A utility for recovering data from a hard drive. Data recovery programs from hard drives and flash drives. Transcend RecoveRx - Free Data Recovery Software for Beginners

Description of top programs for recovering deleted computer data: Recuva, Hetman Partition Recovery, EaseUS Data Recovery, UndeletePlus, R-Studio, Ontrack EasyRecovery. Overview of features and video. Personal computers and laptops, smartphones and tablets, and other digital devices today are used by users to store important and personal data. And although the reliability of each of these devices today does not raise any doubts, the issue of data safety and security is still very important for the user.

Digital or storage devices can fail or become damaged for many reasons beyond the control of the user or manufacturer, resulting in data loss. There are no devices that would 100% guarantee the safety of data to the user. But, in case of loss of important information as a result of system damage or accidental deletion, there is a chance to recover lost files.

If a file is deleted, regardless of the reasons and method of deletion, the information is not permanently deleted from the storage device. It is simply marked as one that has been deleted and is considered by the system as such (for the system, this option is much less resource-intensive than complete deletion), until the information is overwritten by other files. This means that a deleted file can be recovered as long as a certain amount of information has not been saved to the disk, which could overwrite the necessary files.

You can recover a deleted or lost file using data recovery programs:

Hetman Partition Recovery


Pros and Cons of R-Studio

  • The program has a fairly wide range of functions for data recovery
  • Can create a disk image for later data recovery
  • High percentage of recoverable files
  • Availability of a built-in HEX editor
  • Quite simple and not very intuitive interface
  • The process of scanning storage media, recovering data, creating an image, etc. takes a long time - the program cannot be called fast
  • Lack of ability to preview documents, video files and listen to audio files

Features of the program

The program itself is unlike all other data recovery tools. If you understand its interface, you will eventually realize that it is very simple, but for an inexperienced user it will not be easy to intuitively understand the sequence of actions to restore your data.

Our opinion

R-Studio gives the impression of being a quality data recovery tool that has had a lot of time and effort put into it. But looking at the interface, one gets the impression that, in pursuit of implementing as many functions of their program as possible, the developers forgot about its users, or the program was actually intended for advanced users or IT specialists who should not have many questions.

But no matter what, I was very pleased with the ability to create a disk image, as well as restore data from it, and, in addition, the ability to recover deleted or lost disk partitions and data from them.

On the Internet, including on our portal, the topic has been raised more than once
file recovery. In fact, there is a whole class of universal and perfectly working programs, differing from each other only in the class of application - whether you need to restore worn-out ASI correspondence or a hard drive polished with a power cable. In this race, all participants reached the finish line - rest assured, each of these programs will cope with what they are supposed to cope with. I do not provide links and prices, because armed with Google (and I am not promoting Google) you will quickly discover both these very popular programs and medications for them. At the end, I will share with you my subjective impressions and comments for those who, one way or another, want to choose “the very best of the very best.”

Search and Recover

Let's start with the standard list of features inherent in most programs of this class: support for most file systems; search for lost files on any device equipped with a permanent
memory; working on portable media (you can run a program from a CD-DVD and go through the damaged hard drive); recovery of files after emptying the Recycle Bin, from formatted drives, after reinstalling Windows, immediate recovery of messages in Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Mail, and QUALCOMM Eudora. Recover contacts, calendars, tasks, etc. in M.S.
Outlook. There is a preview function, with which you can view a worn-out file without restoring it (both in its natural form and, for special aesthetes, in hexadecimal encoding).

Search and Recover allows you to work in two modes: “master” and user. I note that in this context, the “master” is the program settings for “artificial intelligence”, where, in theory, it should do everything for you. In the "master" mode, all the most necessary tools are easily accessible.
The “Custom” mode has a number of differences. You yourself specify the file types and their location, and specify the disk drives.
It is worth noting the usability interface of the program: different files are highlighted in different colors (that is, all text files, for example, you can see by a given color). It is also possible to view all files that are in good, fair or poor condition.

As a bonus, I would like to note the function of completely erasing files (using the method of repeated overwriting) and the high, even very, speed of operation.


[All standard features]

Using EasyRecovery Professional, it is possible to recover more than 300 files of various types on disk, including MIDI music files, audio files, movies and much more that a modern user may encounter. Essentially, EasyRecovery consists of a DataRecovery data recovery module, a FileRecovery file recovery module, a disk diagnostic module, and a user trying to figure it all out.

The diagnostic part of the program provides: testing of disks and their partitions; detailed information about disk space usage; information about the positions of disk DIP switches (via the Internet); creating a diagnostic floppy that loads the Caldera version

Scanning a disk, especially a large one, unlike the previous participant in our race, requires a lot of time. Not surprisingly, it is possible to stop this process and remember its state in order to resume scanning later. Testing can be of varying depths and take different times, but a short test provides, according to the company itself, a diagnostic reliability of 90%. The program provides for reading parameters (thresholds) corresponding to SMART technology from the disk controller and warning about possible problems with it (only for modern disks).

Data recovery possible at different levels, up to serious damage to the file system. To summarize, we can conclude that a program with such rich functionality can be useful to those users who have severely abused their hard drive (pardon the pun) and were unable to recover lost information using other, faster means.

DiskInternals Uneraser

[All standard features] +
[Recovery of compressed (under NTFS) and encrypted (under NTFS5) files, support for long names, recovery of partitions with subpartitions]

The authors of the program claim that they have a unique technology for recovering deleted FAT32 partitions in Windows 2000/XP along with their contents. Another difference between the program and other similar utilities is that when restoring files in Windows 2000/XP and FAT32 operating systems, it is not always possible to restore them completely. Therefore, the program we are considering restores them in several versions, most suitable in terms of their content, so that the user can then determine which of them is more suitable, and by other means can select the necessary information from them if the file is not completely restored. (But they didn’t want to restore the archived files. The program didn’t show them among the files in the deleted partitions.)
The specific features of the NTFS file system do not allow individual files to determine the partition in which they were previously located. Such files are placed in the common Lost files folder.

A special feature of the program is also the ability to save and then work with a disk image. The authors suggest creating such an image before you start restoring files (especially if the number of files being restored is large), and also to prevent the disk content from being destroyed due to incorrect user actions. It is recommended to create a disk image (file) on other logical drives or on network drives. After its creation, such an image can be connected to the program in the simplest way, and it can be worked with as with a real logical disk.

The program behaves very well in the case
file recovery from broken disks. Having detected an unreadable cluster, it will not try to extract information from it, but will write zeros instead and move on to the next cluster.


[Short list of functionality]

Already a bit old (there have been no official updates for more than a year), but still quite a convenient set of programs that can automatically find drives, even if the Boot Sector or file allocation table has been deleted or damaged, and also restore files that are not referenced from the directory. Even after partitioning your hard drive and converting one file system to another, you can recover information and save it to network drives.

The function of monitoring and protecting files from accidental destruction looks very useful and necessary (unfortunately, this function was not available in the demo and I was not able to test it in practice).
FinalData will also help you recover information from damaged CDs, permanently delete unnecessary information, clean your donkey, cache and history, restore MS Office files and email messages, etc. etc. etc. and h.z.ch.

Memory Stick Data Rescue Service

But this is no longer quite ordinary software. It allows you to recover photos and data files that were written to a Memory Stick and subsequently lost or deleted. File Rescue software is free and can be downloaded from Sony's customer support site. Before downloading the file recovery software, the program will require the user to register the Memory Stick model name and serial number. Simple and user-friendly MSFR is capable of recovering jpg (DCF format), MPEG1 and mp4 (MS Video file format) files and, in addition, is also capable of
recover most office files, including documents prepared using PowerPoint and Word. Once a Memory Stick is inserted into the slot, MSFR guides the user through seven simple steps that scan, repair, and rewrite files.

Memory Stick File Rescue is compatible with all types of Sony Memory Stick media sold since 1998. The success of file recovery depends on the state of the data and whether any data was written “over” the file being recovered.

Dead Disk Doctor

[All standard features]

The program is distinguished by an original algorithm for searching and correcting errors on partially unreadable media. It allows you to minimize the loss of “live” data when trying to restore information in “dead” areas during block reading. The file is read in blocks of 10 KB, and when the device (CD-ROM, for example) generates an error, the block size is reduced by 10 times, the attempt is repeated, and so on until the data block is read without errors. If the block size reaches the minimum, the program skips one byte and starts reading from the next. After successful reading, the block size increases 10 times, etc., until it reaches a maximum of 10 KB.
Thanks to this non-standard solution, in many cases it is possible to recover even information that was not susceptible to other anti-deleteers.


[All standard features]

A fairly powerful and interesting means of information recovery, worthy of participating in our race. Regardless of what happened to the information, whether it was deleted, whether there was physical damage to the hard drive or a crash of a running program, or even low-level formatting of the HDD, GetDataBack will most likely be able to return all the information written to the disk. GetDataBack allows data recovery both on the computer on which the program is installed and on a remote one, for example, on any computer on a local network; Another good feature is fast operation.


Search and Recover, in my opinion, has left everyone behind in terms of speed of scanning and recovering information, but in terms of capabilities and richness of functionality (I don’t know of files that the program could not recover), EasyRecovery has taken the lead. The rest of the programs turned out to be too specific and of them I would like to highlight Dead Disk Doctor, which can help in almost hopeless situations.

Storing information in digital form has many advantages, among which the most significant is the amount of data that can be recorded in the minimum unit of memory of a digital device. But this storage method also has its drawbacks. If the storage device fails, the operating system crashes, or user errors occur, data may be lost. Fortunately, in most cases, unintentional file deletion is not permanent and with the right and timely approach, they can be recovered.

Recovering deleted files is possible thanks to the very algorithm for recording information on the hard drive. New files are not written to empty sectors or cells, but over previously deleted ones, physically stored on the disk until they are completely overwritten. That is, when deleting, files are not destroyed immediately. Instead, the system erases the first character of the file name and marks the space it occupies as free, while the file itself remains on the disk. The exception is SSD drives with the TRIM function enabled; the cells of such media are completely erased, so restoring accidentally deleted files becomes an almost impossible task.

So, is it possible to recover files deleted from your computer? Yes, quite, unless they were overwritten by other data. For these purposes, it is best to use special programs, since Windows itself does not have any intelligible tools. You can restore files using standard tools only if they have been moved to the Recycle Bin, and also if the system has the shadow copy function and/or file history enabled. First, let's look at an example of recovering files deleted from a hard drive without using third-party programs.

Recovering deleted files using Windows

In Windows 7 and 10, if you open the properties of any folder or file, you can see the “Previous Versions” tab, and in it - a list of backup copies of objects. Even if the files were deleted past the Recycle Bin, just select the desired backup version and click the “Restore” or “Open” button.

But it's not that simple. The fact is that your “Previous Versions” tab will most likely be empty, at least in the properties of directories on the user disk. In order for copies to be created, protection must be enabled in the system properties for the corresponding partition, that is.

Note: You can return deleted files using the “Previous Versions” function only if they were located in folders and not in the root of the disk.

It is highly desirable that the system also enable the “File History” function, which provides periodic backup of the contents of user libraries and the desktop.

This primarily applies to Windows 8 and 8.1 systems, in which there is no “Previous Versions” tab in object properties. It is difficult to say for sure what prompted Microsoft developers to remove it from the eighth version and then return it in the tenth, however, the shadow copy technology itself was untouched.

How to recover files deleted from a computer by gaining direct access to shadow copies will be discussed below, but for now let’s say a few words about “File History”. This option appeared in Windows 8 as an alternative to the “Previous Versions” function, which were tied to the creation of system restore points. The “File History” function is independent, but in order to use it, an additional physical disk or flash drive must be connected to the computer, or, alternatively, a network drive.

Recovering deleted data with its help is very simple. To do this, click on the “Recover personal files” link, select a folder or a file located in it in the window that opens, and click the button with a rounded arrow.

Now regarding the recovery of files from shadow copies in Windows 8 and 8.1. As already mentioned, the “Previous Versions” tab is missing in these versions of the system. So what if you need to restore a specific file, do you really need to roll back to the previous restore point? Not at all necessary.

Open a command prompt as administrator and run the command vssadmin list shadows.

As a result, you will receive a list of all restore points. Pay attention to the “Source volume” parameter; it will indicate the drive letter from which you are going to recover data. Then, having determined the backup copy number (it is indicated at the end of the Shadow Copy Volume parameter value), run the following command:

mklink /d %SystemDrive%/shadow //?/GLOBALROOT/Device/HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy7/

In this example, the recovery point is number 7, your value will be different. As a result of executing the command, a symbolic link will appear in the root of drive C shadow.

By following it, you will find yourself exactly in the shadow copy!

This method works equally well in Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10, but again you need to remember that it makes sense to resort to it only if the system has the function of creating system restore points enabled.

Recovering files using special programs

Above, we examined in detail how to restore files deleted from the Recycle Bin when emptying it or lost for other reasons, using the system itself. As shown above, all these methods have significant limitations. To be able to recover data directly from a disk, and not from backup copies, you should use special programs, including both paid and free ones.


R-Studio is a powerful professional program for recovering deleted files from a wide variety of digital devices, from hard drives to CD/DVDs and memory cards. The application supports working with all popular file systems, RAID arrays, and can create images of physical disks and individual volumes. Despite the fact that R-Studio is aimed at experienced users, the data recovery procedure in it is not complicated.

After launching the program, select the target disk or partition in the left column and click the “Show disk contents” icon on the toolbar.

In this case, a list of deleted directories will be displayed on the left, and their contents, marked with red crosses, will be displayed on the right.

Check the boxes for the objects you would like to restore and select the “Restore marked” option in the main menu. Next, in the window that opens, you will need to specify the folder to save the files, set additional recovery options if necessary, and click “OK.”

If files have been lost due to file system damage or formatting, it is advisable to scan the disk by selecting the appropriate option in the main menu.

Preliminary scanning of the media allows you to perform a more holistic and in-depth analysis, which means increasing the chance of recovering lost data.

Upon completion of the procedure, a new item “Found by signatures” will appear in the list of disks.

Select it with the mouse, click in the right column on the link “Files found by information about the typical features of their data structure”, mark the necessary elements in the next window and restore them.

Ontrack EasyRecovery

Another professional commercial product that allows you to quickly and effectively recover deleted files. Ontrack EasyRecovery has a convenient interface in the form of a step-by-step wizard, which greatly facilitates working with the program. The application supports data recovery from hard drives, ZIP and CD/DVD drives, flash drives, memory cards, RAID arrays, as well as various devices with flash memory.

The recovery procedure in Ontrack EasyRecovery consists of several stages. At the first stage you will be asked to select the media type, at the second you need to specify a specific disk or partition, at the third you will need to select an operation (in this example it is recovery).

To do this, select the directory with the deleted files in the tree list (it will be marked in green), right-click on it and select the “Save as” option from the menu.

You can also restore individual files by doing the same in the right column of the program window. If you switch to the “Previews” tab, you can view thumbnails of the files being restored, although such viewing is only available for images.


Among the free programs for recovering deleted files, we can recommend Recuva. This simple yet effective tool allows you to recover any type of data from various digital media, supports viewing previews of images and hexadecimal code of files of different formats.

Recuva is very easy to use. After starting the program, you need to select a volume in the drop-down list and click the “Analyze” button. The program will scan the media and display a list of deleted files.

Check the boxes for the items you need, click the “Recover” button and specify the directory to save them.

You can also use the context menu by selecting the “Restore selected” option.

The program has a simple search by file name and format, and you can view basic information - status, date of creation and modification, size and full path.

You need to know about this

So, we looked in detail at what to do if you deleted the file you needed. Using third-party programs in this case has its advantages, as it allows you to recover files even if the partition is deleted and the file system is damaged, but there are some things to keep in mind. If you accidentally delete or lose files, never write any data to the partition in which they were located, as there is a risk of overwriting the sectors containing them.

For this reason, the recovery program should be installed on a “free” partition, different from the one from which you are going to restore. Ideally, you need to remove the hard drive, connect it to another computer and start scanning from it. You also cannot save recovered files to the same partition; in this case, you risk losing them completely. That is, if you are restoring files from drive D, you should save them to drive C or a flash drive.

Recovering files from a hard drive is an issue that worries many personal computer owners.

This includes the loss of valuable information and the time required for its successful recovery.

Specialized services charge a lot of money for this, but if the media is in good condition, it makes sense to try to recover the data yourself.

Reasons for losing information

If the storage medium is undamaged, the main reason may be:

  • errors that occurred in the partition table or file system devices. Most often this happens due to incorrect shutdown of the personal computer, failures, malfunctions in hardware and software;
  • the harmful effects of viruses, as well as user errors, often lead to the loss or corruption of data. With such failures, the information usually remains on the disk, but data about its location is lost. This is expressed in the loss of several disk partitions, displaying the partition as unformatted;
  • Inaccurate file system entries can also lead to partial or complete loss of individual files and directories.

The main causes of malfunctions that lead to loss of information

Or maybe files, important data were accidentally deleted or the partition in which they were located was formatted. Information recovery is carried out using certain software in manual or automatic mode.

When using the appropriate programs, all information that exists on the media is scanned. Based on the detected information, a “map” of fragments of recovered data is created. It contains information: which file belongs to which sector, names, sizes and other parameters of the elements of the system being scanned. The selected data is then transferred to another drive.

What to do if data is lost?

If nothing was written to the sectors from which information was deleted, then the data was not physically destroyed, but information about its location was distorted or lost. First of all, it is necessary to determine exactly where the sectors that store the necessary information are located, and also to reproduce it in the correct sequence.

If information was written to the disk from which the files were deleted, for example, formatting and installation of a new operating system, there is a high probability of physical destruction of the data. In these cases, the feasibility of successful information recovery depends on the ratio of lost and recorded data. For example, if you delete 2 gigabytes of databases and write 100 gigabytes of music and movies in their place, the probability of successful recovery approaches zero.

Data recovery mechanism using programs

  • media scanning;
  • Based on the scanning results, a map of the location of pieces of information is compiled, based on the detected service records, and a directory tree is built;
  • the map contains data about which file belongs to which cluster, the name, size and other parameters of the file system elements;
  • if the information received is not enough, then certain extrapolation methods are used;
  • folders and files that need to be recovered are selected in accordance with the compiled map and transferred to another medium.

This article will review a variety of programs, both paid and free, and analyze their strengths and weaknesses so that the reader can quickly choose the most suitable software for his request.

5 Best Data Recovery Software


Recuva is one of the most common programs for recovering lost data or formatted disks. The high demand for this program can be explained by its simple and intuitive interface. Recuva does not require experience or special knowledge in the field of data recovery, it is very convenient and easy to use. You can download it from here

The program scans the selected hard drive in detail (various hard drives and flash drives are supported). Information can be recovered even if the drive has suffered any physical damage or was formatted using a standard system command.

It is recommended to perform recovery using the program without changing the standard settings, unless, of course, you are an expert in the field of data recovery. This utility has a simple interface and will provide effective information recovery, even if the user does not have the necessary knowledge.

The program will prompt you to select the type of file to be restored. When searching for a specific file (music, picture, document), it is worth specifying the category to save time necessary for the recovery operation. But, if you do not know the file type or want to find data from different categories, specify “Other” and the program will search for all deleted information.

Choosing WHAT to look for

Next, you need to select the location where the file was located before deletion. You can select not only a separate folder, but also more extensive areas, for example: “My Documents” or “On a memory card”, and the program will check the selected area for the presence of the necessary data. If the exact location is unknown (the file was deleted using special programs or simply disappeared), you should leave “Exactly unknown” by default so that the utility scans the entire surface of the media.

We choose WHERE we will look

A window appears when you are ready to perform the restore operation. It is recommended to conduct an in-depth analysis: it takes longer, but its efficiency will be many times higher.

It is worth waiting a while while the program searches for files. If you did not choose in-depth analysis, the operation will take very little time.

Selecting information to restore

A window will open indicating the deleted data found. From this list, you should select the information that needs to be restored, after which the program will prompt you to select a folder for recovery.

It is important to correctly select the folder where our files will be restored, because this will affect the efficiency of their recovery. Restoration should be carried out to a drive other than the one from which the recovery is being carried out. This is especially true when returning a large number of files. You can connect an additional hard drive or flash drive to return data to them. The space should be slightly larger than the size of the files being restored.

The recovery procedure will not take much time and depends on the number and size of files.


R-Studio is a convenient and functional program for recovering information from various drives that was deleted by mistake. With its help, you can scan various media and recover lost data not only from hard drives, but also from flash drives. You can download the utility from the website http://www.r-studio.com/ru/Data_Recovery_Download

Initially, you should decide on the choice of version: demo or full. If you do not perform data recovery on a regular basis, it is better to choose the demo version. A 20-day period is more than enough to restore all information.

If you are not a pro, it is better to use the demo version

In addition to recovery, the utility can also perform a preliminary scan. This operation will speed up and increase the efficiency of the recovery procedure. It is worth noting that you can scan the device with third-party programs, and upload a file with a report on the work done to R-Studio. The utility always conducts a detailed scan by sector. This may take some time, depending on the size of the partition being scanned.

We scan the selected partition

After the scan is completed, it will be possible to view all the files that it was able to detect and then select those that can be restored. In order to restore a file, you need to right-click on it and select the “Recover” command.

R-Studio is convenient and multifunctional

If you don’t know exactly what was deleted from the device, and you are going to recover all lost files, in this case, right-click on the desired media and select “Recover all files.”

At the end, simply select the partition where to restore

At the end, you will need to select a folder where the seized information will be restored. Important! It is imperative to take into account that the folder should not be located on the hard drive from which the information will be returned, because during the recovery of some files, others may be completely overwritten by them.

After selecting a folder, you need to wait while the program diagnoses the drive and restores lost information.

Easy Recovery

Easy Recovery can safely be called a high-quality program for professionals, which can be mastered by an ordinary user. It has gained popularity due to its excellent efficiency and, at the same time, ease of use in comparison with similar utilities. The advantage of this program is that it can also perform preliminary diagnostics of the media. Download the program

Click on “Disc Diagnostic” and select the required command. If the utility was downloaded in order to recover data, then we conduct a deep scan “SmartTests”. In addition to scanning, the program will perform diagnostics and determine whether the hard drive has problems, for example, unreadable sectors or any others, in order to prevent troubles.

Diagnostic menu

After selecting the command, the type and number of media that are currently running on the device are determined. We choose which one we will work with and where to restore the information.

For the most accurate and complete diagnostics, select “Run extended SMART test”. First of all, you should be patient: the verification will take a lot of time.

Be patient and choose scanning

To restore files, go to the “Data Recovery” section and select the mode that is interesting to us. In this program, modes are selected depending on the specific situation.

For example, if you accidentally formatted your hard drive, select the “Format Recovery” category. Next, select the file system of the drive and the partition that was formatted.

If there is a need to recover deleted files, then select the “Deleted Recovery” function - the disk selection menu opens and the formats of the recovered files are determined.

Recovering lost files

If the data is lost as a result of a software failure or the reason for the loss is unknown, select the “Advanced Recovery” option. After scanning, the program will find information that was deleted within a certain period of time.

We choose what we need to restore. Typically, the diagnostic and recovery procedure does not take much time. This will depend on the amount of data that needs to be returned.

PhotoRescue Pro

PhotoRescue Pro is a utility that will help you recover deleted photos or videos. Today's digital devices provide ample opportunities for recording, dubbing and optimizing media files. If you accidentally deleted the necessary files from a digital gadget, this utility will solve this problem.

With this program you can recover data from any type of flash drive, hard drive or mobile phone. It is possible to recover data even from damaged and formatted media.

Working with PhotoRescue Pro is very convenient and accessible. You can download it from here. The program supports many languages, including Russian. After selecting the language, a window appears in which we click the “Next” button and the registration window appears. If you just want to recover a few photos, there is no point in registering the program, but if you constantly work with your camera and this problem occurs to you quite often, it is worth purchasing the full version.

First, we select the drive from which we will return information. The utility works with several file systems at once, which is very beneficial. Click “Next”.

Analyzing the content

After selecting the drive we need, click “Next”, wait a couple of seconds - the utility will check the partition we have selected. A list of folders is displayed; we need to select the one that interests us. If the location of the file is unknown, click on the checkmark at the very top to highlight all the data found. "Next"

Select the desired folder

We select the formats of the files that interest us. To avoid mistakes, it is better not to uncheck individual formats so that the utility can find as much information as possible. Next, select the required files. Click “Next”.

Select the desired folder

Once you have completed selecting formats, the scanning operation will begin. The verification time will depend on the volume of data and will take from a few minutes to a couple of hours.

Scan duration depends on data size

The advantage of the program over analogues is that it simultaneously checks the drive for the presence of unreadable sectors. Thanks to this, you can not only restore lost information, but also carry out diagnostics and troubleshooting.

All that remains is to restore the data

After scanning is completed, a list of files opens. It is possible to search for files by categories (video, photo, audio) and formats, and not by sections and various folders.

The program shows how much data was found and what was deleted. Thanks to this, you will quickly find out which files were found and which were irretrievably lost.


GetDataBack is one of the most effective and most powerful. With its help, you can recover data in almost any situation. The developer divided the program into two subtypes: the first for the NTFS file system, and the second for FAT. Download it from here: https://www.runtime.org/data-recovery-software.htm

We recover all deleted files for effective results

This utility must be installed on a foreign hard drive. You cannot restore to the media from which files will be restored, since the necessary information will be overwritten.

After opening the program, a menu of four items appears. For maximum efficiency, it is recommended to select the fourth option – “I want to recover deleted files” (I want to recover deleted data).

Select the required section

In the list of local drives that opens, which the utility will find while scanning the hard drive, you need to find the partition where the deleted files were located. The program provides many possibilities in the field of data recovery, but if you just want to return information from the drive and do not know where it was, you should select the “Physical drives” category.

A file system window opens and you need to select the one that is supported by this version of the program (in our case, NTFS). Modern computers use different file systems simultaneously, so check the box next to “Show recommended”.

Select the file system we are interested in

After a detailed scan, the utility will open a folder explorer, simple and easy to understand. The contents of the selected folder will be displayed on the right; if the information was deleted, after recovery GetDataBack will show the files in strikethrough font for ease of classification. Each file is equipped with a special marking, which can be used to determine the type of information found.

Data recovery is easy and convenient

As a result, we select the data we need and start the recovery. Once finished, the recovered file will be available in the editor

Restoring files using this program in the FAT file system is carried out in the same way.


This article discussed, in my opinion, the most popular and effective programs for recovering deleted data from a hard drive and various media. For beginners, the popular Recuva with a simple interface is suitable; if you lose media files, you should choose PhotoRescue Pro, it can recover data from almost any modern gadget; for constant work with returning information, GetDataBack is ideal - it has powerful functionality, is efficient and at the same time has an ergonomic main menu.

If for some reason you were unable to recover your data, but the information is valuable, it makes sense to contact specialists. They have more powerful software and can help where these utilities are powerless.

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