Forced shutdown. How to forcefully turn off a phone with a non-removable battery. How to understand that the game is frozen

Every computer user has encountered how to close a frozen program. This situation occurs quite often when working on a computer.

While working on a computer, it happens that some program does not respond to user commands. The program does not respond to the mouse or keyboard, a window appears with the inscription “the program is not responding.”

How to close a frozen program? Some users immediately press the “Reset” button, which is located on the front panel of the computer. After this, the Windows operating system restarts.

But this is not recommended. A reboot may negatively affect the operation of the operating system or individual programs running at that moment. After a new launch, errors may appear in the program that was running at the time of sudden shutdown.

If defragmentation was occurring at the time of the reboot, then files that were being processed at that time may be damaged due to the reboot. And if these were some system files, then problems with the operating system may begin.

If problems with the operating system have already begun, then one of the ways out will be until it is operational.

What to do if the program does not respond?

Let's look at the easiest case first. The program is frozen and does not respond to computer user commands. You need to disable the frozen program; to do this, you need to launch the “Task Manager” by simultaneously pressing the “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “Del” keys on the keyboard in the Windows XP operating system.

In the operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, after pressing these keys, in a new window of the operating system, in the open menu, you will need to select the “Start task manager” item at the very bottom, or simultaneously press the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl” + "Shift" + "Esc".

In the Windows operating system, there is a more convenient way to launch the “Task Manager” - right-click on the “Taskbar”, and then select “Run Task Manager” from the context menu (In Windows XP, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 - “Task Manager ").

In the “Task Manager” window that opens, go to the “Applications” tab. Usually, opposite the name of the frozen program, in the “Status” column the inscription “Not responding” will be visible.

Next, select the frozen program, and then click on the “End task” button, or select the “End task” item in the context menu after right-clicking the mouse. In the warning window, agree to complete the process.

After some time, the frozen application will shut down. If this does not happen, go to the “Processes” tab.

Attention! You will need to be careful with this tab. Don't look for a hung process unless you know the name of the process!

In the Applications tab, select the frozen program, and then right-click on it and select Go to Process.

Task Manager will automatically switch you to the Processes tab and highlight the frozen application.

After that, click the “End process” button, or select “End process” in the context menu by right-clicking the mouse.

If the hung program is not displayed in the “Applications” tab, then you need to go to the “Processes” tab yourself, find the process of the frozen program and disable it, if you can find this process correctly. If you don’t know the name of the process, then it’s better not to do anything in this tab!

If these steps do not help, then go to the “Users” tab, click on the “Log out” button, or after right-clicking, select “Log off” from the context menu.

You will have to wait a while until the system completes all processes, and then an operating system window with your account icon will appear on your monitor. Click on this icon, and then log back into the operating system to continue working.

Similar actions can be performed using the Start menu, if you have access to the menu. In the Start menu, hover your mouse over the Shut Down button, and then select Sign Out from the pop-up context menu.

Restarting Explorer

One way to “revive” Windows is to restart Explorer. Windows Explorer is not only a file manager; in the operating system it is responsible, among other things, for displaying the Desktop and the Taskbar.

First, launch the Task Manager using the “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “Esc” keys. Then go to the “Processes” tab, then click on the “Image name” button, and then click on the “E” button (in the Latin keyboard layout).

The "explorer.exe" process will be highlighted. Terminate this process using the “End Process” button or from the context menu.

After this, Explorer will complete its work, and all icons will disappear from the monitor screen. In the Task Manager, go to the “File” menu, and in the context menu select “New task (Run...)”.

In the “Create a new task” window, enter “explorer” in the input field, and then click on the “OK” button.

After this, the operating system should work normally.

Removing a hung process from the command line

Run Command Prompt as Administrator. In the command line interpreter, enter the command: “tasklist” (without quotes), and then press the “Enter” key.

You will see a list of all processes running in the operating system. Next to each application name, its “PID” and the amount of memory consumed are displayed.

Remember the “PID” (numbers) of the frozen application that you need to disable. In the command line interpreter window, enter a new command: “taskkill/pid...” (without quotes). Instead of "..." after PID, insert the value that you remember. Then press the "Enter" key. The hung application will be closed.

other methods

The most difficult case is when some program or game that was deployed to fill the entire monitor screen freezes. In this case, you will not have access to the Desktop, the Task Manager, or the Start menu.

In this case, try exiting the window with the frozen program to the “Desktop” using the keys on the keyboard.

Press the keyboard keys “Alt” + “F4”. This key combination in the Windows operating system is used to close applications.

You can try pressing the “Esc” or “Enter” keys on your keyboard; perhaps, in some cases, you will be able to access the Desktop.

When you press the “Windows” key, you can also sometimes get to the Desktop when the program is frozen.

Try pressing the function keys “F1” - “F12” on your keyboard. In some cases, pressing these keys will open the Desktop. Which specific function key can help depends on the specific computer; it varies from computer to computer.

If the Desktop has opened, then to exit the frozen application, follow the steps described above in this article.

But, there are situations when the computer does not respond to any user actions. The mouse does not work, the computer does not respond to keystrokes on the keyboard. In this case, rebooting the operating system can no longer be avoided. Then you will have to click on the "Reset" button.

Conclusions of the article

If the program freezes. does not respond to user actions, try to shut down the frozen application without rebooting the operating system.

To ensure long-term uninterrupted operation of any computer, be it a home desktop PC or laptop, it is necessary to shut it down correctly. Many novice users neglect this point, not knowing or forgetting that incorrect actions at this stage can lead to the loss of working information. And over time, it threatens to require reinstalling the operating system. Not to mention the hardware failure of your PC. This happens quite rarely, but such a risk cannot be completely eliminated.

The shutdown procedure is very simple and can be done in several ways. Let's look into the details.

Do I need to turn off my computer?

You may think: why doesn’t someone turn it off? Yes, and there may be several reasons:

  • the computer is sent to sleep or hibernation mode rather than turned off;
  • the computer is simply not turned off so as not to waste time turning it on;
  • The computer is not turned off at night so that movies or other files can be downloaded at night.

However, there are plenty of objective reasons for switching off. Below are just a few of them:

  • A working modern computer is a rather “gluttonous” device in terms of energy consumption. Therefore, its aimless operation leads to a significant increase in the monthly electricity bill.
  • The slight noise of the coolers of a working system unit, as well as the burning indicators of the system blog at night can interfere with restful sleep (if the computer is in the bedroom). Therefore, it is better not to download large files (torrents, movies) at night.
  • It is undesirable to leave electrical appliances turned on in a house, apartment or office when no one is there.
  • Long-term continuous operation of the computer reduces the service life of the equipment.
  • All components of the system unit located in it are installed only with the power off. These are RAM modules, sound cards, processor, most hard drives, etc. We understood the detailed structure of the system unit. Therefore, if you need to install an additional module in the system unit, the computer will need to be turned off.

Forced shutdown of the computer

Constantly using the methods described below to turn off the computer is extremely contraindicated for the “health” of the computer. However, many novice users, due to ignorance of the correct ways to handle computer equipment, abuse this method of turning off the computer, and then wonder why their computer does not start.

Unplug the cord from the outlet... Caution!!!

The usual action of pulling the plug of an electrical appliance from the socket is not applicable to a computer. No, of course, you can experiment...

But I can’t vouch for the continued normal functioning of the device!

The fact is that during operation, all the necessary data from operating system programs (you can find out what an operating system is and why it is needed at all) and documents are stored in the computer’s RAM. The hard drive is primarily used for persistent storage, and the correct steps must be taken to write data to it when it is turned off.

A sudden shutdown “from the socket” is an emergency option for stopping the computer, in which system files may be damaged, which will not allow the computer to start the next time.

Imagine that you are thinking about an important task and suddenly fall asleep! About the same effect will happen with a computer.

Similar consequences can occur if the uninterruptible power supply suddenly turns off. If you are not yet “familiar” with this life-saving device, then let’s briefly understand its purpose.

An uninterruptible power supply (aka UPS) can provide continuous power to your computer in the event of a sudden loss of electrical current in the network. Usually, it is not intended for long-term work, but only allows you to correctly save all open documents, close programs and turn off the computer within a few minutes. All working data will not be lost.

By the way, computer literacy tests often include the following question: “When you turn off the computer, all information is erased in...”

Answer: in RAM. Everything is saved on the hard drive.

Forcing the computer to shut down using the power button

You can turn off a frozen computer (which does not respond to keyboard or mouse presses) by pressing the power button (also known as the power button) on the system unit and holding it down. Shutdown will occur after approximately 3-4 seconds of holding the button pressed.

It is also undesirable to abuse this method, since this shutdown option is an emergency and can damage system files and lead to the loss of information important to you.

I use it only when the computer is really hopelessly frozen and does not respond to any actions for 15-20 minutes.

Therefore, I once again draw your attention!

Turning off the computer by unplugging the power cord from the outlet, pressing the button on the extension cord, or uninterruptible power supply (UPS) button without shutting down the operating system correctly will result in the loss of all unsaved data, and over time, the normal operation of the operating system will cease.

Modern operating systems will warn you about open programs before shutting down your computer.

Properly shutting down your computer

Preparation before shutdown

To ensure the safety of open documents and files that you directly worked with, before turning off the computer, you must perform a number of actions:

  • save the results of your work in open programs;
  • remove the disk from the drive, if it is there;
  • close running applications/programs;
  • give a command to turn off the computer using one of the methods that we will discuss below.

How to turn off your computer in Windows 7 via the Start menu.

Click on the button. It's located in the Start menu:

If there are open programs and unsaved documents, after clicking the button, the system will issue a warning asking you to close the programs.

If unsaved documents are not important to you, then you can speed up the shutdown process by clicking on the “Force shutdown” button.

If the documents are important, click the “Cancel” button, save the documents and close the programs and again click on “Shut down” in the “Start” menu

Next, wait until the system unit turns off (the screen will go dark, the system unit will stop buzzing, and the system unit’s power indicator will go out). After which you can turn off the UPS (uninterruptible power supply), if available, or the power strip key.
By the way, to protect your computer, another useful acquisition can be a surge protector (), just don’t confuse it with a simple extension cord!

How to turn off your computer in Windows 8 via the Start menu

To turn off your computer in Windows 8, just click on the start button (usually in the lower left corner of the Desktop). And then click on the computer shutdown icon in the upper right corner of the window.

From the menu that opens, select “Shut down.”

We wait for the system unit to turn off and turn off the power by unplugging it from the outlet or using the surge protector button or on the UPS.

Alternative options

Method 1 - start shutdown by briefly pressing the shutdown button

You can turn off your desktop computer by briefly pressing the power button on the system unit. Further actions in the case of open programs are similar to the steps described above.

If there are none, the computer will turn off automatically.

A short press on the computer's power button will begin the shutdown process (equivalent to selecting the Shutdown option in Windows, as described above).

Method 2 - How to turn off your computer using the keyboard

While on the Desktop, press the key combination “Alt+F4”. A shutdown window appears.

Click the “Ok” button. We wait for the system unit to turn off and turn it off

Turn off the laptop

When turning off the laptop, the methods discussed above are available, but there is an easier way. You simply close its lid. It automatically goes into “sleep” mode, and in case of further prolonged “rest” it will automatically turn off, saving everything stored in RAM to the hard drive. When you turn on the computer again, all data will be restored to the state it was when you closed the laptop lid. This is the default behavior of the laptop, however, it can be changed.

Be careful, your laptop may behave differently when closing the lid!

The behavior of the laptop when the lid is closed can be customized and we will talk about this in a separate article.

Automatic computer shutdown according to schedule (timer)

In your daily interactions with your computer, you may need to turn it off while you are away. For example, the process of copying a CD or defragmenting a hard drive, or processing a video file takes a long time, and you need to go away or just go to bed. How to optimally organize the computer shutdown in this case?

There are several options:

  • Some programs have a designed function to automatically turn off the computer after completing assigned tasks (for example, uTorrent, Download Master);
  • standard Windows tools allow you to configure shutdown automatically by time;
  • There are third-party programs to automatically shut down your computer.

If you are still wondering what computer programs are, read.

As part of our “dialogue”, we will only consider using the standard “Task Scheduler” of the Windows system to organize the daily shutdown of the computer at a certain time of day. This is convenient, for example, for turning off the computer in the evening or at the end of the working day without your participation.

To start working with this program, go to the “Start” menu -> “Accessories” -> “Utilities”, select “Task Scheduler”.

We left-click on it and in the window that appears, select “Create a simple task...”

We call it arbitrarily, but it is clear to us, the planned action. Click the “Next” button...

We define the task trigger, that is, we set the mode of its execution.

Let's specify the time parameters.

In the next window we determine the required action. We are interested in “Running programs”.

We indicate the command to be executed and its additional parameters.

In the next window, after checking the entered data and clicking the “Finish” button, we will create a new task for the system.

Double-clicking with the left mouse button on it will open the task properties for editing.

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Most users turn off the computer in the classic way - through the Start menu or the Windows 8 start screen. But this method of turning off the computer is not always convenient. Sometimes it is much more convenient to turn off the computer or use a shortcut on the desktop. In this article we will talk about how to implement this.

Shutting down the computer through the command line is done using the shutdown command. The shutdown command can accept the following parameters:

  • /s – Shut down the computer;
  • /a – Cancels rebooting or shutting down the computer. This parameter can only be used while waiting for shutdown (delayed shutdown);
  • /h – Go to ;
  • /t xxx – Set a delay of XXX seconds before rebooting or shutting down the computer. Allows ;
  • /c “comment” – A comment indicating the reason for shutting down or restarting the computer;
  • /f – Forces termination of all open programs without warning the user. This parameter is used if the /t parameter specifies a delay greater than 0 seconds;
  • You can find out other parameters that can be used to shut down the computer via the command line by using the shutdown command without any parameters;

So, in order to immediately shut down the computer through the command line or the so-called console, you need to enter the following command:

  • Shutdown /s /t 00

If you want to turn off the computer with a delay, then instead of zeros you need to specify the delay in seconds:

  • Shutdown /s /t 60

If you want to restart the computer, use the /r parameter instead of the /s parameter:

  • Shutdown /r /t 00

To reboot with a delay, use the /t parameter indicating the number of seconds:

  • Shutdown /r /t 60

When you restart or turn off your computer using a delay, a warning window appears on the screen.

If the delay is very long, such as 60 minutes (3600 seconds), a pop-up message appears in the lower right corner of the screen instead of a warning window.

While the delay is in effect, you can stop the computer from shutting down. To do this, enter the command on the command line:

  • Shutdown/a

It should be noted that the Shutdown command can be used not only in the command line, but also in shortcuts. This allows you to create a shortcut to shut down your computer. This shortcut can be left on the desktop or pinned to the Windows 8 start screen.

To do this, open the context menu (right mouse button) and use the “Create shortcut” function.

In the window that opens, command to turn off or restart the computer and click on the “Next” button.

As a result, you will receive a shortcut that, when opened, will shut down your computer.

Find out with this guide how to turn off a phone with a non-removable battery if it freezes or does not respond to any actions with the screen or buttons.

Turn off frozen phone with non-removable battery possible without removal and physical disconnection the battery itself. It is enough to know a certain combination of actions. Different device models have different algorithms.

Don't worry, they are all absolutely working and relevant for 2018-2019.

How to forcefully turn off an Android smartphone with a non-removable battery:

Clamp power button and hold until the device turns off
Clamp power button And volume up key before shutdown
Clamp power button And both volume keys(only for separate buttons!), holding them for 10 seconds before turning off or longer

How to force shutdown iPhone:

Press and hold power button(Sleep/Wake) and volume down key before the screen turns off
If it doesn't work, then try hold this button combination even longer
Old version- pinch Home button, and then power button(Sleep/Wake) until the iPhone turns off completely

If none of the methods help, then use our selection of combinations to force a restart of phones, tablets, players and other mobile devices.

Sometimes hardware keys fail, and when pressed, nothing happens. Even more rarely, a breakdown disables the motherboard with the image freezing until the battery is completely discharged - the device simply does not turn on in the future. Carry out such repairs at a service center.

I have already written about other errors that Windows 7 likes to throw out more than once. Today I want to write about how to disable automatic system reboot when an error occurs.

Windows (not just Windows 7) has it so that during some more or less serious error, the system automatically reboots. Well, this is not bad, especially when such an error is caused by some kind of program. The computer will reboot, the program will close and everything will work, or should work :).

But it's another matter when the computer reboots through the same blue screens, or other serious system errors. It’s just that such errors are usually a permanent phenomenon, or until the cause is removed. So, if some kind of error appears and the computer immediately reboots, then we do not have time to look at the inscription that is on the same blue screen. And if you read what is written there and also rewrite the error code, you can look for a way to eliminate it.

So it’s worth disabling automatic reboot, and now I’ll write how to do it. Moreover, the computer can always be restarted by pressing a special button.

Disable automatic system reboot

Right-click on “Computer” and select “Properties”.

In the new window on the right, select .

A small window will open in which we click on “Options” in the section.

Another window will open in which we uncheck the box. Click “Ok” and close all windows.

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