Grand Theft Auto series. Grand Theft Auto series GTA 4 mission with Bucky Sligo

You can download this GTA 4 walkthrough - part 3 to make the gameplay easier. After GTA 4 is completed in the second stage, the final stage begins, described here!

Smackdown / Teach a lesson properly
Jack Marquiri gives a task - to find and kill a certain guy who threatens his family. The guy's name is Bucky Sligo. We'll need a police car to access the database. There are two parked cars across the street from the employer. We take one of them and enter the computer. We use the search by name, entering the name Bucky. You will find out that the victim is in Burger Shot. We mark the place on the map and go there. Since we need to kill not only Bucky, but also his associates, the passage of GTA 4 advises us to follow him and not kill him, so that he will lead us to our friends. He will drive slowly, and it is only possible to fall behind in theory. A couple of minutes and he will stop at the house. Get out and kill everyone. As soon as you start the massacre, you will receive 2 wanted stars by the police. Which must be reset to complete the mission.
Reward $6500

Babysitting / Nanny
Derrick asks for help following a deal at sea. The mission will start in the boat. Swim to the marker, watch the introduction scene and follow Kim's boat. Soon they will attack you and try to drown the Korean. GTA 4 passage of missions recommends shooting at the drivers of attacking boats, and most importantly - stay close to Kim. Then a helicopter will appear. Derrick will say that there is an RPG at the end of the boat. Shoot down the helicopter with a grenade launcher, finish off the remaining boats and swim after Kim again. That's it, this mission ends. * GTA 4 walkthrough secrets - try to keep the maximum number of charges for RPGs on hand (there are only 8 of them). This weapon is extremely effective, although expensive.
Reward: $7000

Tunnel Of Death / Tunnel of Death
This mission is also given by Derrick. He wants you to first take the prisoner from the police and then kill him. You need to defeat a police convoy that is transporting a prisoner. Packie will call, explain the situation, and tell him where he left the truck to complete the mission. Drive to the truck, it is marked on the map. Move on it into the tunnel. Park the truck as shown on the markers. We watch the video and take out the convoy. GTA 4 walkthrough advises - if you have an RPG, it will be very useful. When using it, you need to be very careful - the destructive power is great, and you need to ensure that Paki, who is helping you, and the prisoner remain safe and sound. After you clear the guards, get into the van with the prisoner with Packy, break away from the police (third level of wanted, be careful!) and, having broken away, go to the marker marked on the map. There we have to change the car, since the cops will be looking for this van. After that, go to the outskirts of the island called Leftwood. After a short conversation, you will have to kill the prisoner.
Reward: $7500

Truck Hustle/Truck Theft
In this mission we will need to steal a truck with heroin from the triads. Arriving at the place marked on the radar, kill everyone who bothers you. As you approach the truck, you will see another person leading it away. You can't kill the driver, it's better not to waste ammo. If you have time, catch up on foot, the truck is heavy and slow. There is a marker behind the car; when you run into its area, you will see a video of Niko jumping onto a truck. Press jump several times in a row and Niko will climb onto the roof of the car while moving. Crawl to the truck cabin on the roof. * GTA 4 secrets: Use the hints displayed on the screen to get into the cockpit. When turning, it’s better not to move at all, but keep your balance! As you crawl to the cabin, press the button to enter the car. You will see a video of Niko killing the driver and throwing him out of the car. All you have to do is drive the truck to the point marked on the radar.
Reward: $11,000

Blood Brothers / Siblings
Francis Marquiri will call and ask for a meeting. Go to him. Francis will order his own brother Derrick. Some time after this, Derrick will call you with a similar request - to kill his brother Francis. The GTA 4 game will give you a choice - which of the brothers to kill and which to leave alive. Come to the place marked on the radar. Climb up to the roof using the technical window cleaning elevator and choose which of the brothers you like less. GTA 4 walkthrough recommends killing Derrick. For killing Francis, you will receive a “thank you” and a chase from the police, and for Derrick, you will also receive $10,000, and most importantly, the opportunity to call Francis in case of pursuit by the cops. After choosing, get off the roof and throw off the police tail if you still chose to kill Francis.

Paki will invite Niko to the funeral of one of his brothers, depending on who you decided to kill in the previous mission, Francis or Derrick. Wear decent clothes and go to the funeral, the dot is marked on the radar. In the video, you will be shown an attack by bandits on a church. You will first have to fight off a series of enemy attacks. First there was one car with bandits, then several more, and help ran out from the alley nearby. Paki will help you shoot enemies. After you deal with the attack, get into the hearse. This car needs to be taken to the cemetery. The passage of the game GTA 4 recommends being careful, after you kill the bandits, you will be given two stars wanted by the police. In addition, more bandits will chase you... Drive the car carefully, beware of collisions - the cargo may fall out, this will lead to mission failure. I also advise you not to shoot attacking bandits on the move - you can run into the third star, and it will be much more difficult to escape. Besides, Paki does a great job himself. Once you deliver the hearse to the cemetery, the mission will be completed successfully.
Reward: none.

Pegorino's Pride / Pride of Pegorino
GTA IV once again impresses with its challenging mission. A bulletproof vest and a lot of ammunition will come in handy. Nico should cover Jimmy Pegorino on the deal. Get into his car, pick up the others, including Jimmy himself, and drive to the abandoned factory marked on the radar. Having arrived at the marker, watch the video and go to the stairs. Take a position on the roof marked on the map. You will be given a sniper rifle, wait at your position. As soon as the deal begins, guys with weapons will arrive, they are Niko’s target. Clear out anyone who is close to Jimmy and can cause damage to him. The rest of the allies are not so important. Use cover, in total you will meet 15-20 well-armed people. We need to break through to Pegorino as soon as possible before the enemies do it. When you get there, watch a video in which the bandits run away with the boss’s money. Jump into his car and follow them. * GTA 4 secrets: don't blow up the enemy's car, there's money in it! When they arrive at another plant, you need to remove them all and take Pegorino’s money from the main one. Once you've done that, take Jimmy home.
Reward: $10500

Reward: $6500

Being in a deranged state, Derrick will tell you that a man named Bucky Sligo is threatening to kill the entire McReary family and himself for a long-standing offense. We must prevent this misfortune. At the same time, it would be nice to eliminate his gang. Namely, Bucky will go to her lair when he sees the avenger.

Get into the police car parked next to the park and turn on the computer. Enter the name BUCKY SLIGO in the search bar (any one word is enough). Cops say he is currently at a Burger Shot in north Alderney.

Ride there in the copwagon and when Bucky spots you and gives you a run for his money, follow him. In an attempt to get away, he will start driving around the backyard, knocking down fences. Only the speed of his car is much lower than yours, he won’t be able to break away.

The shootout in the house next to which Bucky will stay will be very simple. And a couple of cops are already waiting for you on the street, called by compassionate neighbors. Avoiding the police through the winding streets of Alderney (especially for the first time) is not a trivial task. Not only is there nowhere to accelerate, but there are also plenty of dead ends into which you can hustle in the heat of the moment.

P.S. In addition to financial gratitude to McReary, after completing the mission you will receive an SMS from Ray Boccino - the mafia has made sure that you have your own home in Alderney. Well, a new safehouse will come in handy.

Passage statistics: Derrick 33.33%.

[Mission Gallery]

Reward: $7000

Another immigrant arrives in America in search of a better life. He is willing to pay to protect his boat.

Derrick, who has come up on the boat, will transfer control into your hands. Sail with him to Kim's boat, anchored north of Alderney. A brief introduction procedure - and Kim begins to move. Follow close to him, because in a few seconds the caravan will be attacked by several enemy boats.

Fight them off with a submachine gun, knocking the helmsmen out of their seats. Soon a helicopter will crackle in the sky, and Derrick will give you a rocket launcher. When the helicopter disappears into the depths of the sea, the chase will stop, and until the pier in Bohan, not a single living soul will bother you anymore.

Passage statistics: Derrick 66.67%.

[Mission Gallery]

63. Tunnel of Death

Reward: $7500

Very soon, a man named Aiden O'Malley will be transported through the Booth Tunnel. He was once part of Derrick and Bucky's team, but he got caught and went to prison. Since then, Aiden believes that it was Derrick who contributed to his imprisonment. Moreover, he constantly gossips about Derrick to the servants of the law. It's time to shut his mouth. But to make it look like an organized escape, you can’t kill him on the spot. Otherwise, all suspicions will immediately fall on Derrick.

Paki prepared a large truck capable of blocking the tunnel. Take it from the alley and place it across the road in the indicated place. When the convoy stops in front of an obstacle, shoot all the escort and, together with Paki, get into the police van.

It is possible to get away from three “stars” in a slow van, but it will take too long. It's easier to pull off a clever trick. Notice that behind the van there is a small opening in the wall separating the lanes. Back up a little, go through this opening into the oncoming lane and move along it in the direction of Algonquin.

Behind the wall, on the side where you were just now, you can already hear many sirens. But the cops who arrive under these sirens physically cannot see you. Continue towards Algonquin. You will soon see that the search area ends even before leaving the tunnel. The exit itself was blocked by cops, but if you stop at the very edge of the alarm zone, they won’t notice you. And after a few seconds they will completely abandon the search operation.

When everything calms down, turn around and go to Alderney, to the indicated place. A car is already waiting there. After the transfer, take O'Malley to the cliff in the northwest of the island and kill...

After some time, a text message will arrive from Francis, who learned about his brother’s arbitrariness. And again we have to make a moral choice...

Passage statistics: Derrick 100.00%.

Developers: Rockstar North and Rockstar Toronto
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Localizer in Russia: 1C
Publisher in Russia: 1C
On official sale from: December 2, 2008
Genre: Action/Racing/3rd Person


In the Comrades bar, which is located opposite your first home and where Vlad gives his tasks, there is a small reference to one of the games in the series - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. During all the videos, there are several photographs hanging behind the bar counter... If you look closely, it becomes immediately clear that these are official screenshots from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, which were posted on the Internet by the game developers while they were working on it.


To see this reference to the game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, you need to take a task from Derrick McReary to capture a character named Bucky Sligo. After you figure him out using the police computer and rush after his car, Bucky will lead you to an abandoned building where opponents live. After a successful shootout, pay attention to the first floor of the building in the TV area. Directly above it is a poster with an image of the rock band Love Fist, known to us all from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.


Visit the middle island, or rather the place where you first meet policeman Francis McReary. When entering the pier, pay attention to the ground lined with bricks and the logo of Rockstar Games, the game developer company. However, they often use it in their games.


As is known, in Grand Theft Auto IV There are quite a few tasks in which the player is given a choice - to do this or that. So, in order to see this secret, you need to choose to kill the Playboy X character, and not Duane Forge, when given such a choice. After Playboy's death, his penthouse will become your property, and in these same apartments there are clothes of Claude himself - the character Grand Theft Auto 3. The developers have not forgotten him, in general.


The reference to previous parts of the series does not end with the previous secret. On the first island, in the Aglonquin area, opposite the Bank of Liberty office, there is a building covered in graffiti. Among the inscriptions one can clearly distinguish such famous ones, according to the series Grand Theft Auto, characters like: El Burro, D-Ice, 8-Ball, Misty, Kenji, as well as a helicopter, a motorcycle from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Carl Johnson from .


In addition to Claude's clothes, the game has another secret outfit for your character. The truth, this time, is not so difficult to find. It is located at the foot of the Statue of Liberty, lying directly on the ground. If you want, finding this T-shirt will not be difficult.
By putting it on a character, you can easily read the following words: - “Happiness is... land” against the backdrop of the same Statue of Liberty.


Well, perhaps the most famous secret for all those who played Grand Theft Auto IV is still located in the same Statue of Liberty. Take a helicopter (because there is no other way to get there) and fly to the monument. Next, carefully disembark on the second tier of the pedestal and find the door indicated in the screenshot, next to which the following is written: “No Hidden Content this way,” which translated means approximately the following: “There is nothing hidden here.”
Then all we have to do is go through this door and climb the stairs to the very top, where the huge heart of the statue will open to our eyes, which is also beating.


The face of the Statue of Liberty in Liberty City is copied from a real person - Hillary Clinton, wife of Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, and the statue itself holds a cup of coffee instead of a torch. This drink is a reference to the previous game in the series - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, or rather, to the major scandal associated with it.

Reward: $6500

Being in a deranged state, Derrick will tell you that a man named Bucky Sligo is threatening to kill the entire McReary family and himself for a long-standing offense. We must prevent this misfortune. At the same time, it would be nice to eliminate his gang. Namely, Bucky will go to her lair when he sees the avenger.

Get into the police car parked next to the park and turn on the computer. Enter the name BUCKY SLIGO in the search bar (any one word is enough). Cops say he is currently at a Burger Shot in north Alderney.

Ride there in the copwagon and when Bucky spots you and gives you a run for his money, follow him. In an attempt to get away, he will start driving around the backyard, knocking down fences. Only the speed of his car is much lower than yours, he won’t be able to break away.

The shootout in the house next to which Bucky will stay will be very simple. And a couple of cops are already waiting for you on the street, called by compassionate neighbors. Avoiding the police through the winding streets of Alderney (especially for the first time) is not a trivial task. Not only is there nowhere to accelerate, but there are also plenty of dead ends into which you can hustle in the heat of the moment.

P.S. In addition to financial gratitude to McReary, after completing the mission you will receive an SMS from Ray Boccino - the mafia has made sure that you have your own home in Alderney. Well, a new safehouse will come in handy.

Passage statistics: Derrick 33.33%.

[Mission Gallery]

Reward: $7000

Another immigrant arrives in America in search of a better life. He is willing to pay to protect his boat.

Derrick, who has come up on the boat, will transfer control into your hands. Sail with him to Kim's boat, anchored north of Alderney. A brief introduction procedure - and Kim begins to move. Follow close to him, because in a few seconds the caravan will be attacked by several enemy boats.

Fight them off with a submachine gun, knocking the helmsmen out of their seats. Soon a helicopter will crackle in the sky, and Derrick will give you a rocket launcher. When the helicopter disappears into the depths of the sea, the chase will stop, and until the pier in Bohan, not a single living soul will bother you anymore.

Passage statistics: Derrick 66.67%.

[Mission Gallery]

63. Tunnel of Death

Reward: $7500

Very soon, a man named Aiden O'Malley will be transported through the Booth Tunnel. He was once part of Derrick and Bucky's team, but he got caught and went to prison. Since then, Aiden believes that it was Derrick who contributed to his imprisonment. Moreover, he constantly gossips about Derrick to the servants of the law. It's time to shut his mouth. But to make it look like an organized escape, you can’t kill him on the spot. Otherwise, all suspicions will immediately fall on Derrick.

Paki prepared a large truck capable of blocking the tunnel. Take it from the alley and place it across the road in the indicated place. When the convoy stops in front of an obstacle, shoot all the escort and, together with Paki, get into the police van.

It is possible to get away from three “stars” in a slow van, but it will take too long. It's easier to pull off a clever trick. Notice that behind the van there is a small opening in the wall separating the lanes. Back up a little, go through this opening into the oncoming lane and move along it in the direction of Algonquin.

Behind the wall, on the side where you were just now, you can already hear many sirens. But the cops who arrive under these sirens physically cannot see you. Continue towards Algonquin. You will soon see that the search area ends even before leaving the tunnel. The exit itself was blocked by cops, but if you stop at the very edge of the alarm zone, they won’t notice you. And after a few seconds they will completely abandon the search operation.

When everything calms down, turn around and go to Alderney, to the indicated place. A car is already waiting there. After the transfer, take O'Malley to the cliff in the northwest of the island and kill...

After some time, a text message will arrive from Francis, who learned about his brother’s arbitrariness. And again we have to make a moral choice...

Passage statistics: Derrick 100.00%.

And without access to the Internet, the game will not be saved? Do I need to register my account on the internet? and how much does this whole thing cost?
Post the patch into Russian translation for the nevermore versions!

You need to press the Home button in the game and create an offline account in life; you don’t need the Internet for this at all. You create an offline account and then save the game under it.
And then every time it loads automatically when the game is loaded.
When installing the game and while playing in general, the Internet was cut off and everything was fine...

Do you need to install both patches on the face from 1C?

And how can this be fixed))

I have a problem in a mission where I need to drive a white car into the garage for some Russian junkie at the very beginning of the game) I drive it and the door of the garage is closed, how is that a bug or what?)
And how can this be fixed))

Possibly a bug, although I haven't encountered it.

I restarted the game twice...

I have a problem in a mission where I need to drive a white car into the garage for some Russian junkie at the very beginning of the game) I drive it and the door of the garage is closed, how is that a bug or what?)
And how can this be fixed))

You probably installed the patch. This is how Rockstar fights piracy. Now we need to find a crack for it. This is for fans of Auto Theft 4, because... I am not one and I don’t know where this crack is. Good luck in your search!

I have a problem in a mission where I need to drive a white car into the garage for some Russian junkie at the very beginning of the game) I drive it and the door of the garage is closed, how is that a bug or what?)
And how can this be fixed))
If you work for Faustin, then first wash it in the trash

People installed sp3 face from 1c on clean Windows, social club and gta4 in one folder, everything is fine, updated to, everything in the menu is top-notch.... As soon as I enter the game everything starts to lag terribly, the sound plays normally and lags There was a similar problem, it was that the social club and the game were in different folders, now in the same

Help people!! I updated the firewood and reinstalled the game 3 times... Urgently needed!! I can’t reinstall Windows because there are a lot of files needed on the partition.....

guys... I have this problem, it gives me an error when starting "GtaIV - critical error: ws10" but this link does not indicate the error....
and that no one will help me?!

I go into the game but it doesn’t move, I can only control it with the mouse.
After rebooting the computer everything is fine, but it annoys me.
How to solve the problem?

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