Battery saving wizard for Android. Doze – energy saving. Use Power Saving Mode

An application from a well-known developer disables unnecessary background processes and also changes a number of system settings to optimize energy consumption without compromising usability. Avast Battery Saver supports five battery saving modes, and also includes battery monitoring tools typical of such utilities.

2.DU Battery Saver

DU Battery Saver promises to optimize power consumption without compromising device performance. For this purpose, special profiles of optimized settings are used, which are tied to the most typical usage patterns. In addition, the application monitors battery consumption, allowing you to track the most energy-consuming programs, temperature, capacity, charge time and many other parameters.

3. GO Battery Saver

GO Battery Saver is part of a suite of utilities developed by the creators of the popular GO Launcher, and promises automatic optimization of energy consumption with detailed information about the most power-hungry applications and components. An interesting feature is an accurate forecast of battery life depending on which network interfaces and programs are currently running.

4. JuiceDefender

If you are looking for an application that has many features and settings, various energy consumption patterns and automation of their application, then definitely pay attention to JuiceDefender. With it, you will control all aspects of your battery use and will be able to save, according to the developers, 30–40% of charge.

5. ShutApp + Doze

Developer YirgaLab offers two separate tools that promise to save battery power. The ShutApp utility identifies and blocks energy-consuming background applications and processes, preventing them from restarting in the future. And Doze limits background traffic when the screen is off.

Are such applications really necessary?

From a technical point of view, absolutely all such utilities work the same. They forcefully close background processes and also limit data exchange when the device is idle. The problem is that such interference inevitably affects stability. Typically, battery-saving apps do everything automatically and don’t touch really important processes, but sometimes innocent people fall under the knife.

If you block it in the wrong way, problems can start.

For example, messages in the messenger or something else will stop coming. Only an experienced user can understand this situation and manually adjust the settings.

Please note: the battery saving utilities themselves are constantly running and (suddenly!) also eat up battery power. Sometimes even more than the processes they disabled. That is why, in practice, the effect of economizers is either minimal or zero, and sometimes even negative.

It turns out that all these utilities are useless? Not really. In some scenarios, they actually slightly extend the operating time of the mobile phone, but the best thing about them is the battery consumption monitor. With its help, you will find out which of the installed applications have exorbitant appetites, and remove them.

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill in this case, and the best way to extend battery life is to organize your library of installed applications and abandon the most power-hungry ones.

There is a separate category of professional economizers that really help, but they require superuser rights to work, that is. You can get acquainted with actually working applications to save battery.

In this article, we talked about ways to save battery, as well as programs for this.


This article will focus on the problem of short battery life on smartphones running Android, and will also tell you how to solve it.

Perhaps the most common problem, which occurs when using a mobile gadget running Android for a long time, is the short battery life.

Of course, as you understand, the point here is not at all the operating system that comes from the manufacturer, but specifically what features, filling and functionality it comes with, along with the fact that it has a very small battery capacity. Indeed, in order for the phone to be discharged by the second half of the day, it is enough just to increase the brightness of the display to the maximum, or turn on services such as GPS, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, and by the way, the Internet that is on consumes a lot of energy.

Therefore, as you understand, discharging a smartphone with the Android operating system is not difficult, but there are still ways and methods that will keep your smartphone charged, and they involve installing special programs.

What actions should you take after purchasing a brand new Android device?

Imagine that you bought a new smartphone model called the Galaxy S7 Edge, and it’s already in your pocket, but it’s still turned off. Therefore, you will rather rush home to turn it on as quickly as possible and play the same Dungeon Hunter 5 on it, but you shouldn’t do this.

You obviously would like the battery to live and work as long as possible, “Well, who wouldn’t?” you say in a bright tone. Therefore, in order to protect her as much as possible from adversity, you need to do just a few steps.

  • First of all, after purchasing a smartphone, it costs as much as you need to pump energy into the battery, but this must be done with the phone turned off, since if the phone is turned on, it will not be fully charged
  • It takes about 6-7 hours to charge any new phone
  • First 3-4 charges of your smartphone, you must complete it until the battery is fully charged. And after that you can charge it with the remaining 65-70% charge with a wait of about 2-3 hours
  • There is no need to leave it overnight, if you leave your smartphone charging all night, it still won’t really charge, since when it reaches 100%, charging will automatically turn off from the network, and after that the phone will start to discharge again, and then reaching a certain level charging will be connected
  • You should not hold or operate the phone if the charge percentage is less than 30%, since it is precisely such situations that greatly reduce the operating mode of your battery. Therefore, if there is a charger nearby that can be connected to your smartphone, then be sure to do so

Why does the battery drain very quickly on Android?

So, we have already described the first rules, the implementation of which plays a huge role in the service and battery life of a smartphone. Now you need to understand the problem, which is the rapid discharge of the battery, and this despite the fact that it took a very long time to charge.

Display performance

Display brightness is perhaps one of the ways to save battery on your smartphone. After all, as you know, if you reduce the brightness to a minimum, the operation of your smartphone will noticeably last longer. But of course, you shouldn’t set the brightness to minimum, because in bright light, for example in the sun, you won’t be able to see anything. Therefore, we recommend setting the optimal brightness, that is, around 40-50%.

It is especially important to reduce the display brightness on top smartphones such as HTC Butterly, Lenovo K5 Note, Sony Xperia Z5, which have a Full HD display resolution, that is, 1920x1080 pixels, and also have a 4.5-5 inch screen. But fortunately, the manufacturers of such smartphones have made some adjustments for them, which include a more powerful battery, but unfortunately this is sometimes not enough to fully enjoy such smartphones.

Perhaps another option that will also save battery power is to enable a function such as "Auto-tuning", whose task is to adjust the brightness of the display to the ambient lighting.

This option is in Display settings, where, accordingly, you can remove animated wallpapers on your desktop, which also reduce battery power.

Turning off Wi-Fi

You can also save battery power on your smartphone by turning off wireless technologies, which include: Wi-Fi, NFC, Bluetooth, GPS navigation service and Android Beam function. These technologies must be used only for their intended purpose, that is, at the moment when they are used, since you use the same turned on Wi-Fi from time to time.

Inclusion Airplane mode or simply "Airplane mode"

It should be noted no less interesting function, such as "Airplane mode", which will automatically turn off all wireless technologies on your smartphone.

Enabling Network Mode "Only 2G"

If you don’t use the Internet at all, or you don’t need super high-speed Internet, then you can save energy by turning on network mode "Only 2G"

To do this you need to go to the section "Settings", choose "Wireless network", Further "Mobile connection", where necessary check the box opposite the point "Only 2G networks".

If this is still not enough, then let's look at which applications will help save your battery power on your smartphone.

Updating firmware on a smartphone

After all, as you know, phones can also be flashed, and therefore newer firmware can save battery power.

By the way, I would like to note that official firmware differs from unofficial ones in that they consume a little more energy to operate.

Therefore, you should also try to flash your phone using unofficial firmware, having first found out what firmware version is on your device.

What programs exist to save battery power on an Android smartphone?

There are a lot of programs that allow you to save battery power, but still a large number of such programs do not work.

Therefore, we have selected the most popular and effective programs that will really help increase the life of your battery.

Easy Battery Saver

The application program is very popular on Google Play, and this popularity is not without reason, since this application has more flexible settings that will increase battery life.

This application has a so-called function like "Smart Mode", which has optimal and convenient settings for saving battery power.

If you are not happy with the smart mode, then there is a more effective mode called "Super-saving mode", at the moment of activation of which you will notice the disabling of all energy-consuming programs and functions on your smartphone, but except for the call and SMS functions

Battery Dr.Saver

An excellent application for saving battery power, which has a rather interesting and intuitive interface.

This application allows you to find out in detail what exactly is consuming energy from your battery.

DU Battery Saver

Another free application that can manage energy saving on your smartphone. This application allows you to increase the life of any Android device by up to 50%.

The program also has intelligent power management modes that are already configured.

Well, let's give it results this article, in which we provided ways to save battery power and corresponding programs for this, and also gave valuable tips that will increase battery life.

Video: How to save battery on an Android device?

Active use of phones leads to one problem - it begins to discharge quickly. An Android battery saving app can come to the rescue. After all, the vast majority of mobile device manufacturers use this particular operating platform. All our readers will benefit from an overview of the most popular applications of this type.

Battery Saver (Download)

This free app has 5 million downloads and an average rating of 4.3 stars.

According to the developers, the battery charge should last longer from 2 to 4 times. Judging by the reviews, Battery Saver works. However, the maximum bar is clearly too high.
Battery Saver is very functional. The optimizer automatically disables programs that are not currently in use, shows how long the battery lasts. There is a deep sleep mode. That is, when the phone is not being used, wi-fi, synchronization, etc. are turned off. The application can independently determine which program consumes the most energy and turn it off.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting a certain uncompromising nature and the lack of individual manual settings. All background programs will be closed, even if they are needed. In sleep mode, no application will be updated.

Photo: Battery Saver

HD Battery (Download)

The program has broken the bar of 10 million installs. This battery saving app for Android is very simple, intuitive and convenient.

Photo: HD Battery

With the help of graphs, you can track not only the charge consumption, but also the temperature of the device and the voltage. Not everyone needs these functions, but their presence is also welcome. The HD battery will tell you after how long the device will turn off if you listen to music, play games, use a navigator, etc. (for each specific case).

The upside is the customization. The application is free and available to everyone.

There are still some disadvantages. Problems with sound notifications and late data updates have been noted more than once. Taking all this into account, the application received a rating of 4.6.

Photo: Photo: HD Battery


As many as 400 million Android users have downloaded DU BATTERY SAVER. An average rating of 4.5 indicates that the application performs quite satisfactorily.


The developers managed to create an intelligent battery doctor. It monitors and optimizes the phone’s performance in every possible way. Monitors applications that consume the most battery and notifies you that some background programs can be closed. The phone is also not allowed to overheat and the program lets you know if the wrong charger is being used.

All settings are set individually, the application can be downloaded for free.

Speaking about the pros, it is worth touching on the cons. Due to its super-functionality, malfunctions periodically occur. However, developers respond to complaints and release updated versions of their product.


DU Battery Saver (Download)

Another battery saving application for Android from the same developers as in the previous case. This time it’s paid – it costs $1. But its capabilities are an order of magnitude higher than those of its free brother.

Buyers get a smart and fully adjustable app. It is possible to configure battery saving modes, depending on the time of day or circumstances. Scanning and optimization allows you to improve the performance of the device and extend its operation for as long as possible. Memory is regularly cleared of unused programs. If you still need it, do not forget to add it to the ignore list. The quality of the charger's operation is monitored and the remaining time until charging is complete is shown. The application supports many languages, including Russian.

True, some users note that this program is still similar to its free version. Sometimes technical problems occur, which developers try to quickly fix. After all, the application is still paid.

Photo: DU battery saving

Photo: DU battery saving

Battery care (Download)

This application has achieved more than 300 million downloads and a rating of 4.5 stars.

The free program allows you to monitor battery energy consumption and set individual modes. Convenient and clear design shows the amount of charge required for each application on the phone. The most energy-consuming ones are also notified. You can see the device's charging speed and its discharging speed. A detailed scan will identify any weak points in your work. About 30 languages ​​are supported.

In any barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. “Battery care” was no exception. When the screen goes dark, all open programs are automatically closed. The battery, of course, is saved, but this is not suitable for everyone.

Avast battery saver (Download)

Avast also pleased us with a free battery saving application for Android.

The main principles of its operation are the optimization of all settings and the closing of background unused applications.

The developers have improved and significantly simplified the operation of the program. With just one click you can close all unnecessary applications that slow down your phone and consume a lot of battery power.

There are 5 main modes installed and it is possible to add your own. The application sends advisory notifications about mode changes. “Battery Saver” analyzes all processes quite accurately and can extend the life of the phone. You can monitor the discharge rate and the time until the device turns off completely.
Again, the app may not appeal to those who don't want to close background windows. However, as practice shows, this actually saves battery power.

Photo: Avast battery saving

Battery Saver Wizard (Download)

Last on the list, but far from the last in the ranking, will be “Battery Saver”. The application has already been downloaded by more than 100 thousand Android users.

The program is very simple, convenient and quite effective. Conserving battery power is done by closing unused applications and generally optimizing the smartphone. Energy saving modes are set automatically. There is no possibility of adjusting them. But there is a noticeable plus - you can add to the white list those programs that cannot be closed.

Photo: Battery Saver Wizard

The application was highly praised due to its simplicity, unpretentiousness and good performance. During sleep mode, it may not stop working wi-fi, bluetooth and data synchronization. Most reviews about it are positive. However, on some devices the program may not work correctly or correctly.

Dear readers! If you have any questions or comments on the topic of the article, please leave them below.

“Before you have time to charge your tablet, it’s already dead!” you can often hear from happy owners of gadgets.

There may be two reasons affecting Android energy saving:
1) inability to properly use the battery and
2) manufacturing defect.

We will consider the first reason in this article.

Mobile laptops have faded into the background with the advent of portable gadgets: tablets and smartphones. The latest miracle of technology is much more pleasant to use and costs less. If you don’t need anything else besides surfing the Internet, music and games, then a tablet is what you need! Almost everyone is satisfied with such a convenient purchase, and they are happy to use it to the fullest.

However, very soon the joy gives way to surprised disappointment from the question that arises: “Why does the battery discharge so quickly?” Yes, the battery really rarely pleases anyone with its performance, or maybe consumers’ expectations are simply a little too high. Be that as it may, there are several secrets for saving energy.

1. Brightness

The lion's share of the charge goes to the screen backlight, so it is worth setting the minimum brightness at which the convenience of operation is maintained. You can even conduct a small test and find out how many minutes it will take 1% of the charge at maximum brightness and at minimum brightness. The test results are impressive.

2. Auto rotate

Disable auto-rotate screen, like any other sensors. This will also reduce power consumption.

3. Wallpapers and widgets

Refuse live wallpapers and working widgets, they also consume tablet (or smartphone) battery power.

4. Wireless connections

Turn off unnecessary wireless connections. Working wireless connections mercilessly eat up battery power. This means it is extremely important to turn off Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth when not needed.

It is also worth turning the slider of the "My location" section to the off state.

By the way, in order to disable all wireless connections in one fell swoop, which waste battery power in vain, you can use Airplane Mode.

5. Synchronization

This is a necessary thing, often replacing information carriers, as well as other methods of data transmission. However, its constant operation in the background is extremely undesirable. Synchronization settings, disabling synchronization can be found in account management.

6. Work in the background

The factory Android firmware is burdened with many applications that are most often not needed. However, in order to somehow change or completely stop their work, some experience is required.

You need to carefully stop running applications, having previously figured out what this application does and what it serves for. Otherwise, you can worsen the operation of the tablet (gadget), or even as a result of such ill-conceived activities, a reboot may be required. In general, you should stop running background applications only if you are sufficiently prepared for this.

What should I do to stop background apps from running? For this purpose, you can use the "Application Manager", which is in the standard "Settings" menu (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Launch Application Manager

By selecting the “Running” tab (1 in Fig. 2), you can see which of these applications are constantly “spinning” in the device’s memory and “devouring” its resources, including battery life.

Rice. 2. Application Manager. In progress tab open

By clicking on any of the running applications, for example, on the Settings application (3 in Fig. 2), we get to the Application Details window, which has the Stop button of interest to us (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Stop button in the Active application window

On the "Running" tab, you can see "cached processes" (2 in Fig. 2), which can also be stopped in the same way using the "Stop" button (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Stop button in the Active Application window of the cached process

As a rule, the operating system provides minimal information about each application and each cached process. This information may include messages such as:

  • "Application may crash when service is stopped"
  • “Normally this process does not need to be stopped” or
  • “Part of the data may be lost when the application is stopped”, etc.

These messages must be treated carefully, these recommendations must be followed, because it is not for nothing that they are written to us, users of tablets (gadgets).

To be honest, I myself do not touch background applications and processes; I try not to stop them unnecessarily. Perhaps this leads to faster battery drain, but I feel safer than waiting for some “adventures” due to erroneously or incorrectly disabled applications and processes. Let them work, since the operating system needs it.

7. Bluetooth keyboard

It consumes relatively little power. However, if you often deal with documents that require a lot of printing, then it is best to purchase a USB keyboard. A Bluetooth keyboard may be more convenient, but it is not beneficial in terms of energy consumption.

8. Extreme Power Saving Android

It is impossible not to mention the standard Android option “Extreme Energy Saving”. You can use it to save battery power. True, they mainly use it if there is no way to charge a fairly discharged battery of a tablet or gadget.

“Extreme Energy Saving” is enabled in “Settings”. The option of interest is called: “Extreme energy saving” (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Enable extreme power saving Android

When this option is enabled, the use of applications is limited; they are loaded only from the list of main applications, which you need to select yourself. The transmission of mobile data is also disabled, if the tablet or smartphone “can” do this, WiFi and Bluetooth are disabled. However, we must remember that after disabling the extreme power saving mode on the screen of your device, the location of application icons may change, the picture will become unusual, although this will not make anything worse.

9. Battery

Finally, we can’t help but say about monitoring the use of battery resources and optimizing the use of battery resources that the Android operating system provides. To do this, there is a “Battery” option in the “Settings” menu. It allows:

Rice. 7. Optimizing applications to save battery life

So, if you click on the Facebook application, which consumes most of the electricity of our gadget (Fig. 8),

Rice. 8. Application optimization options using the example of Facebook particular, it is clear that with the optimization option “Automatic optimization (Optimization of applications not used for 3 days)” installed for the Facebook application, optimizing energy consumption is not enough (Fig. 8). You should select the “Always optimize” option.

But the “Disable” option for energy saving on Android disables optimization, and the application consumes the largest amount of electricity for its operation.


These 9 tips will help extend the life of your battery.

But it is worth remembering that its capacity decreases over time, even with proper use of the gadget, simply because the battery is periodically charged and discharged. And its resource is precisely calculated by the number of possible charge-discharge cycles.

The more cycles, the more the battery of our tablet (gadget) wears out, and nothing can be done about it. Everything is not forever...

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An application from a well-known developer disables unnecessary background processes and also changes a number of system settings to optimize energy consumption without compromising usability. Avast Battery Saver supports five battery saving modes, and also includes battery monitoring tools typical of such utilities.

2.DU Battery Saver

DU Battery Saver promises to optimize power consumption without compromising device performance. For this purpose, special profiles of optimized settings are used, which are tied to the most typical usage patterns. In addition, the application monitors battery consumption, allowing you to track the most energy-consuming programs, temperature, capacity, charge time and many other parameters.

3. GO Battery Saver

GO Battery Saver is part of a suite of utilities developed by the creators of the popular GO Launcher, and promises automatic optimization of energy consumption with detailed information about the most power-hungry applications and components. An interesting feature is an accurate forecast of battery life depending on which network interfaces and programs are currently running.

4. JuiceDefender

If you are looking for an application that has many features and settings, various energy consumption patterns and automation of their application, then definitely pay attention to JuiceDefender. With it, you will control all aspects of your battery use and will be able to save, according to the developers, 30–40% of charge.

5. ShutApp + Doze

Developer YirgaLab offers two separate tools that promise to save battery power. The ShutApp utility identifies and blocks energy-consuming background applications and processes, preventing them from restarting in the future. And Doze limits background traffic when the screen is off.

Are such applications really necessary?

From a technical point of view, absolutely all such utilities work the same. They forcefully close background processes and also limit data exchange when the device is idle. The problem is that such interference inevitably affects stability. Typically, battery-saving apps do everything automatically and don’t touch really important processes, but sometimes innocent people fall under the knife.

If you block it in the wrong way, problems can start.

For example, messages in the messenger or something else will stop coming. Only an experienced user can understand this situation and manually adjust the settings.

Please note: the battery saving utilities themselves are constantly running and (suddenly!) also eat up battery power. Sometimes even more than the processes they disabled. That is why, in practice, the effect of economizers is either minimal or zero, and sometimes even negative.

It turns out that all these utilities are useless? Not really. In some scenarios, they actually slightly extend the operating time of the mobile phone, but the best thing about them is the battery consumption monitor. With its help, you will find out which of the installed applications have exorbitant appetites, and remove them.

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill in this case, and the best way to extend battery life is to organize your library of installed applications and abandon the most power-hungry ones.

There is a separate category of professional economizers that really help, but they require superuser rights to work, that is. You can get acquainted with actually working applications to save battery.

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