Review of internet roaming tariffs from Yota abroad and in Russia. Terms of use of the services of the IOTA operator in roaming

Are you preparing to go abroad with Yota? Be sure to read this post-story.

If you are a regular user operator Yota and are going abroad, the story below will help you get rid of the headaches associated with the SIM card, network problems, lack of roaming.

Our reader shares his grief experience Eugene(author's text preserved in original):

Editorial, hello!

I have been a reader of the resource almost since its inception and offer my story about how I had to fly from Minsk to Moscow to change my Yota SIM card.

You have already published articles about the work of this operator, I want to warn users against unnecessary expenses and nerves, because... the operator does not inform about possible problems in roaming.

Here's what happened:

On vacation, my wife and I decided to go by car from Moscow to Europe. On March 6, 2016, we entered Belarus, my wife’s operator immediately found a connection, but my Yota was in no hurry. No steps to set up the connection helped. Having reached the hotel in Minsk and connected to wi-fi, I contacted a Yota consultant. He said that apparently **my SIM card is “old model**” and does not meet all the updates made by Yota.

The solution is to replace it with a “new model” SIM card. As you understand, this is not so easy to do abroad: Yota sales points are only in Russia. The consultant suggested forwarding calls to my wife’s number, and this would have saved the situation if my number had not been linked to the company’s bank account.

SMS forwarding cannot be configured, and without messages I would not receive codes to confirm banking transactions. By the way, Yota cannot forward calls on a weekend, and there were 2 more holiday weekends that would be without communication.

The Yota sales point closest to Minsk in Smolensk was closed on the weekend of March 7–8. To the next one - in Bryansk - the journey was almost the same as to Moscow. There was nothing left - I had to take a plane ticket and fly back to Moscow. In the morning I replaced the SIM card and flew to Minsk, where, fortunately, the connection worked.

It remains a mystery to me why Yota did not inform its customers about the need to replace the SIM card due to the likelihood of lack of roaming abroad. At the same time, the operator is aware of this problem; you can easily find similar cases on the Internet.

Be carefull! If you are going abroad, change your SIM card just in case.

We turned directly to the operator himself and asked to clarify the situation. Yota representatives commented on the situation as follows:

We are aware of the problem of connecting to the roaming partner network for some clients. It is due to the fact that on a small part of SIM cards The current applet is not installed. Yota technical specialists are currently working to resolve this issue.

If such situations arise, we recommend that users contact Yota support through the mobile application or on the website Specialists will be able to update SIM settings remotely. In rare cases, the SIM card may need to be replaced.

You need to prepare for long trips. And the preparation of a smartphone is apparently no exception. Draw conclusions. For our part, we can recommend contacting any nearest service center and replacing the SIM card with a new one. Do not put off this simple manipulation until tomorrow, otherwise you risk facing the same problem as our reader.

We thank Evgeniy for the warning and the press service of the Yota operator for the prompt response.

website Are you preparing to go abroad with Yota? Be sure to read this post-story. If you are a regular user of the Yota operator and are going abroad, the story below will help you get rid of the headaches associated with the SIM card, network problems, and lack of roaming. Our reader Evgeniy shares his grief experience (the original text is preserved): Editorial team, hello! I have been a reader of the resource almost since its inception...

In 2014, a new major player appeared on the cellular communications market - the Yota operator; a large-scale advertising campaign attracted people with unlimited Internet and intranet calls. After 2.5 years, tariffs with unlimited Internet are closed for connection (with the exception of corporate communications). Now the Yota operator offers profitable roaming abroad; the 2017 tariffs are more than affordable.

How to activate Yota roaming abroad in 2017

When going abroad, it is worth clarifying all questions and details in advance, so that if you encounter a problem on the spot, you do not waste traffic and time searching for an answer.
As a rule, when you find yourself in another country, the system application of the SIM card will enable roaming automatically, but sometimes this does not happen. In this case, you need to use manual settings in the application; the Internet is not required for this, so it is better to enable data transfer abroad after you have selected an Internet package - this will save money on your account.

Manual settings for Android smartphones:

  1. You need to go to the list of applications.
  2. Find the “Yota menu” application, it can be easily identified by its icon in the form of a SIM card.
  3. Open the application. It will contain 3 Iota points, one of them should be marked with an asterisk. In the case of international roaming, the asterisk should be located near the “roaming” item; if there is no asterisk or it is in a different place, select and mark it yourself.

Manual settings for iOS smartphones:

  1. You need to go to the phone menu.
  2. Select SIM programs.
  3. Find the “Yota menu” application and open it. If there is no asterisk next to the “roaming” item, then you need to select this item yourself and mark it.

Manual settings for smartphones on Windows Phone:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select “cellular network+SIM” from the list.
  3. At the end of the list that appears, select “SIM card settings”.
  4. In the window that opens, click the “SIM card applications” button.
  5. Select roaming.

You only need to manage international communication settings if the operator has not done so automatically.
After activating roaming, you can choose packages of minutes and traffic to reduce your costs abroad.

Ways to save with Yota abroad on the Internet and calls in 2017

Like others, the Yota operator offers roaming abroad; the 2017 tariffs themselves are quite profitable, and it is also possible to connect packages and more to reduce communication costs abroad.

Iota: roaming abroad, examples of tariffs and prices (2017)

Before traveling abroad, you must definitely check the current tariffs and offers; the operator has the right to change the tariffs at any time.
For example, now the Yota operator in Abkhazia (by the way, Yota roaming in Kazakhstan is provided on the same terms as for Abkhazia) offers all incoming calls at 33 rubles per minute, the same cost for outgoing calls to the Russian Federation and to subscribers in the host country. Sending SMS will cost 13 rubles, MMS – 20 rubles.

Incoming SMS and mms are free. As part of the tariff, a package of 30 incoming minutes per day for 39 rubles is available for connection; you can also use the standard list of instant messengers with a zero balance. But the Internet in Abkhazia is very expensive. The most profitable option is a 10 MB package for 3950 rubles. Otherwise, you will have to pay 630 rubles per 1 megabyte. Internet in Kazakhstan is provided under the same conditions.

Iota in Belarus offers more affordable conditions. All incoming calls are charged at 9 rubles per minute. Calling the Russian Federation or your host country will cost 19 rubles per minute. Sending an SMS costs 9 rubles, mms – 20 rubles.

Within the tariff, incoming SMS and mms are free, just like standard instant messengers with a zero balance. Packages of 30 incoming minutes and 40 MB are available for connection. Without a package, 1 megabyte will cost 490 rubles. Calls to countries other than the Russian Federation and the host country - 129 rubles per minute.

The Yota roaming tariff in Turkey offers the same conditions as for Belarus.

As many people know, in Russia it is planned to cancel roaming within the country on all mobile operators. Mobile communications company Yota was the first to take this step. And this is really worthy of respect, because Yota subscribers now do not have to wait until they can finally call and use the Internet at the same cost as they would call and communicate in their hometown.

Across Russia

Yes, yes, now the concept of Iota roaming in Russia does not exist! And this is excellent news for those who even occasionally change their location zone, not to mention those who do it quite often (business trips, travel, etc.). Any city in Russia - one SIM card - one tariff, and the same communication costs. Comfortable? Without any doubt! By purchasing a SIM card from a given operator and Internet provider, for example, in Saratov, users can move throughout the Russian Federation and spend not a ruble more on communications than if they were in Saratov.

Since Yota canceled roaming in Russia, the terms of use remained the same:

  • There is no need to connect any additional options or services to save your balance;
  • Internet access remains the same, but which standard (4G, 3G or 2G) will be active depends on the location of subscribers;
  • All incoming messages are free.

In addition to these three main points, Yota has remained true to itself in that it does not have complex tariff plans, with options that can be connected without the knowledge of clients. And also the fact that users do not have to wait for the end of the billing month to switch to another tariff plan - this feature is highly valued by many subscribers. Today, only the Yota company provides roaming in Russia on such favorable terms of use.


As for information about Yota roaming abroad, everything is very good here too! It is considered the most profitable of all presented to date. Such affordable prices are due to the fact that the Yota SIM card independently connects to the local telecom operator. That is, users do not need to worry about any connections, because Iota does everything automatically.

Meanwhile, it’s no secret that international call rates are quite expensive, just like using the Internet. But with Yota, roaming can be made acceptable. For example:

Yota roaming costs for different countries

So, we can say that the Yota company has surpassed many of its competitors in this regard. And probably someone already wanted to switch from their current telecom operator to Yota. In this case, it will not be superfluous to have information about what Yota’s roaming tariffs are, because it is impossible to find a specific table with prices on the global network. But you can find out the costs for calls, SMS and Internet for a specific country:

  1. If users have left for one of the European countries, then it is best for them to go to the company’s official website and, in a special section of the price calculator, clarify the costs specific to the country in which they are currently located;
  2. A popular country for tourists from Russia is, of course, Türkiye. Behind 1 minute incoming call will need to be paid 9 rubles; 19 rubles minute of outgoing local call and call to Russian subscriber; 129 rubles one minute of conversation with any other country is worth; Internet is charged as follows – 20 rubles for the first spent 20 MB, and the following 20 MB for free;
  3. Next, let's look at the tariffs in the USA: for one minute of conversation (incoming, local and outgoing) the price will be the same - 79 rubles, and a minute of conversation with any other country costs 129 rubles. Payment for Internet traffic is exactly the same as in Turkey;
  4. In China, rates are similar to those in the United States;
  5. Another country that Russians love to travel to is Abkhazia. Here, for one minute of conversation (incoming, local and outgoing) the balance will be debited 33 rubles, and a minute of conversation with any other country will cost 129 rubles. Quite expensive use of the Internet: the first 5 MB will cost 790 rubles, but the following 5 MB For a present. After they expire, the Internet stops working; this is done for the user to control his balance. And he can restore access if he wants;
  6. Yota prices in Kazakhstan are exactly the same as in Abkhazia;
  7. In the UK, customers of the Yota operator will spend one minute on an incoming call 9 rubles, outgoing and to Russia 19 rubles, and the most expensive will be a minute of conversation with a subscriber in another country - 120 rubles. Internet traffic is the same as in Turkey - the first 20 MB are worth 20 rubles, the following 20 MB For a present;
  8. And the most expensive incoming, local and outgoing call minutes in Australia are: 119 rubles in a minute, call a user from any other country 129 rubles. As for the Internet, the situation here is the same as in Turkey, and in China, and in the UK, and in the USA;
  9. Sending one MMS in any country in the world will cost a stable twenty rubles, and the cost of SMS will range from nine to nineteen rubles per piece (depending on the location).

To disable roaming on Yota, you need to go to the company’s official website and find an online chat through which you can ask this question to the telecom operator.

So, we can say that Yota provides its subscribers with relatively inexpensive and high-quality communication, which allows its customers to remain satisfied with the choice of their mobile operator.

Today, many modern people are interested in the rather pressing question of whether roaming on Yota exists in Russia. This rather relevant federal telecom operator was the first of all kinds of companies existing in Russia that provided favorable conditions for mobile communications to cancel it.

In other words, if the SIM card was purchased in the capital of Russia, then the required tariffs and, of course, services were connected, but when traveling to any other region of the Russian Federation, no change in the cost of using the services is detected. Moreover, if necessary, it will be possible to make calls and send SMS, while enjoying unlimited access to the World Wide Web at the same cost as in the capital.

One of the main advantages of Yota roaming is that users do not have to connect anything, or change settings for free communication within Russia. Therefore, if you have a further trip to another region of the Russian Federation, completely regardless of its distance from the capital, then you will not encounter these problematic situations.

The main communication benefits that customers of the Yota operator receive:

  • Possibility of access to high-speed Internet.
  • Free incoming calls;
  • Quite ordinary characteristics of the tariffs provided;
  • There is a complete absence of pitfalls associated with hidden options; they can be enabled without the user’s knowledge.
  • An excellent opportunity to change the tariff and connect various services at a convenient time.
  • There is no need to wait until the end of the month to change the tariff and many other important advantages.

Roaming Yota abroad

Today, most modern people who prefer to have a good mobile connection when traveling outside of Russia roam Iota. Since a lot really depends on mobile communications and access to unlimited access to the World Wide Web. The presented current tariffs of the Yota operator for roaming abroad will surprise and satisfy any potential subscriber. After traveling abroad with a SIM card, it will automatically connect to an existing operator. And also the cost of various services, and, of course, the Internet will be more than attractive.

Different countries will have completely different tariff plans. Here, a lot depends on the country, and, of course, the location of the potential subscriber. If you actively use Internet access while roaming from Yota, the connection will be suspended after 40 megabits of traffic. Thanks to this, any user interested in saving can easily track financial expenses.

In addition to the above-mentioned current advantages, it should be noted that the above tariff is presented in a rather interesting form, and, of course, is valid for roaming. Many people know that Iota roaming, which is currently relevant at this stage, has become much more accessible to every interested person. Therefore, after connecting to Iota roaming, any interested person will receive impeccably high-quality results from the connection they are interested in.

IN New Year's Eve federal mobile operator Yota presented an updated offer for international roaming. Roaming with Yota available in 229 countries. At the same time, in 56 countries mobile Internet Yota can be used in LTE networks. Over time, this list will expand.

Yota offers travelers complete control over communication costs without fear of overpayments. In the new version of the mobile application, customers traveling to popular roaming countries see complete information about the remaining Internet traffic and incoming minutes in real time.

In 55 popular roaming countries in Europe and the CIS - for example Italy, Spain, Germany, Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia - customers already using package offers will pay per megabyte for up to 20 MB of Internet traffic, and when this volume is reached, they will receive another 20 MB per megabyte. present. The price for one megabyte will be 20 rubles per megabyte and the fee will be charged per megabyte. Thus, users will receive 40 MB of traffic abroad for 400 rubles. Once the 40 MB traffic package is exhausted, Internet access will be suspended. This will allow customers to prevent uncontrollable expenses. You can restore your Internet connection in the application Yota or in a web browser on the service start page. It is important to note that traffic from the site and from the mobile application will be free for the user.

Also users Yota can familiarize themselves with the roaming conditions before traveling - to do this, you need to go to the official website of the operator and select the country you are going to go to!

When Internet services are resumed, the principle of per-megabyte pricing up to 20 MB and 20 MB as a gift will be retained. The client will also be able to enable auto-renewal of traffic if desired.

Regarding calls, clients Yota will be able to order a 30-minute package of incoming calls while roaming around the world - it will cost 39 rubles per day. The client will be able to activate the service for 24 hours on the website or in the mobile application. After the package expires, from the 31st minute, incoming calls will be charged additionally.

The cost of outgoing calls will be from 19 rubles per minute, depending on the country. Details about prices for calls and Internet in different countries can also be found on the website or in the mobile application Yota.

Traffic of the installed Yota mobile application and the mobile version of the website, as well as customer service, including SMS support by number 0999, chat in the mobile application and on the website, remain free abroad.

The service works even with a zero balance.

“Many travelers are afraid to use communications while roaming, because they do not understand what bill for services will come after returning from abroad, how Internet traffic is spent, how much calls cost, how many minutes they spoke. People are afraid to even check their balance once again, not to mention contacting support from abroad. Yota offers to get rid of “roaming phobia” by giving the client the opportunity to fully control communication costs. We made the product as convenient and transparent as possible, and also prepared a New Year’s gift for all our clients going abroad during the winter holidays,” comments the Operations Director Yota Vladimir Dobrynin.

From December 23, 2015 to January 2, 2016 Yota gives travelers a New Year's gift - all clients Yota, traveling to 48 popular countries will receive the first 40 MB of traffic for free. More details about the terms of the promotion and the list of countries can be found on the website

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