Proper opening of the iPhone lid. How to open an iPhone to install a SIM card How to open an iPhone 4

Apple products today are perhaps one of the most recognizable in the world. And the iPhone has long ceased to be just a smartphone with an apple logo on the back. It is a sign of taste and status and an indispensable attribute of a successful person. But, being a fragile thing, like most technology, the iPhone is often damaged during active use.

Scratches, chips and abrasions spoil the appearance of the device, undermining the authority of its owner. Sometimes replacing the back cover becomes a necessary measure, but what if there is no time to visit a service center? This manipulation can be done at home by following simple instructions.

How to remove the back cover of iPhone 4 yourself?

To get started, prepare a workplace that is spacious and comfortable enough. Place a sheet of white paper on the table to help you if you drop a screw or other small item. Make sure that the surface of the table is clean and dry, exposure to moisture and corrosive substances can adversely affect the performance of the device. You will need a miniature screwdriver and the device itself.

Disassembly on the count of "three"

If you did everything right, the cover will easily separate from the case. Now you know how to open the back cover of the iPhone 4, this technique will also work for the iPhone 4S. Now you have the opportunity to replace the back cover, clean the inside of the device from dust, or perform any necessary manipulations. The smartphone is assembled in the same way, in reverse order, when installing, make sure that the miniature screws that secure the cover are screwed in correctly. And, of course, be careful so that your iPhone 4 lasts for many years.

We all face the moment when the iPhone 4s stops working like clockwork. There can be many reasons for problems, and some of them cannot be solved by simply flashing the device, since they are no longer software.

Often common causes of problems are: poor performance of the Power and Home keys, a broken back cover or screen after a fall, and battery problems. All these problems can be eliminated without much difficulty if you know how to disassemble a smartphone.

You can, of course, take the iPhone 4s to a service center, while paying a round sum, or do everything yourself. The main thing is to know exactly what and how to do so as not to damage the device. There is also another reason why people disassemble iPhones themselves - this is modding.

Modding is change appearance your device, to give it personality. Everyone is wondering: how to remove the cover from an iPhone or how to change the battery? How to open it? In this article, you will learn how to perform the operation of disassembling your apple device. In order to get started, you will need special tools:

  1. Two plastic PRY tools (cross handle + straight handle);
  2. Screwdriver;
  3. Crosshead screwdriver;
  4. Sucker;
  5. Triangle playground.

iPhone 4s disassembly process

Turn off the iPhone by pressing and holding the top Lock button. Now let's start the disassembly. Take a hex screwdriver. And unscrew a couple of bolts located on the bottom of the iPhone. Then, slide the back cover down and carefully detach it. If the cover was broken, put a new one and assemble the entire structure in the reverse order.

Next, to remove the battery, you need to unscrew the screw that holds the battery mount and pry off the cable latch with a plastic spatula. We pull the plastic tab and remove the battery. If the battery was the problem with the iPhone, we change it, after which we put it back. To assemble the device, do the whole procedure in reverse order. If the problem is in the screen or the Home and Power buttons, we continue further disassembly.

We remove the SIM card in order to proceed with the dismantling of the system board.

After removing the SIM card, unscrew the two screws above the battery cable. We disconnect the cable and unscrew another screw hidden under it.

The next step is to unscrew the 5 screws of the protective plate, which are located at the top of the smartphone next to the camera module. Remove the protective plate with a rubber spatula. We dismantle the camera module. Turn off the camera loop. We dismantle the module itself.

Disconnect all cables at the top of the iPhone and unscrew the only screw. We remove the motherboard.

We remove the polyphonic module, for this you have to unscrew one screw, after which you can freely remove the module. The next thing to do is remove the audio jack. We unscrew the 2 screws located on the sides of the connector and the screw that secures the audio connector to the frame.

So, the last thing left to do is unscrew the screws around the entire perimeter of the iPhone 4s frame to remove the screen.

It remains only to detach the front panel and separate the entire structure. If screen replacement is required or protective glass, then now it is very easy to do, after the operation to parse the device. Also, we can change our Home and Power keys if they were faulty.

The iPhone is completely disassembled. You can proceed to replace the faulty components. Broken screen, back panel, ill-fated buttons or battery, all this can now be changed by yourself. And you can also do modding and give the phone a unique design. Now everything is in your hands.

How to remove the cover from an iPhone?

The most popular smartphone among all existing today - the iPhone - is known for its good quality. The company "Apple" monitors its reputation and does not even repair broken iPhones under warranty, but replaces them with new ones. But even despite this, situations sometimes arise when we need to disassemble an iPhone at home. Therefore, we will further consider how to remove the cover from the iPhone so as not to damage it.

How to remove the cover from an iPhone: instructions

In order to remove the back cover from any iPhone, you will need the original five-point and Phillips screwdrivers, tweezers, and to remove the cover from the iPhone 5, you also need a vacuum suction cup. If you are determined to disassemble your smartphone at home, carefully study the instructions below and follow their instructions carefully.

How to Remove the Back Cover from an iPhone 4

To remove the back cover from this iPhone model, you first need to put it in silent mode.

  1. Then unscrew the screws that are located at the bottom of the phone.
  2. After that, put your thumbs on the phone cover around the edges and approximately in the middle and gently push it forward.
  3. Then carefully remove the cover of the smartphone.

That's all.

How to Remove the Back Cover from an iPhone 5

Before removing the back cover of this smartphone model, you need to remove the SIM card tray. Otherwise, you will most likely damage your iPhone.

  1. Then unscrew the screws holding the cover.
  2. Using a special suction cup, which is attached to the bottom of the smartphone, slowly move the bottom of the module.
  3. Try not to touch its upper part, because it is there that important plumes are located.
  4. To permanently remove the back cover, carefully insert a thin plastic card under the display and separate it from the back cover.

The goal has been reached.

Before you carry out such manipulations with your iPhone, carefully evaluate all the risks. Even though removing the back cover from an iPhone is quite simple, it may be more correct to entrust this matter to a specialist in a service center. After all, in the end, all responsibility for the future fate of your iPhone will fall on you.

If you want to learn more about how to disassemble an iPhone, read our articles.

The popular and respected Apple company produces iPhone 4 smartphones, which are fragile things, and it happens that they require replacement of the back cover. Or you just need to open it to install a SIM card. This raises the question of how to open iPhone 4 without damaging the device. To which we will give an answer.

How to open "iPhone 4": details

First of all, we turn off the smartphone by pressing the power button, in order to avoid any unpleasant consequences from disassembling the device in the active state. The device has a complex electronic device, so anything is possible. On the side of the case there is a switch key, we put it on silent mode. This must be done in order to be able to remove the cover of the smartphone. At this stage, the preparation of the iPhone 4 smartphone for the operation to separate the base ends. Then we move on to the next repair step.

Note. Do not forget to wash your hands, as during the process of removing the cover and after it, during the replacement of the battery or SIM card, dirt may get on the internal elements of the smartphone, which can subsequently cause problems. We will not dwell on them.

How to open "iPhone 4": open the cover, unscrew the screws

The operation must be carried out on the table. There are special screws on the case for attaching the cover. To disassemble the device, you need to unscrew them. If we talk about how to open iPhone 4 with a key, we note that it is necessary to act in a very careful way. With moderate effort. This is necessary so as not to strip the threads on the screws and not to smooth the hats. Before us is the most difficult and most responsible stage of the operation, requiring the greatest concentration and concentration. The hardest part is over. Next, we continue to inform you how to open the iPhone 4: lift the lid up and take the smartphone from the table in both hands. We put two on the body. The camera should be in the direction of the fingers. To finally understand how to open the iPhone 4, very carefully press the lid a little and move it forward. This movement must be made until it clicks. The sound indicates that the clips located inside the case are disconnected. Next, you carefully need to put the smartphone on the table and proceed to the next step of the operation.

final stage

A distinctive feature of the Iphone is the impossibility of self-disassembly of the phone. Even during the presentation of the first "apple" gadget, the manufacturers assured that opening the back cover of a smartphone at home is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible. In addition, self-disassembly of the device leads to a loss of warranty, so if any problems arise, the service center may refuse to service the phone. However, if you decide to open the iPhone yourself, you should follow certain instructions below.

Features of smartphone maintenance

To prepare the iPhone for installing a SIM card, you must first open the smartphone cover. This process is much more complicated than that of any other smartphones. As the saying goes, iPhones are as perfect on the outside as they are inconvenient to maintain on the inside.

In fact, opening the smartphone cover on your own is not as difficult as it seems. But the fact that disassembling the device requires some preparation and a set of tools already speaks volumes.

Smartphone disassembly

Before you open the cover of your iPhone, you need to prepare a special place for work. This is due to the fact that inside the smartphone is quite fragile and delicate. There should not be wet or damp places nearby, as dirt, moisture or dust should not get into the iPhone switch. It is best to put white thick cardboard on the table, for example, whatman paper, which will allow you not to lose the smallest details.

To open the cover at the bottom of the Iphone smartphone, you need to unscrew the two screws that are located on the sides of the Lightning connector.

After that, you should smoothly move the back panel up until a characteristic click.

If you need to install a SIM card in your iPhone, then you need to insert it into a special slot. It is worth noting that only trimmed SIM cards can be installed in iPhone smartphones, so purchase such a SIM card in advance or visit the point where the card trimming procedure is carried out.

If you need to remove the battery, then it is recommended to do this with a small plastic spatula so as not to damage the device.

After the SIM card has been installed or other activities have been carried out, you can replace the panel and put the cover back on. The whole process, of course, takes place in the reverse order, at the last stage, the screws are tightened. After that, you can continue to use your smartphone.

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