I forgot the number from the VK page. How to recover a password on VKontakte. Vkontakte password recovery after a virus attack


Go to the main page of the site at vkontakte.ru. On the left, under the "Login" button, there is a link to the form for recovering lost access, which is marked as "Forgot your password?" - press it.

You will be taken to the access recovery page. Following the instructions, enter your login, email address or your mobile number in the only field. Press "Next". An inscription will appear asking if this page is the one you want to access. If so, click the button that says "Yes, this is the page you want." Within a few minutes, an SMS message with a code should come to the one attached to your page, the numbers of which must be entered in the input field. After entering, press the button labeled "Change password". Two text fields will appear in front of you: in one you need to enter a new password, in - to duplicate it. After confirmation, you should receive an SMS message with new data for entering the site.

If you do not remember the data that is necessary to restore access to the page, pay attention to the link at the bottom of the page, which allows you to use the form to restore access to the page. After you follow this link, you need to specify a link to your page in the text field that appears.

If you do not know how the link to your personal page looks like, you can use the people search, the link to which is located at the bottom of the page. By clicking on it, you get access to the standard search on the site. By entering the necessary information in the fields of the search page, you can find your page and, copying the link to it from the address bar of your browser, return to the access recovery form. After pasting the link to your page in the text field, click the "Next" button.

In the form for restoring access to the page that appears, specify all the necessary information and upload the required documents - a scan or photo of an identity document and a photo of you against the background of the page with the form for restoring access. After completing the necessary operations, click the "send request" button. After that, your application will be sent for consideration. After some time, necessary for the verification, a notification will be sent to the mailbox you specified, and you can restore access to your page.

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This article will describe in detail how to recover a password in a contact. 1. Go to the VKontakte website at vk.com Make sure that the address bar of your browser contains the address of the site vk.com. If you are asked to send SMS, then do not do it! VKontakte does not require you to send SMS to recover your password, but only sends you SMS messages.

Useful advice

If it suddenly happened that you forgot your password from your account in a contact, then you should not be upset after reading this instruction, you will be able to restore your password yourself, or rather change it to a new one, while completely free. By clicking on it, you will be taken to the page for recovering your password in contact. There is only one field in which you need to enter your login, mailbox or phone number to which your VKontakte account is registered.


  • how to recover vkontakte password

A lot of girls (and guys too) write letters to me in the mail, in which there is such a phrase “ forgot password in contact". In this post you will find detailed instructions in pictures on how to how to recover a forgotten password in a contact.

But first, a short digression. In this post we will analyze one of the most difficult situations, the one in which you forgot not only your contact password, but also your login, and also do not have access to your mailbox and phone number. A complete list of ways to recover a VKontakte password can be found in a separate article.

Well, now let's start.

I forgot my password from a contact, what should I do?

Let's go to the sitevk.com. On the left under the windows for entering the login and password there is a link " Can't login?". We click on it.

On the page that opens, we are prompted to enter our login, mail address or phone number to which the page in the contact is linked. Since we agreed above that this option does not suit us, we are looking for the following line under the window: “ If you don't remember any data at all, try click here » at the end of which is the link we need to click on (see screenshot).

Now such a window appears. Here we either drive in a link to our page, or again lower our eyes just below the field to enter the address and look for the following line: “ If you don't know the address, you can find your page in people search. Press here ».

The standard contact search opens. We look through it for our profile in contact, the password from which we want to remember and click on the link "This is my page".

Now we get to the form that must be filled out in order to recover the password in the contact.

First, we indicate the old and new phone numbers. note that you need to indicate in the international format (through +7, +3, etc., depending on the country in which you live). If you have access to the old phone number, then you can enter the same numbers in these fields. Fill in the email fields in the same way. Last field " Old Password", you can not fill at all. But it is better to drive in the password that you used to enter before.

Now an SMS with a confirmation code should come to the phone, which must be entered in the window that appears. (If SMS does not arrive within three minutes, click on the link " resend code»)

Such a window appears, telling us that the page will be unblocked on such and such a date and at such and such a time.

In a day An SMS with a new password should be sent to your number, which will be duplicated by a letter to the email address you specified earlier.

As you can see recover forgotten password in contact not so difficult. We go in and enjoy success, trying not to forget passwords anymore.

  • page freeze. As a rule, this happens in the case of sending spam or using programs related to the so-called cheating;
  • the page has been hacked. That is, an unauthorized person gained access to your account by guessing a password, spreading a virus, or in any other way;
  • account has been previously deleted. It is worth noting that this is one of the simplest problems that may arise when it is necessary to restore the VK page;
  • There are some login issues. In this case, there are usually problems with linking a phone number or e-mail address, as well as losing a password.

Page Freeze

If your page is frozen for the first time, then you should not worry, as you will be able to resume activity almost immediately.

Important! The more bans you have, the longer each one has.

What do you need to unfreeze an account?

Page has been hacked

It should be understood that the account will be blocked by the administration if spam is sent from it. If someone just knows your username and password, and periodically visits your page, the system has very little chance of tracking the fraud.

How to recover a page after it has been hacked?

Important! The phone number must be entered in full: "+" and the country code are not allowed.

Account was deleted earlier

If you yourself deleted the page for some reason, then if you try to go to it again, you will accordingly see a window notifying you that the page has been deleted. The date until which you have the right to freely restore your page will also be indicated.

Important! If the account was deleted more than seven months ago, the possibilities to restore it in this way are exhausted.

How to restore the page after self-deletion in this case?

On a note! Such a restoration will take a lot of time than what is done within seven months after the removal. When restoring the page after seven months, the site will ask for information confirming your identity, namely: a page with a photo from a document confirming your identity; photo on the background of the monitor, where you can see the question in technical support.

Login issues

When entering a username and password, it is imperative that you enter a specific VKontakte page. Otherwise, there is an error in providing this information.

But, suppose you sent a request for recovery, entered the attached username and password, but even after that nothing happens.

Important! The solution to the problem is rather unusual, but it is still worth knowing about it: you need to send a second request for restoration. In most cases, this procedure can be carried out only after that, and 10% of users receive full rights to the page even after the third application.

Perhaps this is done in order to verify the validity of your intentions regarding the restoration. And, perhaps, technical support simply does not have time to process all requests.

In general, restoring an old VK page, regardless of how it is deleted, is not difficult. The main thing is patience and a willingness to follow instructions.

Video - How to restore the old page in Contact

Forgetting the password from a contact, as it turned out, is a common problem. Very often, users forget the VKontakte password, because at home they simply do not click on the exit for several months. That is, they do not need to enter a password every time they enter the site. And then accidentally leaving the contact, they realize that they forgot the password. It doesn’t matter why you forgot your password, what matters is how to recover a forgotten VKontakte password.

What to do if you forgot your VKontakte password

On the main page of the site "Vkontakte" the user is asked to enter his E-mail (login) and password. When a person forgets his VKontakte password, he should:

  1. Click on the inscription "forgot your password?" on the same page.
  2. After that, he will be asked to enter the E-mail or login that the user used when registering on VKontakte. Then he clicks the "next" button.
  3. One login is not enough. You need an active phone number that was linked to the page.
  4. If the user writes a phone number that is really linked to his VKontakte page, then within 10 minutes an SMS will be sent to this number. This whole procedure is free.
  5. When a person received an SMS with a code on his phone, this code should be entered in the appropriate column on the site. On the same page, he enters a new password and repeats it.
  6. The password has been changed successfully. And the user enters a new password and login (Email), as usual in the form on the left.

What to do if you forgot your VKontakte login and password

When a person has forgotten his username or Email, with which he registered VKontakte, it can also be restored. But it will take a little more time. If the phone number is no longer active, then use the same instructions.

  1. The person must also click on the button "forgot your password?" on the social network login page.
  2. Now look at the note at the bottom of the window, where it is proposed to use a special form to restore access to your contact page.
  3. This form is similar to a questionnaire, all columns of which must be filled out.
  4. In addition, the person will be asked to attach two photographs. One must have a clear image of an identity document. The condition is a photograph, seal and full name in the document. Instead of a passport, you can use a driver's license, student ID, for example. And the second image should be with you in the background of the message on the page.

If you forgot your VKontakte password and restore your access in this way, you have the right to know that the page will return with the real name and surname from the documents.

It is rare that no one has ever looked for how to recover a password in VK, because today every person has profiles in social networks and instant messengers. Remembering the keys is difficult, and using the same ones everywhere is unsafe.

If you really are the owner of the VK page, and remember the data that you entered with, plus you use the same mobile phone, then you can quickly restore data without any problems. But if you are looking for a way to recover the VKontakte password without a phone number, then it will take more time.

1 way. Standard code change

  • Go to vk.com
  • For VK users, password recovery occurs in the usual way - through the “forgot password” button in the authorization window for the social network. It is located under the blue "Login" and "Register" buttons.
  • A field will open for entering the email or phone number specified during registration (if you are, go directly to the next block). Write what you remember. If you forgot all the data, you will have to print;
  • Enter the captcha to make sure the developers are not a robot;
  • Type in the last name;
  • If everything is done correctly, the service will display your page. Click if this is the account to which you have lost access;
  • Now you will be asked to enter the code that will come to your mobile;
  • The last step will be the double introduction of the new password.
  • Enter a link to your Vkontakte page. Ask a friend to send it to you, or use the people search;
  • Confirm that the VK account is found;

By the way, you don’t need to look separately for how to recover the password and login in VKontakte via the phone - the technology is the same, it’s just that graphic tests pass instead of captcha.

  • The most important step in your identification will be a selfie with a passport, which you need to take against the background of the page with filling in the fields of the extended application. You also need to attach a separate photo of an identity document;
  • The administration of VKontakte considers the application for 3-5 days.

Important! If your attempt to recover your password is due to the fact that hackers have gained access to your data, then first of all read the instructions,. It will help you quickly regain access to your account.

Unfortunately, there is no way to recover the vk password without a page confirmation photo, if you cannot specify the mobile number linked earlier. At least honest and safe.

Is it always free of charge?

And you are looking for how to restore access quickly - never try to solve the problem through third-party resources, applications, and services of "supposedly" specialists. The only way to restore access is through the official VK website. The rest of the companies are ordinary hackers. Beware if you are asked to pay for the service, send SMS, send money to your wallet.

If the device has become infected with a virus, most likely you will receive a message about the need to pay for access restoration. We do not recommend sending money to intruders, you can be deceived. First, check your device with a powerful antivirus. If it does not help, contact the computer people - you may have to reinstall the operating system.

You may think that the path is too difficult. But remember, this is meant to protect your content. Let personal things, albeit virtual, never fall into the wrong hands.

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