Farming coefficients wot blitz. The best premium tank in WoT. What is “farming” or “farming”?

At a certain stage in the game, everyone is asking the same question, and it's a profitable one.
First, let’s decide at what level it is best to farm credits. As we know, “silver” is given to us largely for the damage caused.

This suggests that the best farming should be on level 10 tanks. But that's not true. This is because high-level vehicles have very expensive shells and repairs, we really do a lot of damage, we are given a lot of credits, but almost all of them go to replenishing ammunition and repairs.

And if you look at the whole picture, the best tanks for farming in WoT in terms of the balance of income and expenses are at levels 7,6,5. Let’s also consider that tanks up to level 5, although they have cheap repairs and the price of shells, the damage they cause per battle is extremely small.

The best tank for farming silver World of Tanks

But still the best and most comfortable farming is at level 6. The fact is that almost all level 7s differ from level 6 STs only in armor and the amount of HP. Our main working tool, namely the tool, remains at the same level. The price for repairs increases, we more often end up with level 9 and 10 tanks, and accordingly we die more often and spend credits on repairs.

We see a similar picture with, as an example, the price of shells is increasing very much, but penetration has not increased compared to the SU-100. Accordingly, we spend credits on ammunition and receive the same income. Having examined the level 5 tanks, it is clear that they have excellent guns for their level, a comfortable level of combat, and cheap repairs, but here it should be remembered that most level 5 tanks die after receiving two or three “buns.” We often do not have time to inflict enough damage on the enemy, so we go to the hangar.

Game and farming without a premium account on ST5 (T-34, PzIV, M4)

Let's look specifically at each tank for farming

T-34-85 – the legendary T-ashka has already earned its place in the hangar with its name. What you should know before you rush to buy this farming machine. It's "cardboard". Hull armor can be penetrated by Tier 3 tanks. But our 85mm gun has an excellent rate of fire and accuracy, which is generally of little relevance for the Soviets. We have excellent mobility, which allows us to carry out targeted strikes on all parts of the map. Playing in a platoon, two or three "thirty-fours" pose a serious threat to any tank of their level and even higher.

VK3601 or popularly “minitiger”. This tank got its nickname for a reason. His frontal armor holds up well against blows, and he has an excellent cannon that can “bite” even a high-level enemy. Overall, this tank brings a lot of fun and pleasure. Its main disadvantage is the cost of repairs. When playing on this tank, you should remember that “draining” at the beginning of the battle will not bring farm, but rather a minus.

VK3001 (both Henkshel and Porsche) is the same “mini tiger”, only without armor. It is more mobile compared to VK3601, picks up speed faster and spins in place. The rest is the same as in the “mini-tiger”. Here you should remember, we are ST of the second line, quickly attack, deal damage and back. You can also fire from the second line, since the gun allows it. Also expensive to repair.

M4A3E2 (Jumbo) is an excellent farming machine, the cast-iron forehead allows it to take a hit well, the gun has excellent penetration and damage. The main disadvantage of this car is its mobility and high silhouette.

The M4A3E8 Sherman farms poorly due to its weak gun and weak armor. We quickly go to the hangar.
Cromwell is also bad for farming due to its armor, although the cannon allows you to deal damage, but the alpha damage is very low.

World of Tanks - Saving Basics - Igor Silver

Consider a level 6 PT

The main farm harvester here is the Su-100. The Soviet tank has excellent mobility and the best gun.
The YagPz4 is not an amateur machine, yes we can hide in an open field, but the gun is too weak to cause a lot of damage. You need to farm very carefully on this PT-ashka.
The M18 Hellcat is an excellent turret-mounted AT. It has the speed of a firefly, an excellent weapon and excellent camouflage. Playing this tank is a lot of fun. Great farming machine.
Although the M36 Slugger follows the line of “classic” tankless tanks without a turret, this tank still has a turret. This allows us to often remain invisible, but all this before the first shot. The tall silhouette, weak sides and stern, and slow rotation of the turret make us an easy target. Not suitable for farming.
ARL V39 is not suitable for farming in any way. Having a wonderful gun, we have absolutely no camouflage. Although the tank's mobility is good, its high sides at right angles are easily penetrated.
If we consider the “Tyazhi”, then only one tank should be highlighted - . Only he can farm at the price of shells, gun level and repairs, other tanks often, although they don’t go into the red, don’t bring much profit


It is almost impossible to allocate for farming. Much depends on the player’s ability to play one or another technique. But it is possible to narrow your search as much as possible. From the above it follows that the best farming combines are at level 6.

This statistical information is presented for informational purposes only and represents average indicators (hospital average). When collecting statistics, the influence of a premium account, bonuses, or completing tasks was not taken into account.

Profitability of conventional tanks by tiers and classes

Judging by the data in this table, you can earn money on regular, non-premium tanks up to level 6 inclusive. At level 7, at best you will end up with 0, and already at level 8 you can expect losses.

The most profitable are levels 5 and 6. The most profitable classes of equipment are artefacts of levels 4, 5 and 6 (about 5-6k per battle). In second place are TT, ST and PT of level 5 with an indicator of 4-5 thousand silver per battle.

Profitability of premium tanks

The following picture is visible here. The most profitable are level 8 PTs, which are capable of giving out more than 20k per battle. In second place are TTs of the same level 8 and 16k per battle. Third place for ST level 8 and 14k for the battle.

After level 8, the most profitable premium tanks are representatives of levels 6 and 7.

Profitability by level (premiums versus regular ones)

The undisputed leader in this comparison are premiums: levels 8, 7 and 6. In first place is level 8 and 16,000 silver per battle, followed by 6 and 7 with an indicator of 10 thousand.


The most profitable tanks are level 8 premiums. If you take ordinary tanks, then to farm you need to roll out equipment up to level 6 inclusive, since beyond that there is a high probability of going into the red. The most uniform earnings across classes occur at level 5. The most profitable tanks are level 5 and 6 artefacts.

Statistics prepared by

I hope this information is useful to you and you can more accurately plan your income in the game.

3 years and 4 months ago Comments: 30

World of Tanks players feel the need for in-game credits—the so-called “silver”—literally from their first battles. If the purchase and operation of entry-level tanks is relatively cheap, then even for a fourth-tier vehicle, not to mention older ones, you have to save up. In addition, you need additional equipment, consumables, premium shells... But where can you get the much-needed silver?

Of course, you can buy a premium account and a couple of premium tier 8 tanks with an increased profitability ratio. This will make it much easier to earn silver, but it will cost a pretty penny - the prices in the game from Wargaming are not cheap at all. There is a second way - to earn silver, that is, “”, by pumping up tanks.

Farm is a game with the goal of earning game currency, that is, credits. This means you need to choose a tank that will farm as much as possible and spend as little as possible (repairs, shells, consumables, etc.). Of course, there are no special tanks, everyone farms almost the same way, but you need to decide on your favorite type of vehicle. Some people like to play on TT, others on PT, and some on CT, etc...

The WoT economy is built in such a way that the easiest way to do this is on level 5 and 6 machines. They have the highest average battle profitability rates, unless, of course, you constantly use gold ammunition and consumables. Purely from subjective feelings, farming silver on tier 5 vehicles is still a little easier than on tier 6 tanks. But there are dozens of level 5 combat vehicles in the game, it’s amazing! Let's choose top five tanks, the most suitable for earning silver without additional financial investments.

1. O-I Experimental (Japan, heavy tank)

Number one on our list is the Japanese Tier 5 heavy tank O-I Experimental. Why him? It's quite simple. Over the past month, the average win percentage on it was 51,03% , which is the best indicator (!) among level 5 pumped equipment. More victories - more silver, the relationship is extremely simple.

It's worth noting that O-I Experimental is really good. Yes, in patch 0.9.15 he was nerfed, increasing the time for aiming and reloading guns, but this does not stop him remain one of the most formidable cars on the level. The armor of the tank is rather weak, the hull and turret are only 75 mm thick in the strongest places, but the Japanese are not famous for their protection. Its strongest point is the top Tier 6 gun, the 10 cm Cannon Type 14, which has outstanding 300 units damage when armor-piercing with an armor-piercing projectile of 130 mm. At the same time, the tank also has very good mobility for this class.

O-I Experimental travels well, easily penetrates levels 5-6 and is endowed with an excellent HP of 700 units. All together, this allows you to maintain good average damage, which means you can farm, farm, and farm some more. O-I feels great at the top, but does not get lost at the bottom of the list; getting a hefty splash for 300 units of damage does not smile even on the “fattest” level 7 tanks. Well, most of their classmates are sent to the hangar after two hits from the top O-I gun. In general, an excellent tank both for playing and for earning silver.

2. KV-1S (USSR, heavy tank)

The once beloved “kvass” has long been demoted from a heavy tank of the sixth level to the fifth, seriously changing its gaming characteristics. But the KV-1S did not get lost here either; in terms of the average percentage of victories on it, it was located almost immediately behind the O-I Experimental - 50,53% over the past four weeks.

The KV-1S has very balanced armor, propulsion and armament characteristics. At the top of the list, it is capable of deflecting shells quite well, and the top tier 6 gun, the 85 mm S-31, penetrates 119 mm with armor-piercing shells with damage of 160 units and a reload speed of only 5 seconds, excluding additional equipment. So everything is very good with the car.

Very similar to the KV-1S and KV-1, which is a true gaming classic. KV-1 is also quite a worthy candidate for farming. True, its mixing is a little worse, but its armor is a little better.

In general, both the KV-1S and KV-1 are pleasant to play, cause damage and get game credits; the choice between these combat vehicles is purely a matter of taste.

3. T67 (USA, tank destroyer)

Perhaps, T67 is one of the strangest tier 5 tank destroyers and certainly one of the most fun in the game. Very fast and invisible, it has a rotating turret, which compares favorably with most anti-tank self-propelled artillery units in the game.


She doesn't have any armor, but she doesn't need it. The main advantages of this machine are: speed, stealth and excellent DPM. It's no joke, the base amount of damage per minute for the T67 is 2156 units, and if you add the appropriate equipment and perks, it reaches absolutely fantastic heights. The damage of only 115 units per shot is more than compensated by the rate of fire and armor penetration of 128 millimeters.

T67 almost never suffers. At the top of the list, this vehicle, when used correctly, is capable of single-handedly deciding the outcome of battles; at the bottom, it can create a lot of problems even for powerful Tier 7 tanks. Indeed, in WoT there are very few vehicles that can be put to good use in any battle; the T67 is just one of them. And the more victories and damage, the more silver falls into the players’ wallets.

4. T-34 (USSR, medium tank)

Every player who came to the world of World of Tanks probably had the legendary “thirty-four”. Of course, everyone wanted to play on the famous car that fought so famously in the Second World War.

But the T-34 is not only a symbol, but also excellent tank for farming silver. Possessing good performance and good armor for its class, the “thirty-four” is also equipped with a completely crazy weapon.


The ZiS-4 57 mm cannon fires 26.09 rounds per minute without taking into account additional equipment and perks. And this 2218 units exactly in a minute! IS7 can be sawed apart, if, of course, it gets in the way of this monster. Armor penetration is 112 mm with an armor-piercing projectile and as much as 189 mm with a sub-caliber projectile. So for the T-34 there are no impenetrable targets; for most, armor-piercing shells are enough, but if necessary, you can safely shoot heavy tanks of the 6th and 7th level head-on.

In fact, the ZiS-4 is an endless drum that shoots once every two seconds and knocks out 85 points of damage from the opponent. A little, but no more is needed. In general, the T-34 drives well, hits some things and shoots excellently, which allows you to seriously influence the course of battles and consistently farm much-needed silver.

5. AMX ELC bis (France, light tank)

Not everyone likes the light tank class, as it is quite difficult to master. But AMX ELC bis, or “Christmas tree” in common parlance, has long fallen in love with hundreds of thousands of players.

This light tank has the speed of a Formula 1 car, a very low silhouette that makes it very difficult to hit, and to top it off, a wonderful top-end gun, the D. 915, which fires 240 points damage when penetrated by an armor-piercing projectile is 170 mm, and by a sub-caliber projectile - 248 mm.

Maximum speed in 65 km/h, which the “Christmas tree” picks up quite easily, allows you to play . On top of that, she also has excellent camouflage. An AMX ELC standing in a bush and pulling out a camouflage net can only be seen at point-blank range, while allies will deal damage when it is illuminated and thereby help the player earn silver.

If the game situation allows, you can shoot, because 240 units of average damage is an indicator of many tier 8 tanks, with which the “Christmas tree”, by the way, will often intersect.
“Yolka” drives, shines, shoots and, as a result, farms. True, you need to play it very carefully, there is no armor or strength points here. But in the hands of skilled players, AMX ELC allows you to create real miracles, which are generously rewarded with in-game silver.

Of course, you can consistently gain profit on almost all tier 5 combat vehicles, but farming on the above-mentioned tanks will be not only effective, but also enjoyable. Less suffering - more silver and fun!

Is it possible to farm on LT or Art?

As for the other types of tanks (LT and Arta), it is difficult to identify the best ones. Some tanks are better, some are worse, and besides, artillery and tanks are the hardest to farm, because... Thanks to the light, they give few credits, and it’s hard to damage the art. Of course, the five listed above may be different for you, it all depends on your playing style. But remember, when choosing your best farmer, always count on high damage, as well as damage from your help (by lighting up, shooting down gulsi).

That's all, good luck on the battlefields.

So you have decided to purchase another or your first premium tank in the game. This material contains all the level 8 tanks to make it easier for you to find a suitable tank. When choosing a new premium farm tank in World of Tanks, you should pay close attention to the positive and negative aspects of tanks. The main characteristics can be viewed by selecting your favorite premium tank on our website.

Which premium tank to buy

To answer this question, let's make a complete list of premium tanks available in the game and choose the appropriate one. But before that, I would like to see all the level 8 tanks to present the full picture.

Which tier 8 tank to buy

To find out which tank is better to buy, let's look at list of all tier 8 tanks. At the time of the release of update 9.8, there were no less than 58 units of this class in World of Tanks. So which Tier VIII tank should you buy? Since this list includes not only equipment that can be bought, but also pumpable combat vehicles, you need to highlight only premium tanks. Let's denote premium tanks with gold color.

List of Tier 8 tanks

Which premium tank is better to buy?

So, from the presented tanks, we choose only premium vehicles. Let's highlight not only the Tier 8 tanks themselves that can be purchased, but also distribute them among nations to identify the best candidate for purchase in each branch.

Premium tanks level 8

Presented here complete list of all tier 8 premium tanks in the game World of Tanks. Let's find out which one is the best and why. Advantages and disadvantages.


Soviet premium tanks are diverse. Premium level 8 tanks for farming. Perhaps the best choice for earning silver is this nation.

  • T-54 first sample
  • ISU-130

Among the Germans there are certainly several leaders. Which premium tier 8 tank is better. By choosing one of the premium tanks from Germany, you are unlikely to regret it.

  • Panther mit 8.8 cm L/71
  • 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

American premium tanks are worth buying. The best premium tank of level 8. Naturally, the highlight of these vehicles is their versatility in combat.

  • T26E4 SuperPershing
  • T95E2
  • M6A2E1
  • T34 - was transferred from a regular tank to a premium one

Perhaps the most dynamic tanks of the eighth level are French vehicles. Which premium tier 8 tank is best to buy. That's why players use them in clan battles.

  • AMX Chasseur de chars
  • FCM 50t

Medium tanks stand out among Chinese premiums. Review of premium tier 8 tanks. According to players, the best premium tanks are the Chinese ones.

  • Type 59
  • T-34-3
  • WZ-111

The development branch of Japanese tanks is not large in terms of premium vehicles. What a premium tier 8 tank. Here, a free premium can play an excellent service for tankers.

  • STA-2

The UK does not yet have premium tier 8 farm tanks. New premium tank tier 8. But the developers plan to soon introduce new combat vehicles for this nation into the game.

  • None

Which premium tank should I buy?

Let's analyze the information presented to identify the main contenders for victory among the purchased tanks in the game. An excellent option to choose would be the type 59 tank. After all, it was this tank that was removed from sales at one time due to its increased farmability and excellent dynamics. Don't underestimate the American equivalent, the premium Pershing tank. This combat vehicle has the best survivability among all premium tier 8 tanks in the World of Tanks game. Among the French ones, fsm 50t remains the undisputed leader. In terms of damage per minute, it has no equal among premium tanks. One of the latest German premium tanks, the Panzer Mit 8.8, deserves special attention. He also farms above average. Among the Soviet ones, we recommend choosing the Isa 130, the leading anti-tank self-propelled gun in terms of one-time damage.

Which tank to buy in World of Tanks

You can see the exact data on earnings on tanks in the farm table for premium level 8 tanks using the link at the beginning of the article or right here. Also, don’t forget that a free Tier 8 premium tank has appeared in the game, which is also included in the top premium tanks.

Farm table for premium level 8 tanks

Premium tanks with an increased farm coefficient are highlighted in green; we recommend buying them. Pink indicates Tier 8 premium tanks with a reduced average profitability ratio.

Level 8 Prem Average farm credits Farm coefficient
T-54 first sample 46810 0.5
IS-6 49001 0.8
KV-5 56840 1.5
ISU-130 41185 0.3
Panther mit 8.8 cm L/71 40716 0.2
Lowe 58430 1.8
8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger 53799 1.3
T26E4 SuperPershing 51004 1.1
T95E2 53812 1.4
M6A2E1 43665 0.4
AMX Chasseur de chars 49857 0.9
FCM 50 t 58100 1.7
Type 59 57525 1.6
T-34-3 48319 0.6
WZ-111 48990 0.7
112 50632 1.0
STA-2 52542 1.2

So, you decided to invest some money and buy yourself a premium tank in World Of Tanks. The choice of tanks in the premium store is not so small, therefore, when purchasing for the first time, the question arises - which premium tank is better to buy?

The best premium tank for farming

First, you need to decide for what purpose you need the car. Farm or bend? I think you have already heard enough words about farming on premium tanks. If you take a tank purely for farming, then at the moment these are M4A1 Revalorise, Skorpion G, Lowe and T34. It will be easiest for tanks to farm with these premium ones. Of course, you will say that you can farm at almost any premium. Yes it is. But these tanks will still bring more profit to beginners. An experienced player can farm on almost any tank (if he has a premium account).

The best premium tank for bending

Still, we wanted to talk about bending in wot. Which premium vehicle will be the easiest to use to tear apart enemies and take Kolobanovs and Redleys? Opinions differ here, but I will share with you my personal opinion, which, of course, you can challenge in the comments. I present to you the top 3 premium tanks for bending in wot.

At the moment, the best premium tanks are:

  1. Skorpion G
  2. IS 6 and WZ-111
  3. M4A1 Revalorise

But these tanks were not bad before

  • 3rd place. Super Pershing and FCM 50t. The tanks are completely different in concept, but not so much in terms of bending. Here experienced players will not agree, they say fcm bends, ololo. But our guide is designed for beginners; if you are an experienced player, then what, excuse me, have you forgotten? Ftsm 50t is too cardboard and it will be too difficult for a beginner to handle it. As for the super pershing, the tank is not bad at all. If the fcm is a TT that plays the role of a ST, then with Persh the situation is the opposite, it is a ST that copes very well with the role of a TT - tanking damage. By the way, we have an interesting article - how to tank broadside. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with it, although it has little to do with the Super Pershing; its sides are “not very good.” In general, both tanks have normal aiming speed and accuracy. The tools are comfortable.
  • 2nd place. Lowe and T34. Good tanks, good for farming. However, you can’t really bend over backwards with tens. They are thrown to the 10th levels, unlike the previous two. And the armor is not so great, which hinders survivability. Of course, the T34 has a very difficult turret to penetrate, but it requires the ability to play and find suitable places, which is difficult for a beginner. + Naturally, frequent play with tens will discourage the desire to “bend” on these tanks.
  • 1 place. IS-6. Yes, many will disagree with me. But, having gone through a difficult path from a beginner to a more or less successful player with a blue stat and a good win percentage, I can say that this premium tank is better than others in terms of bending. You just have to feel it, although this applies to any tank. It seems like he’s not dragging his feet, but then, after 100-300 battles, the peak begins. And the tank seems to be quite good, and we have victories, and I like the game. So here it is. If you correctly expose your IS 6 to the enemy, then you can even tank nines in some cases. You don’t have to worry about dozens, the tank has a reduced level of battles. It will only be thrown to the top and to the ninth levels, unless of course you are in a platoon with some tank without a reduced battle level. Yes, this premium has poor penetration, but... If you play full gold with a premium account, then you can easily reach 0, and often even +10-30k silver. In direct hands, more is possible. What about accuracy? The tank is not very accurate, but its concept does not imply this. The tank is great for urban conditions and tanks like a charm.
  • Bonus place. E-25. If you are lucky and manage to snatch a flea, then you can bend over it endlessly. An excellent bonus in terms of bending, and also farms well. There is one problem, sometimes there will not be enough shells, so you need to watch this carefully. Having installed a mask net and pipes, you can do the rat-cheat-from-the-bush technique. This is great too premium bending tank, like the IS-6, but the concept of the tanks is different and, unfortunately, the E-25 killed their sales. But here the situation is slightly different from the Type-59; most likely, it will be put on sale several times during promotions, similar to the WG league.

Conclusion. The choice of premium tank is yours.

Whatever you say, it's your choice. The final decision on what exactly to take from the premium tanks is up to you. Perhaps this guide will help you in some way in choosing the best premium. We recommend reading other interesting articles from the site -

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