Map of new Swabia. Why did Hitler organize a secret Antarctic expedition: New Swabia. New Swabia - myth or reality

New Swabia is a section of Antarctica that was claimed by Nazi Germany during the Second World War. The territory is located on Queen Maud Land and is actually the property of Norway, but so far the German society puts forward arguments in favor of the fact that this area should belong to Germany. Rumor has it that adherents of Nazism still live inside the earth, transported to the base during the war.

New Swabia - myth or reality?

There is no exact data as to whether life exists underground in Antarctica, but confirmation constantly emerges that the territory was actively explored by Hitler during the military campaigns. Although aerial photographs show that the area claimed by Germany is covered with a layer of ice and seems completely uninhabited.

For the first time, active talk about the existence of the so-called base 211 began after a German researcher published a book called Swastika in the Ice. In his work, he described in great detail all those studies that were carried out on the orders of Hitler in Antarctica, and also mentioned the results achieved.

Adolf Hitler believed that the structure of the Earth is not at all like what is described in textbooks. He was of the opinion that there are several layers, each of which is inhabited by civilizations, and perhaps some of them are much more advanced than humanity. During the study of the underwater depths, a huge network of caves was discovered, in which, according to Hans-Ulrich von Krantz, an alleged eyewitness, signs of intelligent abodes were found:

  • cave drawings;
  • ennobled steps;
  • obelisks.

Speculation about Hitler's activities

It is believed that the researchers of Nazi Germany discovered caves suitable for life underground with fresh warm lakes, in which one could even swim. In connection with this discovery, a project was prepared to populate a unique territory, according to which a group of scientists with food and the necessary tools went to the underground caves. This was the birth of New Swabia.

Their goal was to study the places and prepare the territory for the life of the "chosen" people. With the same submarines, minerals were supplied to Germany, which were not enough on the territory of the country for the successful conquest of Europe and the USSR. This was another proof that Hitler had a backup source for the extraction of rare metals, because Germany's own reserves, according to experts' calculations, should have ended as early as 1941.

According to Kranz, only in 1941 the population of the underground city was over 10 thousand people. The best scientists of the country were sent there: biologists, doctors, engineers, who were supposed to become a genetic fund for the development of a new state.

Post-war expeditions to Antarctica

There was talk about the existence of base 211 during the war, so immediately after its completion, the American government sent a military expedition, the purpose of which was to study Nazi possessions in Antarctica and destroy New Swabia if it existed. The operation was called "High Jump", but it was not possible to jump high.

The entire crew of military equipment was destroyed by planes under the banner of the Nazi cross. In addition, eyewitnesses claim that among ordinary aircraft, flat ships similar to saucers soared in the air. The very first attempt to discover the mysterious place took place in 1946, the expedition failed, but the desire to get on the trail of refugees from Germany only increased.

The Soviet Union also organized a trip to Antarctica, for which huge funds were allocated. According to the diaries of Arkady Nikolaev, it is known that the whole operation was carried out rapidly and with great risk, which is not typical of the usual study of natural locations. However, it was not possible to provide unique data, or they simply do not tell anyone about them. Government measures to search for the state underground are shrouded in strict secrecy, so the truth is unlikely to reach the mass society.

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And now is the time to remember that many legends and myths are associated with the history of Antarctica, most of which date back to the times of the German Third Reich. Those interested in alternative versions of historical events can easily find a lot of materials on the World Wide Web regarding the strange interest of the leaders of Nazi Germany in this silent ice continent. Some of the versions are very exotic and, at first glance, devoid of common sense, although they contain references to some documents of the special services and memoirs of very old veterans of the German Navy and Air Force. And yet they seem to deserve some attention, even if they are examples of the military mythology of the 20th century.

"The Fuhrer sailed to Antarctica"

On the Internet, you can find links to a certain secret report by Colonel V.Kh. Heimlich, the former chief of American intelligence in Berlin, who believed that "there is no evidence for the theory of the Fuhrer's suicide." Hence, lovers of historical sensations conclude that the Fuhrer managed to avoid a well-deserved retribution. In this opinion, they are strengthened by the publication of the Chilean magazine "Zig-Zag" dated January 16, 1948, from which it follows that on April 30, 1945, Luftwaffe captain Peter Baumgart started on his plane from Germany to Norway, with Hitler on board. In one of the fjords of this northern country, the Fuhrer, accompanied by several persons, allegedly plunged into one of the submarines, a detachment of which headed for Antarctica. Some residents of Easter Island, by the way, recalled the strange nightly visits of rust-covered submarines in the fall of 1945.

It was reported about the creation by the Nazis in Antarctica of a certain "base 211" and even an entire underground city called " New Berlin with a population of almost two million people. The main occupation of the inhabitants of the underworld are genetic engineering and space flights. In support of this hypothesis, journalists refer to repeated sightings of UFOs in the South Pole region. In 1976, Japanese researchers, using the latest radar equipment, allegedly discovered nineteen objects that headed from outer space to Antarctica and suddenly disappeared from the radar screen in the region of the ice continent.

“I look to the future with confidence. The "weapon of retaliation" that I have at my disposal will change the situation in favor of the Third Reich."
Adolf Gitler,
February 24, 1945.

All publications on this topic look like a myth. But at the same time, it is known that even in the prewar years, the Nazis, obsessed with finding traces of ancient civilizations, were interested in Antarctica and during 1938-1939 carried out two expeditions to the continent. The Luftwaffe planes delivered by ships to Antarctica took detailed photographs of vast territories and dropped several thousand metal pennants with a swastika there. The entire surveyed area was named New Swabia and was declared part of the future thousand-year Reich.
After the expedition, Captain Ritscher reported to Field Marshal Goering: “Every 25 kilometers, our planes dropped pennants. We have covered an area of ​​approximately 8,600 thousand square meters. Of these, 350,000 square meters were photographed.” It is also known that in 1943, Admiral Karl Doenitz dropped a mysterious phrase: "The German submarine fleet is proud that on the other side of the world it created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer."
New Swabia

There is some circumstantial evidence in favor of the hypothesis that from 1938 to 1943 the Nazis built several secret settlements in Antarctica in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land. For the transportation of goods, mainly submarines from the Fuhrer's Convoy (35 submarines) were used. According to historians, at the very end of the war in the port of Kiel, torpedo weapons were removed from these submarines and loaded with containers with various cargoes. In Kiel, the submarines received passengers whose faces were hidden by surgical bandages.
German experts believed that, according to the "hollow Earth" theory, it is in Antarctica that there are giant underground cavities - oases with warm air. German submariners who explored Antarctica, if we trust the statements of some Western researchers of the secrets of the Third Reich, allegedly managed to find such underground caves, which they called "paradise". There, in 1940, on the personal instructions of Hitler, the construction of two underground bases began, and in 1942, the transfer of future residents to New Swabia began, primarily scientists and specialists from Ananerbe, an integrated scientific center of the SS, as well as "full-fledged Aryans" from among members of the Nazi party and state. During the construction, prisoners of war were used, who were periodically destroyed and replaced with "fresh" labor.

"Admiral Bird attacked by flying discs"

In January 1947, some US archivists claim, the US Navy launched Operation High Jump disguised as a conventional research expedition. A naval squadron headed to the shores of Antarctica: an aircraft carrier, 13 other warships. In total - more than four thousand people with a six-month supply of food, 25 aircraft. But shortly after Queen Maud's arrival on Earth, Admiral Richard Byrd, who commanded the squadron, unexpectedly received an order from Washington to interrupt the operation and return the ships to their permanent bases. The researchers, however, managed to make more than 49 thousand aerial photographs of the coast.
The start of the US Navy expedition coincided with the completion of interrogations of the former commanders of the German submarines U-530 and U-977, conducted by the American and British intelligence services. The commander of U-530 testified that on April 13, 1945, his submarine left the base in Kiel. After reaching the coast of Antarctica, 16 people from the team allegedly built an ice cave and laid boxes containing relics of the Third Reich, including documents and personal belongings of Hitler. This operation was codenamed "Valkyrie 2". Upon its completion on July 10, 1945, U-530 openly entered the Argentine port of Mar del Plata, where it surrendered to the authorities. The submarine "U-977" under the command of Heinz Schaeffer also visited New Swabia.
A year later, the Brizant magazine, published in Western Europe, reported shocking details of this operation. The Americans were allegedly attacked from the air and lost one ship and four combat aircraft. With reference to the military personnel who dared to have a frank conversation, the magazine wrote about some “flying discs” that “surfaced from under the water” and attacked the Americans, about strange atmospheric phenomena that caused mental disorders among the expedition members.
The magazine contained an excerpt from the report of the head of the operation, Admiral R. Byrd, which he allegedly made at a secret meeting of a special commission investigating the incident. “The United States needs to take defensive actions against enemy fighters flying out of the polar regions,” the admiral allegedly argued. “In the event of a new war, America could be attacked by an enemy with the ability to fly from one pole to another at incredible speed!”
In the 1950s, after Byrd's death, references to a diary of the admiral appeared in the press. As follows from the records, allegedly made by the commander himself, during an operation in Antarctica, the plane on which he flew to reconnoiter the ice continent was forced to land by strange aircraft, "similar to British soldier's helmets." Byrd, who got out of the plane, was approached by a tall blue-eyed blond, who, in broken English language sent an appeal to the US government demanding an end to nuclear testing. This mysterious stranger turned out to be a representative of a settlement created by the German Nazis in Antarctica. Later, the United States, according to rumors, reached an agreement with the fugitives from defeated Germany who had taken refuge in underground structures: the Germans introduce Americans to their advanced technologies, and they supply the German colony with raw materials.

"The German submarine fleet is proud to have created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer on the other side of the world."
Admiral Karl Dennitz, 1943

In addition to this version, it should be added that already in the 1980s, one of the Western intelligence services intercepted a confidential letter from Schaeffer, already mentioned by us, to another former German submariner, Bernhard, who, apparently, was about to publish his memoirs of the war. This message was dated June 1, 1983, and contained the following lines: “Dear Willy, I have been considering whether to publish your manuscript concerning U-530. All three boats (U-977, U-530 and U-465) that participated in that operation are now sleeping peacefully at the bottom of the Atlantic. Maybe it's better not to wake them up? Think about it, old comrade!.. We all swore an oath to secrecy, we did nothing wrong and only followed orders, fighting for our beloved Germany, for its survival. So think again: maybe it's better to present everything as fiction? What will you achieve when you tell the truth about our mission? And who will suffer because of your revelations? Think about it!..".

"The Nazis were looking for uranium"

Among the surviving SS veterans after the war, there was also talk of a two-day meeting in 1944 in the Mesorunge Hotel in Strasbourg, in which a group of high-ranking officers of the imperial security service (SD) gathered secretly under the leadership of Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Then, allegedly, a plan was developed for the flight of the top of Nazi Germany to South America. From August 1944, a secret network called the Gateway began to operate. Along its secret paths, not only prominent Nazis and SS and SD officers, but also leading scientists and designers began to be taken to Latin American countries.
Nazi Germany, it must be admitted, managed to achieve great scientific and technological achievements, including in shipbuilding. Retired American Colonel Wendelle C. Stevens reports: “Our intelligence, where I worked at the end of the war, was aware that the Germans were building eight very large cargo submarines and all of them were launched, completed and then disappeared without a trace. To this day, we have no idea where they went. They are not on the ocean floor, and they are not in any port that we know of. It's a mystery, but it can be solved thanks to this Australian documentary, which shows large German cargo submarines in Antarctica, ice around them, crews waiting on the decks to stop at the pier.

"The US needs to take defensive action against enemy fighters flying out of the polar regions."
Admiral Richard Byrd, 1947

The same Stevens claimed that the Germans tested models of "flying discs" and were able to make significant progress towards their creation. “We have classified information,” wrote a former American intelligence officer, “that some of the research facilities have been moved to a place called New Swabia ... Today it may already be a fairly large complex. Maybe those big cargo submarines are there. We believe that at least one disk development facility was moved to Antarctica. We also have information that one was evacuated to the Amazon region, and the other to the northern coast of Norway, where there is a large German population. They were evacuated to secret underground facilities…”
A small digression. Interestingly, in 1931, the writer Howard Lafcraft, who used to create in a state of trance and actually described his travels to "parallel worlds", published the story "The Ridges of Madness". In it, he portrayed the sixth continent as a mysterious place where, according to the writer, subhuman races continue to live, which in ancient times were the masters of the Earth. In the polar depths, Lovecraft warned, a certain essence of Evil lurked as the true master of our planet, which at any moment could regain supreme power.
There is information about the creation of a secret Wehrmacht training center in the summer of 1940 in a mountainous and wooded area near the city of Kowary in the southwest of occupied Poland. Soldiers and officers specially selected from the elite units of the Wehrmacht were trained there. They were trained for combat operations in the most severe conditions of the polar zones of the Arctic and Antarctica. Soon, a special unit was formed in the Wehrmacht under the command of General Alfred Richter, the backbone of which was military personnel from the insidious center. It is supposed that the Nazis managed to transport them in submarines to the Queen Maud Land, well explored earlier by Norwegian polar explorers.
Some researchers also claim that in 1941 the Germans really landed in Antarctica, in the Norwegian "possessions", and founded their station "Oasis" there. The area is now known as Bunger Oasis, named after the American pilot who discovered it in 1946. Antarctic "oases" are tracts of land that are free from ice for unknown reasons.
In 1961, it became known that deposits of uranium had been discovered in the depths of Antarctica. The main deposits are located in New Swabia - Queen Maud Land. The development of minerals on the ice continent, however, has not yet begun - this is hindered by an interstate treaty of 1959. According to some data, the percentage of uranium in Antarctic ore is at least 30 percent, i.e. a whole third more than in the world's richest deposits in the Congo. In uranium, the Nazis in Germany, who sought to create nuclear weapons, were in dire need. And they knew that the raw materials they needed were in Antarctica. After examining rock samples brought from Antarctica by the German polar explorer Wilhelm Filchner back in 1912, the head of the Nazi "atomic project" Werner Heisenberg suggested that the richest reserves of high-quality uranium could be in the bowels of Queen Maud Land.
This is another argument in favor of the version about the validity of Nazi Germany's interest in the distant polar continent.
Let's end with another interesting quote. At a celebration marking the completion of the building of the new Reich Chancellery, Hitler smugly said, “All right! If in this divided-redivided Europe a couple of states can be annexed to the Reich in a few days, then no problems are foreseen with Antarctica, and even more so ... "

P.S. When this publication, summarizing the materials of the Russian-language Internet, was being prepared for publication, it became known that documents from the collection of the famous thinker and diplomat Miguel Serrano were stolen from the special depository of the Chilean National Military Historical Archive in Santiago. A part of the documents, closed at the request of Serrano until 2014, mysteriously disappeared, which contained materials about the underground cities allegedly built by Nazi Germany at the end of the war in Antarctica. The Chilean press claims that the entourage of the deceased ex-dictator Augusto Pinochet, who maintains friendly relations with Serrano, may be involved in the loss of the archive. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, a former Chilean diplomat put forward the thesis in a number of his books that Hitler did not die, but took refuge in a huge underground city somewhere in the region of New Swabia - part of Queen Maud Land.
Serrano claimed that a new generation of aircraft had been created in the laboratories of Nazi Germany. In his last letters to Pinochet, Serrano reported that he had evidence that the secret base of Nazi Germany not only survived after the war, but also grew significantly. Now these testimonies are safely hidden in someone's archives. So does anyone have something to hide?

And now is the time to remember that many legends and myths are associated with the history of Antarctica, most of which date back to the times of the German Third Reich. Those interested in alternative versions of historical events can easily find a lot of materials on the World Wide Web regarding the strange interest of the leaders of Nazi Germany in this silent ice continent. Some of the versions are very exotic and, at first glance, devoid of common sense, although they contain references to some documents of the special services and memoirs of very old veterans of the German Navy and Air Force. And yet they seem to deserve some attention, even if they are examples of the military mythology of the 20th century.

"The Fuhrer sailed to Antarctica"
On the Internet, you can find links to a certain secret report by Colonel V.Kh. Heimlich, the former chief of American intelligence in Berlin, who believed that "there is no evidence for the theory of the Fuhrer's suicide." Hence, lovers of historical sensations conclude that the Fuhrer managed to avoid a well-deserved retribution. In this opinion, they are strengthened by the publication of the Chilean magazine "Zig-Zag" dated January 16, 1948, from which it follows that on April 30, 1945, Luftwaffe captain Peter Baumgart started on his plane from Germany to Norway, with Hitler on board. In one of the fjords of this northern country, the Fuhrer, accompanied by several persons, allegedly plunged into one of the submarines, a detachment of which headed for Antarctica. Some residents of Easter Island, by the way, recalled the strange nightly visits of rust-covered submarines in the fall of 1945.

It was reported about the creation by the Nazis in Antarctica of a certain "base 211" and even an entire underground city called "New Berlin" with a population of almost two million people. The main occupation of the inhabitants of the underworld are genetic engineering and space flights. In support of this hypothesis, journalists refer to repeated sightings of UFOs in the South Pole region. In 1976, Japanese researchers, using the latest radar equipment, allegedly discovered nineteen objects that headed from outer space to Antarctica and suddenly disappeared from the radar screen in the region of the ice continent.

“I look to the future with confidence. The "weapon of retaliation" that I have at my disposal will change the situation in favor of the Third Reich."
Adolf Gitler,
February 24, 1945.

All publications on this topic look like a myth. But at the same time, it is known that even in the prewar years, the Nazis, obsessed with finding traces of ancient civilizations, were interested in Antarctica and during 1938-1939 carried out two expeditions to the continent. The Luftwaffe planes delivered by ships to Antarctica took detailed photographs of vast territories and dropped several thousand metal pennants with a swastika there. The entire surveyed area was named New Swabia and was declared part of the future thousand-year Reich.
After the expedition, Captain Ritscher reported to Field Marshal Goering: “Every 25 kilometers, our planes dropped pennants. We have covered an area of ​​approximately 8,600 thousand square meters. Of these, 350,000 square meters were photographed.” It is also known that in 1943, Admiral Karl Doenitz dropped a mysterious phrase: "The German submarine fleet is proud that on the other side of the world it created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer."
There is some circumstantial evidence in favor of the hypothesis that from 1938 to 1943 the Nazis built several secret settlements in Antarctica in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land. For the transportation of goods, mainly submarines from the Fuhrer's Convoy (35 submarines) were used. According to historians, at the very end of the war in the port of Kiel, torpedo weapons were removed from these submarines and loaded with containers with various cargoes. In Kiel, the submarines received passengers whose faces were hidden by surgical bandages.
German experts believed that, according to the "hollow Earth" theory, it is in Antarctica that there are giant underground cavities - oases with warm air. German submariners who explored Antarctica, if we trust the statements of some Western researchers of the secrets of the Third Reich, allegedly managed to find such underground caves, which they called "paradise". There, in 1940, on the personal instructions of Hitler, the construction of two underground bases began, and in 1942, the transfer of future residents to New Swabia began, primarily scientists and specialists from Ananerbe, an integrated scientific center of the SS, as well as "full-fledged Aryans" from among members of the Nazi party and state. During the construction, prisoners of war were used, who were periodically destroyed and replaced with "fresh" labor.

"Admiral Bird attacked by flying discs"
In January 1947, some US archivists claim, the US Navy launched Operation High Jump disguised as a conventional research expedition. A naval squadron headed to the shores of Antarctica: an aircraft carrier, 13 other warships. In total - more than four thousand people with a six-month supply of food, 25 aircraft. But shortly after Queen Maud's arrival on Earth, Admiral Richard Byrd, who commanded the squadron, unexpectedly received an order from Washington to interrupt the operation and return the ships to their permanent bases. The researchers, however, managed to make more than 49 thousand aerial photographs of the coast.
The start of the US Navy expedition coincided with the completion of interrogations of the former commanders of the German submarines U-530 and U-977, conducted by the American and British intelligence services. The commander of U-530 testified that on April 13, 1945, his submarine left the base in Kiel. After reaching the coast of Antarctica, 16 people from the team allegedly built an ice cave and laid boxes containing relics of the Third Reich, including documents and personal belongings of Hitler. This operation was codenamed "Valkyrie 2". Upon its completion on July 10, 1945, U-530 openly entered the Argentine port of Mar del Plata, where it surrendered to the authorities. The submarine "U-977" under the command of Heinz Schaeffer also visited New Swabia.
A year later, the Brizant magazine, published in Western Europe, reported shocking details of this operation. The Americans were allegedly attacked from the air and lost one ship and four combat aircraft. With reference to the military personnel who dared to have a frank conversation, the magazine wrote about some “flying discs” that “surfaced from under the water” and attacked the Americans, about strange atmospheric phenomena that caused mental disorders among the expedition members.
The magazine contained an excerpt from the report of the head of the operation, Admiral R. Byrd, which he allegedly made at a secret meeting of a special commission investigating the incident. “The United States needs to take defensive actions against enemy fighters flying out of the polar regions,” the admiral allegedly argued. “In the event of a new war, America could be attacked by an enemy with the ability to fly from one pole to another at incredible speed!”
In the 1950s, after Byrd's death, references to a diary of the admiral appeared in the press. As follows from the records, allegedly made by the commander himself, during an operation in Antarctica, the plane on which he flew to reconnoiter the ice continent was forced to land by strange aircraft, "similar to British soldier's helmets." A tall, blue-eyed, blond man approached Byrd, who got out of the plane, who, in broken English, conveyed an appeal to the American government demanding an end to nuclear testing. This mysterious stranger turned out to be a representative of a settlement created by the German Nazis in Antarctica. Later, the United States, according to rumors, reached an agreement with the fugitives from defeated Germany who had taken refuge in underground structures: the Germans introduce Americans to their advanced technologies, and they supply the German colony with raw materials.

"The German submarine fleet is proud to have created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer on the other side of the world."
Admiral Karl Dennitz, 1943

In addition to this version, it should be added that already in the 1980s, one of the Western intelligence services intercepted a confidential letter from Schaeffer, already mentioned by us, to another former German submariner, Bernhard, who, apparently, was about to publish his memoirs of the war. This message was dated June 1, 1983, and contained the following lines: “Dear Willy, I have been considering whether to publish your manuscript concerning U-530. All three boats (U-977, U-530 and U-465) that participated in that operation are now sleeping peacefully at the bottom of the Atlantic. Maybe it's better not to wake them up? Think about it, old comrade!.. We all swore an oath to secrecy, we did nothing wrong and only followed orders, fighting for our beloved Germany, for its survival. So think again: maybe it's better to present everything as fiction? What will you achieve when you tell the truth about our mission? And who will suffer because of your revelations? Think about it!..".

"The Nazis were looking for uranium"
Among the surviving SS veterans after the war, there was also talk of a two-day meeting in 1944 in the Mesorunge Hotel in Strasbourg, in which a group of high-ranking officers of the imperial security service (SD) gathered secretly under the leadership of Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Then, allegedly, a plan was developed for the flight of the top of Nazi Germany to South America. From August 1944, a secret network called the Gateway began to operate. Along its secret paths, not only prominent Nazis and SS and SD officers, but also leading scientists and designers began to be taken to Latin American countries.
Nazi Germany, it must be admitted, managed to achieve great scientific and technological achievements, including in shipbuilding. Retired American Colonel Wendelle C. Stevens reports: “Our intelligence, where I worked at the end of the war, was aware that the Germans were building eight very large cargo submarines and all of them were launched, completed and then disappeared without a trace. To this day, we have no idea where they went. They are not on the ocean floor, and they are not in any port that we know of. It's a mystery, but it can be solved thanks to this Australian documentary, which shows large German cargo submarines in Antarctica, ice around them, crews waiting on the decks to stop at the pier.

"The US needs to take defensive action against enemy fighters flying out of the polar regions."
Admiral Richard Byrd, 1947

The same Stevens claimed that the Germans tested models of "flying discs" and were able to make significant progress towards their creation. “We have classified information,” wrote a former American intelligence officer, “that some of the research facilities have been moved to a place called New Swabia ... Today it may already be a fairly large complex. Maybe those big cargo submarines are there. We believe that at least one disk development facility was moved to Antarctica. We also have information that one was evacuated to the Amazon region, and the other to the northern coast of Norway, where there is a large German population. They were evacuated to secret underground facilities..."
A small digression. Interestingly, in 1931, the writer Howard Lafcraft, who used to create in a state of trance and actually described his travels to "parallel worlds", published the story "The Ridges of Madness". In it, he portrayed the sixth continent as a mysterious place where, according to the writer, subhuman races continue to live, which in ancient times were the masters of the Earth. In the polar depths, Lovecraft warned, a certain essence of Evil lurked as the true master of our planet, which at any moment could regain supreme power.
There is information about the creation of a secret Wehrmacht training center in the summer of 1940 in a mountainous and wooded area near the city of Kowary in the southwest of occupied Poland. Soldiers and officers specially selected from the elite units of the Wehrmacht were trained there. They were trained for combat operations in the most severe conditions of the polar zones of the Arctic and Antarctica. Soon, a special unit was formed in the Wehrmacht under the command of General Alfred Richter, the backbone of which was military personnel from the insidious center. It is supposed that the Nazis managed to transport them in submarines to the Queen Maud Land, well explored earlier by Norwegian polar explorers.
Some researchers also claim that in 1941 the Germans really landed in Antarctica, in the Norwegian "possessions", and founded their station "Oasis" there. The area is now known as Bunger Oasis, named after the American pilot who discovered it in 1946. Antarctic "oases" are tracts of land that are free from ice for unknown reasons.
In 1961, it became known that deposits of uranium had been discovered in the depths of Antarctica. The main deposits are located in New Swabia - Queen Maud Land. The development of minerals on the ice continent, however, has not yet begun - this is hindered by an interstate treaty of 1959. According to some data, the percentage of uranium in Antarctic ore is at least 30 percent, i.e. a whole third more than in the world's richest deposits in the Congo. In uranium, the Nazis in Germany, who sought to create nuclear weapons, were in dire need. And they knew that the raw materials they needed were in Antarctica. After examining rock samples brought from Antarctica by the German polar explorer Wilhelm Filchner back in 1912, the head of the Nazi "atomic project" Werner Heisenberg suggested that the richest reserves of high-quality uranium could be in the bowels of Queen Maud Land.
This is another argument in favor of the version about the validity of Nazi Germany's interest in the distant polar continent.
Let's end with another interesting quote. At a celebration marking the completion of the building of the new Reich Chancellery, Hitler smugly said, “All right! If in this divided-redivided Europe a couple of states can be annexed to the Reich in a few days, then no problems are foreseen with Antarctica, and even more so ... "

P.S. When this publication, summarizing the materials of the Russian-language Internet, was being prepared for publication, it became known that documents from the collection of the famous thinker and diplomat Miguel Serrano were stolen from the special depository of the Chilean National Military Historical Archive in Santiago. A part of the documents, closed at the request of Serrano until 2014, mysteriously disappeared, which contained materials about the underground cities allegedly built by Nazi Germany at the end of the war in Antarctica. The Chilean press claims that the entourage of the deceased ex-dictator Augusto Pinochet, who maintains friendly relations with Serrano, may be involved in the loss of the archive. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, a former Chilean diplomat put forward the thesis in a number of his books that Hitler did not die, but took refuge in a huge underground city somewhere in the region of New Swabia - part of Queen Maud Land.
Serrano claimed that a new generation of aircraft had been created in the laboratories of Nazi Germany. In his last letters to Pinochet, Serrano reported that he had evidence that the secret base of Nazi Germany not only survived after the war, but also grew significantly. Now these testimonies are safely hidden in someone's archives. So does anyone have something to hide?

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There are still a lot of rumors and legends around this operation, and sometimes it seems simply impossible to separate truth and fiction. It is undeniable that the secret expedition sent by Hitler to the shores of Antarctica had a very specific goal. And the tasks assigned to the participants in the operation were very far from mysticism. Rather, the goal was set very practical and quite achievable, as it seemed to the Fuhrer.

long term plan

As far back as World War I, when Adolf Hitler took part in the fighting, he saw how the British naval blockade affected Germany, effectively cutting off the country's supply lines. Having assumed the post of head of state, the Fuhrer planned to learn from the experience of his predecessors.

In 1936, the idea of ​​creating a four-year plan appeared, as a result of which Nazi Germany would become independent from food supplies from other countries. Hermann Göring was tasked with developing an operation to achieve Germany's full economic and military self-sufficiency. In preparation for a protracted total war, serious reserves should have been made. The main task was to expand the sources of raw materials and food.

At that time, margarine occupied a significant place in German cuisine, and its annual consumption reached almost 8 kg per person. In this regard, the production of margarine from whale oil seemed very promising. Moreover, with the advent of kerosene, an excess of fairly cheap whale oil formed, which manufacturers began to include in margarine.

In addition, whale oil could also be used for the military industry: when liquefied, it could become a machine lubricant, and it was also widely used in the production of nitroglycerin, which is necessary for explosives. German and British companies in 1938 bought 83% of whaling.

In 1938, the decision was made to send an ambitious expedition to Antarctica to Dronning Maud Land to destroy Norway's claim to the area and gain access to resource-rich waters.

To the coast of Antarctica

In December 1938, a motley crew of scientists, soldiers, and whalers, led by Captain Alfred Ritscher, set out on a cruise in a modified vessel that could catapult two ten-ton seaplanes borrowed from Lufthansa airlines.

The members of the team were selected taking into account their experience of polar expeditions, but there was a German official on board who monitored the observance of party standards and personally obliged all participants in the campaign to listen to Adolf Hitler's Christmas speech. The ship was named "Schwabenland" after a region in Bavaria, and the land that was the object of German claims was to become New Swabia (Neu-Schwabenland).

On January 14, 1939, when a secret German expedition was already approaching the Antarctic Circle, Norway officially declared its rights to Queen Maud Land. Nevertheless, German seaplanes, by dropping darts with a swastika, marked the boundaries of the future New Swabia, covering a distance of 600 thousand square kilometers. The expedition explored the coast and increased the size of Antarctica known until then by 16 percent.

The exploration of a vast territory, the fixing of magnetic pennants, more than 11 thousand photographs, the discovery of the Schirmacher oasis and new mountain ranges, in fact, did not bring any benefit to Germany itself. Old German maps still show New Swabia around Dronning Maud Land, but no country recognized the claims of Nazi Germany.

The only result of the expedition was the study of the operation of aircraft at low temperatures, which were later used during the invasion of the Soviet Union. As history has shown, this did not affect the outcome of the war.

Already in mid-February, "Schwabenland" left Antarctica and two months later moored in Hamburg. Almost immediately, preparations began for a new expedition, in which it was planned to use a large number of aircraft, but after the outbreak of World War II, the expedition was canceled.

Nevertheless, there are still myths about a certain Base 211 on the territory of the Schirmacher oasis and another oasis allegedly discovered by a German expedition. Rumors spread about the entrance to a cave with a fairly comfortable temperature inside, where the mysterious Nazi base was located. It was assumed that communication with her was maintained with the help of submarines from the Fuhrer's convoy.

As evidence, the words of the commander of the German submarine fleet, Karl Dönitz, were cited, who claimed that German submariners built an impregnable fortress in Antarctica for their Fuhrer. But no documentary or factual confirmation of Dönitz's words was found either in documents or on the lands of Antarctica.

The history of the Second World War consists of many separate episodes, each of which can become a monument to human heroism, generosity, cowardice or stupidity. because, if not for a happy ending, humanity in April 1945 could have lost a significant part of its cultural treasures.

New Swabia (German Neu-Schwabenland or Neuschwabenland) is the territory of Antarctica between 20 ° east longitude and 10 ° west longitude, on which German territorial claims were made in the period from January 19, 1939 to May 8, 1945.

The territory of New Swabia was located on Queen Maud Land. Norway has also claimed this territory from 1938 to the present day.

The expedition "New Swabia" (Third German) took place from December 17, 1938 to February 1939 under the leadership of Alfred Riescher. The purpose of the expedition was to protect the German whaling stations in Antarctica. Luftwaffe pilots flew over an area of ​​approximately 600 thousand square kilometers (almost twice the territory of modern Germany), dropping pennants every 25-30 kilometers. About 350 thousand square kilometers were photographed from the air, more than 11 thousand photographs were taken.

Between New Swabia and Hamburg there was a regular communication with the help of the research vessel "Schwabia".

There are many legends about the top-secret base New Swabia (or Base 211), but none of them has yet been confirmed.

* An underground city was built on the territory - New Swabia with secret laboratories.

* Flying saucers - the fruit of the engineers of New Swabia, which still exists.

* Hitler, and possibly Muller and Bormann took refuge in the territory of a secret city.

* Researchers of the Third Reich R. Vesko, V. Terziyski, D. Childress claim that since 1942, thousands of concentration camp prisoners and several dozen famous scientists were transported to the South Pole and New Swabia with the help of submarines.

* It is possible that research on atomic physics and uranium enrichment was carried out in this territory.

* Searches for uranium ores were organized in Antarctica.

* Almost all documents about New Swabia were destroyed after the surrender of Germany. The few documents found by the Allies do not give a full picture of the size of the project.

* Ground facilities of the bases were destroyed in 1946 by American Admiral Richard Byrd.

* It is known that there were up to eight large submarines on the territory of New Swabia.

At present, in the territories south of 60 ° south latitude, the Antarctic Convention is in force, which prohibits countries from any work and activities, except for research. On the territory of New Swabia (Queen Maud Land) the German station "Nomeyer" operates, but the activities of the German scientists of the station have nothing to do with the fascist past.

German exploration of Antarctica began in 1873 with an expedition organized by the German Society for Polar Research. In 1910, an expedition by Wilhem Filchner took place on the ship "Deutschland", in 1925 - a special ship for polar research "Meteor" under the command of Dr. A. Merz (Albert Merz).

After the NSDAP party headed by A. Hitler came to power, interest in Antarctica appeared already at the political level, as a continent that did not have a certain state affiliation. The entire mainland (or part of it) was considered as a new territory of the Third Reich, with the possibility of state consolidation.

The idea of ​​a civilian expedition (with state support and cooperation from Lufthansa) to Antarctica arose. The expedition was supposed to explore a certain part of the mainland, with the subsequent statement of its Germanic affiliation.

For the expedition, the ship "Schwabenland" was selected, which had been used since 1934 for transatlantic postal transportation. Important Schwabenland. At the stern there is a hydroplane, to the right - a crane; a feature of the ship was the hydroplane Dornier "Wal" (Whale). He could launch from a steam catapult at the stern of the ship and, after the flight, climb back on board with the help of a crane. The ship was prepared for the expedition at the Hamburg shipyards.

The crew of the ship was selected and trained by the German Society for Polar Research. The command of the expedition was taken by polar explorer Captain A. Ritscher Route Map (Alfred Ritscher), who had previously taken part in several expeditions to the North Pole. The expedition budget was about 3 million Reichsmarks.

Schwabenland left Hamburg on December 17, 1938, heading for Antarctica on the planned route. The ship reached the pack (coastal) ice on January 19 at 4° 15 west latitude, 69° 10 east longitude.

During the following weeks, the ship's seaplane made 15 flights from the ship, surveying approximately 600 thousand square meters. km of territory. This made up almost a fifth of the continent. With the help of a special camera Zeis RMK 38, 11 thousand pictures were taken and 350 thousand square meters were photographed. km of Antarctica. In addition to recording valuable information, the aircraft dropped the expedition pennants every 25 km of the flight. The territory was named Neuschwabenland and declared German. At present, this name is still used along with the new (from 1957) - Queen Maud Land.

The most interesting discovery of the expedition was the discovery of small areas free of ice, with small lakes and vegetation. Geologists of the expedition suggested that this is a consequence of the action of underground hot springs.

In mid-February 1939, Schwabenland left Antarctica. During the two months of the return journey, the captain of the expedition, Ritscher, systematized the results of research, maps and photographs. After returning, Ritscher planned to start preparing a second expedition, using planes with ski gear, probably for further exploration of the "warm" zone of Antarctica. However, due to the outbreak of World War II, the expedition did not take place.

The course of subsequent German exploration of Antarctica and the establishment of a base there is very unclear. Probably, it is hidden not only under the heading "Geheim", but also "Sov. secret" and "Top secret".

"Grey wolves" of the Fuhrer of the submarine fleet, Grand Admiral K. Doenitz, specially equipped for navigation in the polar latitudes, began to go to Antarctica. Continuing further studies of the "warm" zone of Antarctica, German scientists discovered a system of caves with warm air. "My submariners discovered a true earthly paradise," Doenitz said at the time. In 1943, he declared: "The German submarine fleet is proud of the fact that on the other side of the world it has created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer."

For 4-5 years, the Germans carried out carefully concealed work to create a base in Antarctica, code-named "Baza-211". Mining equipment and other equipment, including railroads, trolleys and huge cutters for tunneling, were constantly sent to the polar continent. Sevens in ice. Antarctic? Probably, surface ships and submarines converted to a transport version were used to deliver goods. Including from the Fuhrer's Convoy.

Retired American Colonel Wendelle C. Stevens said: “Our intelligence, where I worked at the end of the war, knew that the Germans were building eight very large cargo submarines. All of them were launched, completed and then disappeared without a trace. to this day we have no idea where they went. They are not on the ocean floor and they are not in any port that we know of. It is a mystery, but it can be solved thanks to a German documentary found by Australian researchers in which large German cargo submarines are shown in Antarctica, ice around them, crews standing on decks waiting for a stop at the pier.

The "thickest" in the German submarine fleet were the Type XIV "Milchkuh" submarines, which served as supply boats in the Atlantic. They provided combat submarines with fuel, spare parts, ammunition, medicines, food. A total of 10 Type XIV submarines were built. All of them were sunk, and the coordinates of the death of each are known. So, specifically, they could not be those "large cargo submarines", but boats like these, secretly built, could be used for flights to Base-211. There were no fundamental obstacles to the creation of such an underground base. Many of the largest plants, such as the plant in the Nordhausen mountain, the Junkers plants, were located underground in tunnels and adits. Such plants successfully withstood any bombardment and usually stopped working only when enemy ground forces approached.

Since 1942, thousands of concentration camp prisoners have been transferred to Base-211 as labor force, as well as service personnel, scientists and members of the Hitler Youth - the gene pool of the future "pure" race. Probably, solid stocks of food and ammunition were created for long-term autonomous operation or in case of a possible siege.

In April 1945, the last trips of submarines to Base-211 were made. Two submarines (U-530 and U-977) from the Fuhrer's Convoy surrendered in Argentina in July and August 1945. In the book "Steel Coffins of the Reich", the author Kurushin M.Yu. noted:

“In July 1945, the “nine” U-530 of Lieutenant Otto Wermuth appeared off the coast of Argentina. On July 10, the submarine surrendered to the Argentine fleet in Mar del Plata. During numerous interrogations, the crew claimed that they had been patrolling off the coast of the United States all this time, Then he surrendered. On August 17, Oberleutnant Heinz Schaeffer's "seven" U-977 surrendered there. It is completely incomprehensible how a submarine of this type could be at sea for so long when the autonomy of the "seven" does not exceed seven weeks. The submariners felt very good - while waiting for the Argentine minesweeper sent for them, they fed the albatross with sardines in oil. As in other cases, interrogations of German submariners did not give anything. At least, this is the official point of view. the end of the war, the values ​​​​and the highest ranks of the Reich."

After the surrender, Base-211 began an independent existence. The possibility of the normal functioning of the Base-211 was also ensured by the fact that so far they simply did not know about it and were not particularly interested, carried away by the division of the Reich's missile and rocket heritage and the Cold War.

However, the staff gradually developed a problem that is typical for those who are forced to stay underground for a long time. Belarusian partisans can serve as an example. After living for some time in the catacombs, they were forced to go to the surface, even knowing that it was almost fatal. Both physical and mental health deteriorated. This is mainly due to the "closed space" syndrome and changes in the natural electromagnetic background. Probably, as supplies were exhausted and due to disease, the inhabitants of the colony left or died.

Base-211 became uninhabited in 1961.

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