What you need to know when choosing car acoustics. Choosing the best computer speakers What are the speakers called

coaxial heads. This is an all-in-one solution, the design is based on a large woofer-midrange speaker (responsible for reproducing the largest frequency range), above the diffuser of which, with the help of a bracket or stand, which is a continuation of the magnet core, a tweeter head (“tweeter”) is installed. This design allows you to save space, greatly simplifies the installation of acoustics (since you need to install only two speakers), but it does not always allow you to achieve high sound quality.

Component acoustics. This is a professional solution, and therefore more complex and expensive. In this case, several speakers are used, usually a set of woofer-midrange speakers and “tweeters” separate from them. Also, a set of component acoustics often provides passive (less often active) filters, or crossovers - devices that separate the audio signal into low-midrange and high-frequency components, which are reproduced by separate heads. Component acoustics allows you to achieve the highest quality sound, but it is expensive, and the installation of such an audio system is much more difficult than installing coaxial heads.

Classification of acoustic systems

All dynamic heads can also be classified according to various criteria.

By size

Today, the most widely used speakers are three main sizes (calibers):

  • 4 inches (10 cm);
  • 5.25 inches (13 cm);
  • 6.5-7 inches (16.5-17 cm).

Speakers of other calibers have some distribution, in particular, heads with a diameter of 8 inches or more are used in subwoofers, and all tweeters in component acoustics have a caliber of 1-2 inches.

By shape

There are two main forms of dynamics:

  • round;
  • Elliptical.

Round heads are traditionally used in component speakers, and elliptical designs are most often (but not always) found in coaxial speakers. Elliptical loudspeakers are great for installation in trunk shelves, using their area with maximum efficiency.

According to diffuser material

Diffusers for automotive heads (and not only automotive ones) are made from six basic types of materials:

  • Paper or pressed cardboard- a classic version that still remains relevant due to the unsurpassed ability of paper to reproduce sound of maximum quality and reliability. Now paper diffusers have a variety of impregnation, which improves their quality and resistance to negative environmental influences (primarily humidity);
  • fiberglass- a modern version, relatively inexpensive and providing acceptable sound characteristics, a definite plus - excellent appearance;
  • Kevlar- material of the same level as fiberglass, but has a much higher strength and cost;
  • Polypropylene- an inexpensive, simple and high-quality solution, a diffuser made of this plastic is light and durable. In addition, it has excellent decorative qualities. Polypropylene has become very widespread today, especially in inexpensive heads;
  • Silk- it is used exclusively in dome tweeters ("tweeters"), to achieve the necessary rigidity, silk is impregnated with various compositions;
  • Aluminum- this material, compared to others, is used quite rarely and has an above average price. A metal diffuser allows you to achieve maximum playback quality, since it introduces a minimum of distortion, but it has a number of drawbacks that, with an illiterate approach to building a car speaker, can have the most negative impact on sound quality.

As already mentioned, today the most common are speakers with paper and polypropylene cones, diffusers made of fiberglass and aluminum are widely used. Heads with a Kevlar cone are rather exotic, which makes it possible to build a car audio system with excellent performance, but at a significant cost.

Type of diffuser suspension

Today, the diffuser is attached to the diffuser holder using natural rubber hangers, various rubberized fabrics, polyurethane foam, etc. The shape of the suspensions can be semi-toroidal (that is, it looks like a rubber torus cut lengthwise into two halves), “S”-shaped and more complex shapes.

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As practice shows, in most cases, regular speaker systems do not provide high-quality sound reproduction. At least that's what many music lovers think. That is why most motorists resort to speakers in order to achieve better sound quality. How and what types of devices are - we will talk about this below.

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What are car audio systems?

If you want the car radio to provide high-quality reproduction of both low and high frequencies, while the sound itself would be clear, you must first pay attention to the speakers. To begin with, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the types of devices.


Acoustic car systems can be divided into several types:

  1. Broadband. In this case, the reproduction of the entire available frequency range will be carried out by one speaker. This option is more relevant for motorists who prefer to listen to the radio or turn on loud music for a short time. As practice shows, broadband systems are installed on almost all cars regularly.
  2. Coaxial. This option is more relevant for motorists who want to achieve better sound reproduction with "fat" bass. In this case, a set of speakers involves the installation of several devices along one axis. Since each audio system allows you to output low, medium and high frequencies, in coaxial acoustics a separate head will be responsible for each range. In cheaper versions, speakers are equipped with built-in crossovers, in more expensive ones, with external ones.
  3. Component speakers. In such systems, the audio series is divided by frequency. The cost of such speakers is higher, however, with proper installation, they will allow you to achieve the highest quality and surround sound with powerful bass. This option is more relevant for music lovers who cannot ride without high-quality music (the author of the video is the Radioblogful channel. Solderer's video blog).


As for standard sizes, columns for cars are also divided among themselves and according to dimensions. Whether round or oval speakers, the sound quality is in no way affected by the shape of the speakers. When buying, the dimensions must be taken into account in accordance with the dimensions of the seats provided in the car for acoustics.

As a rule, the diameter of standard seats in the front doors can be 10, 13 or 16 cm. As for the rear doors or shelves, as a rule, oval products with dimensions of 15x23 cm or 6x9 inches are mounted in them. Before buying acoustics, be sure to measure the dimensions of the seats for the speakers.

How to choose speakers for a particular car?

As for the choice itself, when buying, you should be guided by the following criteria:

  1. Price range. In accordance with the financial possibilities, you will form a certain assortment.
  2. System type. As mentioned above, acoustics can refer to one of three types. Decide on the type and you can narrow down the range of devices.
  3. Manufacturer. Currently, the automotive electronics market offers customers a fairly large range of speaker systems from different manufacturers. It must be understood that not always a high price will mean the same quality of speakers, but as a rule, cheap speakers still work worse than expensive ones. The most popular brands preferred by our compatriots are Pioneer, Kenwood, Infinity, Focal, Alpine, etc.
  4. The next parameter is the choice of suspension. According to many experts in the field of car audio, it is better to give preference to rubber suspensions, rather than cloth ones. Rubber suspensions will prevent vibrations if the acoustics are turned on at full power.
  5. The presence of tweeters. This criterion is relevant if you want to equip serious acoustics in your car. According to many experts, it is desirable that the tweeters were silk.
  6. Standard sizes. As mentioned above, before buying, you should measure the dimensions of the seats and choose devices accordingly.
  7. In addition, other features of the radio installed in the car should be taken into account. Cheap Chinese radios, as a rule, cannot produce high-quality sound due to the fact that they have a low-quality amplifier installed. More expensive options usually work with all types of speakers. In any case, when buying, you should take into account the features.
  8. An equally important parameter is the power of the devices, it can be peak and nominal. You should not pay attention to peak power, consider only the nominal one, it is this parameter that will ensure high-quality sound. Peak power is the value that acoustics can withstand for a short period of time, after which the product may overheat and, accordingly, fail. In the event that the purchased speakers will have high power, they will have to be used through a subwoofer. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in order to prevent the failure of acoustics, one rule should be taken into account - the peak power value in any case must be greater than the maximum power of the subwoofer.
  9. Another criterion is sensitivity, this parameter is measured in decibels. The higher this value is, the better sound quality products will be able to produce without connecting a subwoofer. If you plan to use an additional amplifier, then its installation will be relevant when the sensitivity of the devices is 90 decibels or less.
  10. resonant frequency. This parameter determines the quality of the bass depth. The lower the resonant frequency value, the better and more powerful the bass will be.
  11. Make sure that the instructions are included with the devices - as a rule, it indicates all the necessary requirements for radio tape recorders and standards that should be taken into account when installing a particular model.
  12. Presence of an opening for installation of products. It happens that having bought products, the car owner is faced with an installation problem due to the holes located in the columns. If you do not want to additionally drill holes for mounting speakers, acoustics should be selected in accordance with this factor.

Photo gallery "Speakers for cars from different manufacturers"

Proper speaker placement to create a surround sound stage

Now let's move on to the issue of arranging the speaker system in the car. If we compare the acoustic system with a home one, then in this case the principle of the arrangement of its elements will be different. In home systems, the speakers need to be installed above the listener, in the case of car acoustics, everything is different. If we are talking about coaxial speakers, then you just need to install new speakers instead of the standard ones. They must be securely fixed in order to prevent the occurrence of vibrations during operation, which, in turn, will affect the quality of the reproduced sound.

Component speaker wiring diagram

As for coaxial systems, for the correct arrangement of such acoustics, one should rely on several points:

  1. Products should be mounted as close as possible to the front of the cabin. That is, such an option as installing products in the back of the door, which is closer to the center of the car, is not suitable. Of course, when installing such a place, the sound will not be spoiled, but it will not be possible to achieve really high-quality sound. It is best to install the devices at the front of the door, which is closer to the center console. Many car owners install products directly in the dashboard, but for this it will have to be redone, as well as close the holes in the door cards.
  2. In the event that you have purchased products of different frequencies that will relate to a specific channel, then the best option would be to install them as close to each other as possible. This will achieve a consistent, as well as solid sound.
  3. As for the orientation of products, this issue is not fundamental. Some speakers can be directed towards the driver's seat, others towards the windshield, this will reflect the sound waves. But in this case, you will have to act by an experimental method, since a lot depends not only on the columns, but also on other factors.

Issue price

The cost of speakers varies from 600 to 30 thousand per set, but you can find more expensive options.

Kolka is an ambiguous word that has several definitions and is used in various fields. In each specific context, the meaning of this word is clear from the general sense. But it is difficult to unequivocally answer what it is without reference to the general text. We will have to list all the definitions that include this concept, and then make explanations for some words, since these definitions have their own characteristics.

Despite the common sound and the same origin, the speakers look different, are used differently. Therefore, to distinguish, it is worth understanding the features of each of them. Moreover, the word is simple, and each definition is clear to the average user in everyday life.

Variety of word concepts

The word "column" is used in many unrelated fields. First of all, it appeared in accounting and reporting documents. A column in a table is a vertical column where data is written from top to bottom. According to this principle, a small section in a newspaper, which is also often vertical, is also called a column.

Other commonly used definitions of the word include:

  1. A geyser is a water heater through which water passes and is supplied to the faucet, heated to a set temperature.
  2. A water column is an outdated concept, before such devices stood on the street and provided water for general use. Now such a "water pump" is rarely found anywhere.
  3. Gas station - a unit that allows you to refuel cars at gas stations.
  4. A music speaker is often a rectangular device that transmits and broadcasts sound from a player, computer or music center. Modern speakers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from very small portable speakers to huge ones designed for halls and stadiums.

Interestingly, with all the variety of meanings of the word, confusion with it rarely occurs. From the general meaning of the sentence, it is clear which column is meant.

Column in journalism

In journalism, the word "column" came from the English language, where column means column. It is a certain genre of the author's statement on any current topic. A feature of such a section in a newspaper or magazine is the periodicity and regularity of the publication. Therefore, the author's column is a text that can be read constantly.

The appearance of columns in newspapers occurred in the middle of the 17th century, when the text on the pages began to be printed in small print and divided for readability. During the same period, the design of newspaper publications was born: the emergence of different fonts, highlighting headlines, and even printing images. But then the column was only a rubric, and at the beginning of the 20th century it became a separate genre of journalism.

Water column

Even in the last century, water columns were common and in general demand, which could be found on many streets of cities and villages. In some small settlements, they have survived to this day. Mostly where there is no central water supply in homes and institutions. In fact, such a column replaced wells with water.

Water columns have several significant drawbacks, so they are becoming less and less.

Column at the gas station

A gas station is similar to a water dispenser in its principle of operation - it pumps liquid from a certain tank, while showing the volume of pumped gasoline. Modern devices at gas stations have an electronic scoreboard, not a mechanical one. This made it possible to display not only the pumped volume on the monitor, but also enter the price of one liter of fuel and automatically calculate the total cost of refueling a car.

Apart from this change, the gas station has not changed much since its inception. Unlike other speakers that are undergoing modernization.


A loudspeaker is a common name for loudspeakers of various sizes and formats. Although, of course, it is impossible to compare the device and purpose of small computer plastic speakers with those used at large venues and concert performances.

Recently, a bluetooth speaker has become widespread - a small wireless device that is actually a speaker for sound reproduction. It can be connected to any phone or tablet by turning on a good sound or music volume. The Bluetooth speaker has one important feature - despite its portable size, this does not affect the quality of the reproduced sound.

The columns are different, and the word itself is widely used in colloquial and printed speech. Understanding and defining the concept will make it possible to understand the topic of communication, understand what the interlocutor means, and not confuse one column with any other.

A portable speaker allows you to listen to music anywhere: in the park, while hiking on Kok-Zhailau, or while doing sports. There are hundreds of such devices on the market, and the more choice, the more chances to make a mistake. Often the choice is made on the basis of appearance or battery life, but we believe that these are not the main criteria. Choosing a speaker is no easier than choosing a speaker system. There are many technical specifications to consider.

No. 1. What is a portable speaker?

"Portable" does not mean "small". It is believed that a portable speaker must be easily placed in a backpack or even in a pocket. But it also happens that the column has decent dimensions with a weight of five or even ten kilograms. Therefore, portability is not primarily about size or weight, but about ease of connection and sound adjustment, as well as the ability to work autonomously without connecting to a network.

No. 2. What are portable speakers?

In a good way, the column can replace a home audio system. Moreover, it has several advantages over bulky counterparts: the wires do not hang out, the speaker can be placed anywhere, and sound control is available from anywhere within the network range. And a stylish column will decorate the interior. And most importantly, you can take it with you on vacation at any time to continue enjoying music. For example, the Sony SRS-XB30 model is made of polycarbonate with a rubberized coating and IPX5 moisture protection.

No. 3. Okay. Is the sound reproduction technology in all speakers the same?

No. From the point of view of technology, columns are divided into three types:

  • Mono speaker. There is only one speaker, sometimes quite loud, but do not expect surround sound.
  • Stereo speaker. Two or more speakers sound much more interesting than one, but only at sufficient volume and the correct position relative to the listener.
  • Systems 2.1. There is also a subwoofer, so high-quality rock is worth listening to on such models, however, they are not very compact.

No. 4. Who needs a portable speaker?

Not everyone can afford a sophisticated speaker system, but the sound of a computer or smartphone is often not enough. A compromise solution is a portable speaker.

The ancestors of modern portable speakers were portable tape recorders with built-in speakers (remember those huge things?). At least thirty years have passed since then, but the purpose of the technology has remained the same: portable acoustics allow the owner and his environment to listen to music where they want, and as loud as their heart desires.

As for sound, modern speakers have also gone far ahead. They are able to reproduce bass, adequately display the acoustic-frequency picture with all the dynamic nuances. Of course, they still have to grow to full sound, but at the current stage, portable speakers are demonstrating tremendous progress.

No. 5. How to choose a column?

The effectiveness of any gadget depends on the conditions in which it will be used. It is illogical to buy a three-kilogram suitcase for bike rides with breeze and music, and with a tiny pocket device there is no point in throwing parties on the beach. It is best to choose the golden mean - a column that will open to the maximum under different conditions. As with full-length loudspeakers, loudness, clarity, and sound detail are important here.

Kilogram speakers are often considered a compromise. In addition, some models, in particular the Sony SRS-XB30, have a party chain, with which you can connect up to 10 speakers in one bundle and increase the sound power tenfold. In addition, Sony has NFC technology- fast wireless connection with a small coverage area between all brand devices. This is the Party Hard mode.

No. 6. Does battery size matter though?

Certainly. You will still carry a portable speaker with you, so its work time should be enough for 4-6 hours. These are average figures for the market, but in conditions of long trips, of course, you need more time for battery life. In the case of the Sony SRS-XB30, it all depends on whether the backlight is working, for example, and what climatic conditions the device is in (ideally, we are talking about 24 hours of uninterrupted operation). Thanks to the large battery capacity, the Sony SRS-XB30 speaker can be effectively used not only for its intended purpose, but also as a power bank for your mobile phone.

No. 7. What else to pay attention to?

Number of speakers and their size. Sometimes this is visible through the grid, sometimes the parameters are honestly indicated by the manufacturer. Acoustics with a single driver will not sound as clear at full volume as a speaker with split ones. A speaker with one channel sounds in mono, a speaker with two channels sounds in stereo. The difference between mono and stereo sound is the spatial sound: mono sound has no volume.

Dimensions. All for the same reason as above, this must be taken into account: too voluminous or heavy acoustics will not be very convenient when traveling. On the other hand, you can proceed from the needs: decide for yourself what is more important to you - power or compactness.

Control. Even if the portable speaker is synchronized via Bluetooth, it is desirable that you can control music and volume from the case. Often the speaker is controlled via Bluetooth - the Sony SRS-XB30 model has a Hands Free function that allows you to answer hands-free calls without interrupting the connection with the speaker and without spoiling the atmosphere at the party.

Power. The output power does not affect the sound quality, but indicates the maximum volume of the speaker. The starting point is 1.5 watts per speaker. Such a column will sound a little louder than a smartphone. A column with average performance has a power of 16-20 watts, and 60 watts is already a monster, similar in sound to basic multimedia acoustics. By the way, pay attention to the presence of a subwoofer in the column - its power is taken into account separately.

No. 8. How to understand if you like the sound of the speaker?

First of all, pay attention to personal feelings. As with headphones, nothing matters if the sound is not to your liking. But if you still want to figure it out, then you should again pay attention to the number of speakers - they provide a frequency range. The wider the frequency range, the better the sound quality. Portable acoustics reproduces upper frequencies in the range of 10,000-55,000 Hz. "Lowers" - in the range of 20-500 Hz: the lower this figure, the richer the sound. There are all sorts of additional features in the columns, depending on the manufacturer. In the case of Sony, this is a function Extra Bass, which enhances the sound of low frequencies.

No. 9. Where and why do you need a column?

The volume of the smartphone will be small in open spaces, and stationary systems need an outlet. A portable speaker is a compromise option: in terms of power, it can be compared with inexpensive home acoustics. It can be connected to a laptop or tablet to watch movies with high-quality, loud sound. It won't take up much space in your suitcase or travel bag. You can connect your smartphone via Bluetooth without getting up from your sun lounger.

In some models, manufacturers expand the functionality to customize the product to the needs of the user. If you are a party lover, then you probably know that not only music is important for a quality atmosphere, but also the right light. So, on the front side of the speaker, Sony implemented a multi-color linear backlight and a strobe, which are most conveniently controlled through the Sony Music Center application.

What is important in such a peripheral device as laptop speakers? The market for offers is enormous, how to be able to choose good speakers, while not overpaying and not disappointed by the terrible sound? Read our brief educational program, which will guide you on how to choose computer speakers.

Agree that the computer is now a kind of combine that implements the functionality of several devices and performs complex tasks for our work, entertainment, education, control and security, communication.

In any case, having one computer with a network connection, you can not buy a radio, or a TV, or a game console, or even books (!), or a telephone, but still be with music, and with videos, and with games, and with books online, as well as communication - thanks to instant messengers.

So for many, a PC or laptop is a multifunctional device that replaces several gadgets. And for modern life, this is probably a convenient format: saving money, once (after all, the total amount for a separate TV, music center, speakers, set-top boxes, book reader, phone will be colossal), two - very ergonomic in a small apartment, or if temporary housing - moved a laptop, and voila, there is no need to transport more equipment.

But even for a laptop that has integrated speakers, not to mention a stationary desktop PC, it's worth buying a speaker system. In other words, computer speakers.

Because the sound from the speakers of a laptop - even the most expensive one - is no-what. The sound of your favorite track, even in mp3 format, also through those weak channels that are installed in laptops due to the compactness of the form, it will be, to put it mildly, distorted. Bass will be lost, mid frequencies will not be reached, in a word, you cannot listen to music through the laptop's speakers. Some sounds from the system or from messengers are one thing. But to listen to music tracks, playing a laptop will, to put it mildly, not be enough. And for even watching videos, speakers are needed - so as not to constantly listen to the sound range of the movie.

Acoustics for a computer can be very cool - from well-known sound brands, capable of producing very accurate and rich sound - everything will already depend on the quality of the sound content itself that the computer will play. But such a product is practically not in demand in the consumer market, and is not needed for media entertainment through a computer. HIFI- columns. Although, of course, if you already have a 7.1 stereo system for your home theater, you can probably connect it to a laptop as well.

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However, the most common queries are simply to find laptop speakers. In principle, this determines the class of acoustics itself, which has its own parameters that indicate the quality of the sound that they will produce.

Types of speakers for a computer

The simplest - 2.0 - that is, the usual 2 pieces of columns. The next level - with a la subwoofer - 2.1. Systems 5.1 or 7.1 - this indicates the number of speakers, with different frequency ranges.And for such systems, it is important that the laptop or PC has a video card of the appropriate power.

The most common PC or laptop speakers are 2.0 or 2.1 systems. They can be wired or wireless - but let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's start in order.

Before choosing, you must understand specific characteristics acoustics - they are fundamental. They will "explain" to you not only the price tag, but also the capabilities of the device - what kind of sound you can expect from them. Even if you buy with the help of a consultant, and not on your own online, knowing about the elementary specifications of the speakers will help you buy exactly what you need, and the power and frequency numbers will not be “white noise” for you.

Notebook speaker specifications

1. Dimensions and materials of the acoustic system

2.Connection method (wired/wireless)


4.Frequency range

5. Sensitivity

6. Number of lanes

7. additional features (volume adjustment method, frequency adjustment


And now in more detail about each of the characteristics.

Speaker sizes matter, because, whatever one may say, the more, the more sound they can give out (the size of the speaker, for example, clearly determines the volume). Miniature speakers are quite suitable for office purposes when there is a space limitation.

The body material also plays a role in the sound, but not as important as, say, for class acoustics. HIFI or HI-END. However, to say that there is no difference what the columns are made of is impossible. Of course, a priori speakers made of wooden materials will sound better than plastic ones, since plastic absorbs sound. And it is desirable that the thickness of the body was not thin and not too thick.

If you carry a laptop all the time, then the speakers, of course, cannot be too large. Miniature, preferably wireless - what you need. Although, of course, you can’t count on any stereo sound with them. As well as the indicators of power and volume.

The connection method can be wired via USB connector, or maybe through a socket and jack 3.5 connector mm. Wireless s e models connect via Bluetooth connection.


The numbers indicating power should not always be taken as an absolute indicator. Therefore, it is desirable to distinguish and clarify exactly what power the manufacturer-seller indicates: nominal, maximum or peak.

The rated one is a clean, noise-free, high-quality sound, and the peak one is how much the system can withstand at its maximum, the maximum power is the “working” state of sound reproduction with possible defects.

A combination of a number of indicators will indicate the real sound of the speakers, although, of course, power is an important parameter.

The power of speakers for a PC or laptop can be 2/3 W - if we are talking about office speakers, then this is quite enough. However, it is more optimal if this figure were more than 3 watts. Recommended for a medium-sized room up to 20 sq.m - from 10W, 5W for each speaker. Ideally - about 20 watts.

Frequency range

The wider it is, the steeper the sound will be. The human ear is able to distinguish between waves at a frequency of 16-20 to 20,000 Hz. So if it says laptop speakers have a range of 19Hz to 15000Hz, those are cool speakers. But on average, the range of PC speakers is between 40-10000Hz.


This characteristic determines just the volume. With equal power indicators of two columns, the one whose sensitivity is higher will be more effective. The sensitivity range is traditionally within 84 - 120 dB. The optimal sensitivity figure is not lower than 87 dB.

Number of lanes

For many who are not familiar with the nuances of stereo sound, this characteristic is not clear.

But it's very simple: stripes = number of speakers. If there is one speaker in the speakers, it means a single-band sound, the speaker “produces” all sounds from one speaker. And if 2-3 speakers are mounted in the speakers, this means that each speaker is assigned the task of reproducing sounds of different frequencies. So, three-way speakers - one speaker for low frequency sounds, the second for medium, and the third for high frequency sounds. And multi-band, of course, give out a richer, richer, surround sound than single-band.

Additional details

Often there are models where the sound control is at the back - alas, this is not the best option. Choose speakers with volume controls on the front or on the side. The wireless remote control is not bad, but as a backup option, and not the only one.

Please note that a number of functions can be transferred to the remote control - switching inputs, timbre. It is good if each frequency range is regulated separately.


Of course, when choosing equipment (and speakers are no exception), you should use the rule - brand profile. That is, those brands that specialize in a particular type of product and have been creating it for a long time are preferable. Therefore, brands such as Logitech, Edifier, Microlab are a very worthy choice.

More budget options, but also with decent characteristics in a number of models, are from the manufacturers Sven, F&D, Gemix, Genius.

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