct surveys, draw conclusions.
  2. To study the opinion of doctors, psychologists.
  3. Develop recommendations and familiarize students.

Research hypothesis:

  1. The computer increases the educational opportunities of children.
  2. Students and their parents have an incomplete understanding of the time limits for classes with computer equipment.
  3. Parents are unnecessarily afraid of the harmful effects of the computer.

This study will contribute to the implementation of tasks related to the preservation and promotion of children's health, has social significance and practical value for solving the problem of the relationship between children and computers.

Research methods: questioning, observation and questioning, studying the literature on the topic; processing and analysis of the received data; description of the results of analysis and observations.

Chapter 1. The positive impact of the computer on children.

In life, good and evil are intertwined. How to determine what is more? And so I imagined that I had a magic scale. I will put everything good, necessary and useful on one bowl, and harmful, evil, dangerous on the other. The outweighed bowl will answer the main question of my research work: "Computer: good or evil?".

To begin with, I decided to find out the opinion of my peers on this issue and their parents.

The predominant activity of children with a computer is a game. Despite this, both parents and children noted such types of positive influence of the computer on children as:

  1. Helps in studies.
  2. Develops logic, thinking, ingenuity, coordination, independence, creativity.

The opinion of parents about the positive impact of the computer on children is confirmed by the opinion of scientists.


  1. A person deprived of the opportunity to play in childhood remains inferior throughout his life.
  2. Computer games develop in a child: memory. speed of reaction, hand motility.
  3. Computer games teach the child to classify and generalize.

A child who has been oriented in the computer since childhood feels confident, because the world of computer technology is open to him.

Chapter 2. The negative impact of the computer on children.

To confirm the hypothesis that the computer allows you to expand your horizons, the quiz "Planet Multi - Pulti" was held. The percentage of correct answers was only 20.5%. The number of incorrect answers (or their absence) - 79.5%. I realized that my peers read little. And the knowledge obtained from the Internet does not expand the horizons of my peers.

As a negative influence, both children and parents noted:

  1. Harmful to physical health.
  2. It has a negative effect on the psyche.
  3. Distracts from studying, reading books.

These aspects were confirmed in the monitoring of school medical examinations, scientific articles.

Scientists and doctors note: hypodynamia, overwork, nervousness, aggression, problems in communication.

Characteristic in my study was the fact that almost all children and parents are not familiar with the temporary norms of working at a computer and the optimal location of computer equipment. Therefore, I have developed recommendations for working with a computer and a set of exercises for the eyes.


So what is a computer? Good or evil?

It should be noted that the students agree with the statement that the computer is good. Most parents of first-graders also believe that the positive impact of the computer on children prevails.

These studies have shown that thanks to the computer, new opportunities for the development of children have appeared. Who the computer will be in the lives of children, a good helper or a monster that destroys life and health, depends on both children and parents. In families where the rule of the golden mean is observed, the above problems do not arise.


    My favorite computer: a collection of articles / ed. I.V. Mashenko. - M.: Ogilvie, 2008.

    Computer and health: rules for working on a computer: www.comp -

In everyday life, people constantly have to face and fight evil. Judge for yourself: Coffee is evil, salt (and sugar too) is evil, smoking (including passive) is evil, alcohol (and even beer) is evil, drugs (no options) are super evil. And even money people consider evil. What can we say about the Internet in general and computers in particular!

Since the computer ceased to be an attribute of wealth and prestige, and settled in the families of ordinary Russian citizens, disputes about its benefits and harms have not subsided. Every now and then TV shows slip on TV, in which respectable uncles (less often, aunts) from various ministries and departments prove their point of view. Thus, medical theorists from the Ministry of Health tirelessly repeat that computer is very harmful to people, and for the fragile psyche of the child - doubly. To which officials from education tactfully nod their heads, as if agreeing with their opponents, they say, “yes, it’s harmful,” but stubbornly continue to push the argument that computer - the engine of progress.

Glossy and not so magazines, and even just newspapers, also consider it their duty to periodically post articles by authors who are in opposite camps. Well, there is nothing to say about the Internet space! A great many notes, articles and even articles can be found on the World Wide Web. This topic is interesting and frequenters of social networks. The forums regularly create topics where visitors are asked to leave their answer and argue it.

Characteristically, it seems that the answers to the question “ What is a computer: good or evil?"A little, and specifically, only two, but many people, according to the original Russian tradition, manage to get away from a direct answer. Instead, they give answers such as “yes no…”, “no yes…” or go “breaking bad”, answering something like: “ From the point of view of the concept of banal erudition, a computer is a personified modification of technogenic irrationalism, a reflective existence, equidistantly prolonged from a quasi-quadromodular prototype...».

Some put it more simply: It is of course, it is understandable, it is not something like, and not something like something, but what is relative is real, and if this happens in the world, then please ...».

Often there were answers such as: this is both" or " neither one nor the other". Or: " good evil" (as an option: " evil good"). Sometimes the answers “clung” with their deep philosophical meaning: “ Good for the smart, evil for the weak, danger for the stupid" or " The truth is somewhere in the middle...».

I really liked the answer of a person considering a computer from the standpoint of Darwinism: “ The evolution of the computer went in parallel with the evolution of people, which endowed him with their way of thinking and instincts, delegating to him, a full member of society, the authority to play, depending on the mood and network fluctuations, either a demonic or angelic role in a person's life!».

But still, the vast majority of members of the forum answer and explain their choice of answer quite logically. So, those who answered computer is evil justify your answer with the reasons given below.

Top seven most popular responses (author's comments in brackets):

1. From computer vision is badly damaged(rather, it happens from eye strain, staring at the monitor for hours);
2. He emits electromagnetic waves harmful to humans(and scientists have proven that no more than any other electrical appliance);
3. The computer is the root cause of scoliosis and physical inactivity(true, but not he himself, but unreasonable (from morning to night) use of him;
4. He bad effect on the psyche of people, many get into gaming addiction, especially children (yes, this problem really exists, it is quite difficult to deal with it);
5. It disaccustoms a person to think and feel (even essays on a free topic, such as “How I spent the summer,” we habitually google on the computer);
6. The computer is the biggest chronophage (I translate: time eater);
7. Many people use it to watch porn sites (well, this is already a complaint about the Internet, the computer does not produce them).

Evil people also called the computer " zombie"(??? it seems like that's what the TV is called ...), the killer of electricity, the destroyer of the brain and other hard-hitting words.

The good ones said The computer is the greatest blessing for people. That is good. Their point of view they motivated approximately such positions.

The seven most common answers:

1. The computer helps you learn: it contains term papers, essays, ready-made control ones (apparently, this is how schoolchildren and students answered);
2. In it you can find the answers to absolutely all your questions and any information (yeah, and even the notorious porn sites);
3. The speed of many processes with its help has reached unprecedented heights: an email from one end of the globe reaches the other end of the earth in seconds, you can pay for goods and services without leaving your home, read any books without going to the library, watch any movies without visiting cinemas, and download any music without buying CDs (well, yes, everyone knows that it was laziness that gave rise to many great inventions);
4. Computer helps to earn money(from the point of view of those who spend the whole working day for him 5 days a week and receive a salary for this);
5. With its help, you can earn extra money (I think we are talking about earning more than a monthly salary. However, losing money using a computer is easier than easy);
6. Through a computer, you can find like-minded people and interlocutors(getting used to spending hours on social networks, talking with virtual interlocutors and not finding the time and desire to communicate with anyone in real life);
7. On it can play(and this is probably the answer of children of preschool or primary school age).

It should be noted here that the majority of people positively disposed towards the computer indirectly transferred the good qualities of the Internet to the computer, which is, in fact, only a link between a person and the World Wide Web.

A computer, if you think globally, is just a tool, and a tool in itself cannot be either good or evil. It all depends on whose hands it is in. For example, a knife: in the hands of a good housewife, it is good, because it helps her cook, but in the hands of a psycho - evil. Or an ax: in the hands of Raskolnikov, he is a murder weapon, and in the hands of a skilled carpenter, a new hut. Or again: a thick book is a storehouse of knowledge, but you can lose consciousness from a blow to the head with it. The computer as a tool gives us many opportunities, using them correctly, we can get good, goodness at the end. However, along with great capabilities, the computer gives rise to no less global problems if it is used ineptly, i.e. evil for man.

Whether we like it or not, today it is impossible to imagine life without a computer. This is the same reality independent of us, like, say, television, or a car. They were born by progress, which, as you know, does not stand still, but what this achievement of civilization will turn out for people, negative or positive, depends entirely on people! We must never forget: everything needs its own measure, including the use of a computer. By following it, you can achieve an excellent compromise from the computer: i.e. get the desired amount of GOOD, without falling down to that critical level, beyond which EVIL inevitably begins. Think, weigh and decide that you want to receive from the computer: evil or still good.

Since the personal computer has become one of the attributes of modern life, disputes have not ceased, whether it brings benefit or harm. Doctors, teachers and parents are especially worried about children and adolescents, because they are sometimes so addicted to the computer that they forget everything in the world. But adults can also fall into a computer addiction, which is not easy to get rid of.
So, is the computer harmful? Yes, it is obvious that this is a fact, since even deaths in Internet clubs from a computer “overdose” have been recorded, when people forgot about sleep, food, and even just rest, and played or chatted online without interruption.
Of course, death is an extreme case, quite rare. But the shattered nervous system, visual impairment, posture and other diseases associated with a stationary lifestyle at the computer, this is a fairly common reality among today's youth. So parents, teachers and doctors are right in recommending limiting the time spent at the computer. If you have any difficulties with the computer, contact the computer master in Elektrostal for help, he will help you master the computer.
Some people go to the other extreme, believing that the computer is only harmful. They do not want to master the computer themselves and forbid their children, hoping to keep them healthy. But they do not understand the realities of modern society. In our time, not being able to use a computer is a serious shortcoming that can interfere with successful employment in the future. Yes, and at school in computer science lessons you will have to master it, otherwise deuces are guaranteed.
Being "on a short footing" with a computer is useful in order to quickly find the necessary information on the Internet if necessary. After all, in this way you can solve almost any life problem, including health. Indeed, in some areas, access to specialists who can provide medical assistance is very difficult. Of course, it is impossible to operate using a computer, but you can find information about first aid methods, symptoms of the disease or folk remedies for treatment.
A computer can help you study. There are excellent programs for testing in various subjects. If parents use them, they will be able to pull up the child without the help of teachers and tutors. There are even programs for little ones that teach them to read and write. Of course, you need to monitor the time the preschooler spends at the computer. It should not exceed twenty minutes, so that overwork does not occur, the harm factor does not come into play.
Older students, as already mentioned, a computer is simply necessary for mastering computer science, they learn to program on it. And the Internet will help you write an essay on almost any school topic. By the way, you can set up the Internet and Wi-Fi router in Elektrostal in our computer service. E-mail, social networks allow you to keep in touch with classmates and quickly learn the news, and in case of illness, homework. So, depriving a child of a computer, you will make him unhappy, not like everyone else. He will be deeply worried, he will develop his own inferiority complexes, since classmates will not communicate with him. And this is much worse than harm from a computer.
Many adults, retiring, are saved with the help of social networks from age crises. You should not think that something is wrong with them. On the contrary, communication is the natural state of a normal person. And pensioners have less real communication, because they do not go to work. So encourage retirees to master the computer. They will become much more fun and stop clinging to the youth with nonsense, because it usually comes from boredom.
You should only be worried if your loved one spends too much time at the computer. Reality should not fade into the background. And, of course, it is necessary to warn both the pensioner and the child that you should not post too much personal information about yourself on the Internet. This sometimes causes problems in real life.

Modern children are able to easily master the skills of working with various electronic computer innovations. But the main thing is that our children do not become dependent on the “computer friend”, but appreciate lively, emotional human communication and strive for it. So what is a computer for a child: good or evil?



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Presentation "Advice to parents" Computer - good or evil?

Modern children are able to easily master the skills of working with various electronic computer innovations. But the main thing is that our children do not become dependent on the “computer friend”, but appreciate lively, emotional human communication and strive for it. So what is a computer for a child: good or evil?

According to statistics, 90% of adults whose work is connected with a computer complain at the end of the working day of general body fatigue, and of various pains in particular. Such pains are most often referred to as pain in the eyes, since the eyes suffer the most while working on a computer. The next common pain is back pain, this is due to an incorrect working posture. Also, neck pain can be attributed here. Now imagine how tired the child's body is while working with a computer. In a child under the age of 18, the vision has not fully developed, and since the eyes are most affected when working with a computer, there is a serious threat to the child's vision. The next very serious danger is psychological. Modern children spend a lot of time playing computer games, these games are basically “shooters”, “killers”, “catchers”.

"Evil" of the computer: It negatively affects the physical development of children. It provokes the manifestation of children's aggression, cruelty. Increases the state of anxiety, nervousness and fear. Reduces the physical activity of children. "Good" computer: Causes a positive interest in technology. Develops creativity and imagination. Allows you to develop the horizons of the child. Eliminates fear of new technology. Allows you to gain new knowledge.

Nobody canceled the rule of the Golden Mean. The computer can become an effective tool for the development of the child. But at the same time, it is very important what is inside your computer, what computer games our children play. Educational games use the correct answers available to preschoolers. It is undesirable to use a scoring system. It is better if the program has a logical conclusion: a house is built, a drawing is completed. Specialists have developed requirements for a computer game for preschool children. Here they are: The game should not contain textual information about the course and rules of the game. This function is performed by special symbols or sound signals. Images on the screen should be large without small distracting details.

But it is important not only to choose the right game. It is also necessary to correctly organize the child's gaming activity with a computer. A child can work at a computer for no more than 15 minutes a day. It is better to play computer games in the morning. During the week, the child can work with the computer no more than three times. The room in which he works at the computer should be well lit. Furniture (table and chair) should be sized according to the height of the child. The distance from the child's eyes to the monitor should not exceed 60 cm. During the child's games on the computer, it is necessary to monitor the child's correct posture. After playing with the computer, you need to do exercises for the eyes. Gaming activities with a computer should be replaced with physical exercises or games.

How to distract the child from the computer. Tip #1: Communicate with your child. Share your problems with your child, let him feel himself on an equal footing with you, feel that you need his support, you need it. It will be nice if you hold regular family councils, during which family problems and conflicts will be dealt with. Tip #2: Be an example for your child. Indeed, it is a personal example that can give you an answer to the question of how to distract a child from a computer. Feel free to sign up with him in a section or a circle, go out into the yard to make a snowman or a fortress, and spend the weekend on an exciting hike, and not in front of the “TV” with a bottle of beer and a remote control in your hands. If you always say that you are tired at work and you do not have the strength for anything big, you are many times more likely to lose your baby in the wilds of the computer world.

Presentation by Syunikayeva N.V. educator MADOU "DSKV No. 8", Sosnovoborsk, 2013

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