All to watch "24 techno"! Artificial satellites of the Earth: All about satellites Will techno 24 appear on the hotbird

An Earth satellite is any object that follows a curved path around a planet. The Moon is the original, natural satellite of the Earth, and there are many artificial satellites, usually in close orbit to the Earth. The path a satellite travels is an orbit that sometimes takes the form of a circle.


To understand why satellites move in this way, we must return to our friend Newton. exists between any two objects in the universe. If not for this force, a satellite moving near the planet would continue to move at the same speed and in the same direction - in a straight line. However, this rectilinear inertial path of the satellite is balanced by a strong gravitational attraction directed towards the center of the planet.

Orbits of artificial earth satellites

Sometimes the orbit of an artificial satellite looks like an ellipse, a squashed circle that moves around two points known as foci. The same basic laws of motion apply, except that the planet is in one of the foci. As a result, the net force applied to the satellite is not uniform throughout the orbit, and the satellite's speed is constantly changing. It moves fastest when it is closest to Earth - a point known as perigee - and slowest when it is farthest from Earth - a point known as apogee.

There are many different satellite orbits of the Earth. The ones that get the most attention are the geostationary orbits as they are stationary over a specific point on the Earth.

The orbit chosen for an artificial satellite depends on its application. For example, direct broadcast television uses the geostationary orbit. Many communications satellites also use the geostationary orbit. Other satellite systems, such as satellite phones, may use low earth orbits.

Similarly, satellite systems used for navigation, such as Navstar or Global Positioning (GPS), occupy a relatively low Earth orbit. There are also many other types of satellites. From meteorological satellites to research satellites. Each of them will have its own type of orbit depending on its application.

The actual chosen orbit of an Earth satellite will depend on factors including its function and the area in which it is intended to serve. In some cases, an Earth satellite orbit can be as long as 100 miles (160 km) for a LEO, while others can reach over 22,000 miles (36,000 km) as in the case of a GEO-orbit GEO.

The first artificial earth satellite

The first artificial earth satellite was launched on October 4, 1957 by the Soviet Union and was the first artificial satellite in history.

Sputnik 1 was the first of several satellites launched by the Soviet Union in the Sputnik program, most of which were successful. Sputnik 2 followed the second satellite in orbit, as well as the first one, to carry an animal on board, a bitch named Laika. The first failure was Sputnik 3.

The first earth satellite had an approximate mass of 83 kg, had two radio transmitters (20.007 and 40.002 MHz) and orbited the Earth at a distance of 938 km from its apogee and 214 km at its perigee. Radio signal analysis was used to obtain information about the electron density in the ionosphere. Temperature and pressure were coded for the duration of the radio signals it emitted, indicating that the satellite was not perforated by a meteorite.

The first earth satellite was an aluminum sphere 58 cm in diameter, with four long and thin antennas ranging in length from 2.4 to 2.9 m. The antennas looked like long mustaches. The spacecraft received information about the density of the upper atmosphere and the propagation of radio waves in the ionosphere. Instruments and sources of electrical power were housed in a capsule which also included radio transmitters operating at 20.007 and 40.002 MHz (about 15 and 7.5 m at wavelength), emissions were made in alternative groups of 0.3 s duration. The telemetry grounding included data on the temperature inside and on the surface of the sphere.

Because the sphere was filled with pressurized nitrogen, Sputnik 1 had its first opportunity to detect meteorites, although it did not. The loss of pressure inside, due to penetration to the outer surface, was reflected in the temperature data.

Types of artificial satellites

Artificial satellites come in many shapes, sizes, and roles.

  • weather satellites help meteorologists predict the weather or see what is happening at the moment. A good example is the geostationary operational environmental satellite (GOES). These earth satellites typically contain cameras that can return photographs of the earth's weather, either from fixed geostationary positions or from polar orbits.
  • Communications satellites allow you to transmit telephone and information conversations via satellite. Typical communications satellites include Telstar and Intelsat. The most important feature of a communications satellite is the transponder, a radio receiver that receives a conversation on one frequency and then amplifies it and retransmits it back to Earth on a different frequency. A satellite usually contains hundreds or thousands of transponders. Communication satellites are usually geosynchronous.
  • Broadcast satellites transmit television signals from one point to another (similar to communication satellites).
  • scientific satellites, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, carry out all sorts of scientific missions. They look at everything from sunspots to gamma rays.
  • Navigation satellites help ships and planes navigate. The most famous are the GPS NAVSTAR satellites.
  • Rescue satellites respond to radio interference signals.
  • Earth observation satellites are checking the planet for changes in everything from temperature, forest plantations, to ice cover. The most famous are the Landsat series.
  • Military satellites The Earths are in orbit, but much of the actual position information remains secret. Satellites can include encrypted communications relaying, nuclear monitoring, observation of enemy movements, early warning of missile launches, eavesdropping on ground radio links, radar imaging and photography (essentially using large telescopes that photograph areas of military interest).

Earth from an artificial satellite in real time

Images of the earth from an artificial satellite, broadcast in real time by NASA from the International Space Station. The images are captured by four high-definition cold-sealed cameras, making us feel closer to space than ever before.

The experiment (HDEV) aboard the ISS was activated on April 30, 2014. It is installed on the external cargo mechanism of the Columbus module of the European Space Agency. This experiment involves several high-definition video cameras that are enclosed in a case.

Advice; put the player in HD and full screen. There are times when the screen will be black, this can be for two reasons: the station passes through the orbit zone, where it is at night, the orbit lasts approximately 90 minutes. Or the screen goes dark when the cameras change.

How many satellites are in Earth orbit 2018?

According to the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) Index of Objects Launched into Outer Space, there are currently about 4,256 satellites in Earth orbit, up 4.39% from last year.

221 satellites were launched in 2015, the second highest in a single year, although it is below the record number of 240 launched in 2014. The increase in the number of satellites orbiting the Earth is less than the number launched last year because satellites have a limited lifespan. Large communications satellites are 15 years or more, while small satellites such as the CubeSat can only expect a lifetime of 3-6 months.

How many of these orbiting Earth satellites are operational?

The Union of Scientists (UCS) is clarifying which of these orbiting satellites are working, and it's not as many as you think! There are currently only 1,419 operational Earth satellites—only about one-third of the total number in orbit. This means that there is a lot of useless metal around the planet! That's why there's a lot of interest from companies looking to capture and return space debris using methods like space nets, slingshots or solar sails.

What are all these satellites doing?

According to UCS data, the main targets of operational satellites are:

  • Communications - 713 satellites
  • Earth observation/science - 374 satellites
  • Technology demonstration/development using 160 satellites
  • Navigation & GPS - 105 satellites
  • Space Science - 67 satellites

It should be noted that some satellites have multiple targets.

Who owns the earth's satellites?

It is interesting to note that there are four main types of users in the UCS database, although 17% of the satellites are owned by a few users.

  • 94 satellites registered by civilians: they are usually educational institutions, although there are other national organizations. 46% of these satellites have a goal of developing technologies such as earth and space science. Surveillance account for another 43%.
  • 579 are owned by commercial users: commercial organizations and government organizations that want to sell the data they collect. 84% of these satellites are focused on communications and global positioning services; of the remaining 12% are Earth observation satellites.
  • 401 satellites are owned by government users: mainly national space organizations, but also other national and international bodies. 40% of them are communications and global positioning satellites; another 38% is focused on Earth observation. Of the rest, the development of space science and technology is 12% and 10%, respectively.
  • 345 satellites belong to the military: communications, Earth observation and global positioning systems are again concentrated here, with 89% of the satellites having one of these three purposes.

How many satellites do countries have

According to UNOOSA, about 65 countries have launched satellites, although the UCS database only has 57 countries registered using satellites and some satellites are listed with joint/multinational operators. The biggest:

  • USA with 576 satellites
  • China with 181 satellites
  • Russia with 140 satellites
  • The UK is listed as having 41 satellites, plus participates in an additional 36 satellites held by the European Space Agency.

Remember when you look!
The next time you look at the night sky, remember that between you and the stars there are about two million kilograms of metal surrounding the Earth!

One good satellite news that will delight lovers free Russian satellite television , on the eve of the Bright New Year holidays will open free channels broadcasting on satellite ABS1 75˚ as part of satellite television Raduga TV operator.

New open, free TV channels with Russian satellite operator Raduga TV applied on ABS1 satellite..

From the end of December 2013, several channels will be broadcast in a completely open, free mode from the ABS-1 satellite (RADUGA-TV).

Here you can add that the future transponder news, or rather the broadcast parameters that already exist in the set of television channels in Raduga-TV package: on satellite ABS1 75˚ east longitude, vertical polarization, digital signal format in MPEG2, digital signal FEC 7/8,

carrier frequency: "Mother and Child" - 12670,5;

carrier frequency: "Real Scary TV" - 12548,5;

carrier frequency: "24 Techno" - 12548,5;

carrier frequency: "24 Doc" - 12518.

24_DOC- it is (24 hours), round-the-clock television channel of the world actual documentaries. Created for those who are not at all indifferent to what happens every day in our rapidly developing, progressive, modern society, the most relevant and newest events in Russia, news around the world. Now on the air of the 24_DOC television channel you can always see the best and quality non-documentary films of recent decades have been awarded with various awards and the most relevant, high-profile events both in Russia and around the world, as well as people with their history that changes the world. Every week, the channel shows different events, films, etc., which have never been shown so far to the general public. TV channel 24_DOC documents a whole new story.

TV channel "Mother and Child" this is again a round-the-clock channel, but of course for parents who are interested in children and who are very interested in them. The channel tries to form a modern and positive philosophy for parenthood, it helps parents to better understand and understand their children and of course raise them healthy and happy. A large number of the content of the channel are their own projects, of their own production. The TV channel "Mother and Child" is filled and covers topics, one of which is childbirth and pregnancy, the other is the education of children, their upbringing and health. The TV channel "Mother and Child" is distributed by one of the largest television operators cable and satellite television, such as "Tricolor TV", "Rainbow TV".TV channel "Mother and Child"you can freely watch in Bulgaria without a subscription fee.

ChannelNTS"Real Scary TV"- this one has collected the best films and television series created in the horror genre, as well as fantasy, adventure and mysticism. Immersing the viewer in a sinister and exciting world, showing fascinating films of the TV channel encourage him to escape from your everyday life. Most of the content of the TV channel is feature films, a little less series. A lot of subscribers, more than 9 million audience of the TV channel. Channel NTS "Real Scary Television" you can freely watch in Bulgaria without a subscription fee, broadcast in completely open, free mode from the satellite ABS-1 (RADUGA-TV).

24TECHNO is a science and entertainment, 24/7 television channel that talks about technology, new technologies and incredible new experiments.
You are interested in the most interesting and the most relevant: everything that goes beyond our daily routine, incredible inventions, risky experiments, the development of scientific and design ideas, the most incredible inventions.
Not only the most abstract science fiction, but also enchanting engineering solutions, the most free and paradoxical, can appear before you in a mega-attraction of big ideas and new technologies.
24TECHNO channel invites you to see almost the whole world and practically go beyond your imagination, it selects the most non-standard projects with a huge amount of humor, feeling and style.
24TECHNO- present and future
24TECHNO you can watch the channel freely in Bulgaria without a subscription fee.The TV channel is broadcast in a completely open, free mode from the ABS-1 satellite (RADUGA-TV).

In the very next few days, watch "24 techno" and you will see:

"Modern technologies" (Technology Today). A series about ultra-modern technologies: cameras that monitor DNA, robots that control people, satellites - at the bottom of the ocean ... This is no longer fantasy - this is reality.

Supernatural forces and phenomena (Supernatural Science).

Do you want to visit the most mysterious and mystical places on Earth? Learn the history of the Sphinx, understand where the ships in the Bermuda Triangle disappear, visit Armageddon - the city of the end of the world, where, according to the Bible, the final battle between good and evil will take place ... These and other stories, with comments by competent scientists in the BBC film - "Supernatural Forces and Phenomena" .

Electrical Engineering (Electric Science).
For the first time in Russian! Premiere of films telling about the latest developments and inventions in the field of science and technology.

Follow our news! We still have a lot of unpacked gifts for you!


Content Union group of companies presents "Club 100"

"Club 100" is the production and distribution of thematic channels: "Russian Illusion", "Illusion +", "Children's" and "Zoopark" for broadband cable networks, as well as distribution of channels: "Russian Extreme", "Multimania", "Evrokino ”, “24 Techno”, “Tele 9” and “Inter +”. Filling channels is not only the latest and high-quality content of domestic and foreign production, but also a large number of programs of our own production.

Channel 24 Techno, which is distributed by Club 100, shows popular science programs, many of which have never been shown on Russian television. First of all, the channel talks about the achievements of Russian science and technology, and it's simple and exciting.

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