Backup. Starting a session with an infobase is prohibited. Backup program 1s 8.2 does not open

1C: Accounting 8.3 does not see the new version of the platform


Question text

After installing the new platform, the information about the old version remains in the program, that is, is installed, and remains in the information about the program. What is the problem?

Answer to the question

  1. Enter the 1C database launch window.
  2. Select your base there and click the "Edit" button.
  3. Click the "Next" button twice until you get to the window with 1C launch options.
  4. Find the 1C:Enterprise version item there. If you have something there, clear this field. It should be like this:

Click Finish.

If you have it there and it was empty, then the reason is different.

You need to correctly configure the shortcut to launch 1C:

  1. Go to the installation folder 1C. Usually it's something like "C:\Program Files\1cv8\common".
  2. Find the file "1cestart.exe" in it.
  3. This is the 1C startup file. Create a shortcut to it on your desktop.
  4. Now run 1C through this shortcut and you will always get into the latest version of the installed 1C.
Sincerely, (teacher and developer).
  • Firstly, it will help to better understand what happened. And in more rare cases, it can even help solve the problem on your own.
  • Secondly, if you couldn’t cope on your own, then first and foremost, you should contact a specialist for technical support with the contents of the information and diagnostic window that appears.

Let's take a closer look at the content of the received dialog message:

Line 1.A "Starting a session with the infobase is prohibited." is a standard entry indicating the blocking of user entry into the program. With such blocking, a special file with the “.cdn” extension is automatically created in the infobase directory (for more details, see the following sections).

Line 1.B usually indicates the reason, the duration of the block, as well as other useful information. Depending on who or what (in the case of the system) set the entry blocking, as well as for what purpose, the information in this block may be different. The line "Backup" is a standard entry for manual or scheduled backup (in this case, the line "To perform a backup.") of the infobase using 1C Enterprise is also characteristic.

The administrator, in case of creating a lock in the user mode 1C 8.3 Enterprise, or the 1C programmer, in case of setting the lock programmatically in the configurator, can come up with his own messages:

Line 2 gives a hint on how you can run the program from the Windows command line if you know the so-called "permission code" (see the next step).

Line 3 explains the process and the operation of the buttons.

Step 2. The decision on how to unlock and enter the 1C 8.3 database

Session locks can be conditionally classified as follows:

  • Scheduled. When a session lock was started manually or automatically, serving the planned process in the 1C database (backup, scheduled task, update);
  • Others are wrong. When a lock is set as a result of erroneous actions of the user or errors that have occurred in the system itself, when it does not automatically remove the previously set lock. For example, a backup process was started, but the user interrupted it by forcibly closing the program.

Method 1

In both cases, when session blocking is set, as mentioned above, a file with the “.cdn” permission is created in the directory where the current infobase is stored:

Thus, a simple solution to a program launch error due to a session lock is to delete the 1Cv8.cdn file.

However, the user should first ask himself the question “After all, if the blocking of sessions is set, does it mean that this is due to something?”. Perhaps another user with administrative functions (hereinafter referred to as the administrator) launched a really important task or processing in 1C 8.3 Accounting that does not tolerate the simultaneous presence of several users in the database.

Method 2

If this situation is possible, then you should contact the administrator and find out if you can enter the database and if he has a special permission code, which was mentioned just above. In this case, we use the second method - entering a blocked infobase by launching the program from the command line, specifying the permission code in one of the launch parameters:

  • “C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\common\1cestart.exe” – path to the 1C Enterprise 8.3 launcher;
  • ENTERPRISE - means that the program will start in user mode, i.e. in 1C Enterprise mode;
  • /F”F:\Databases\Accounting” – designates the file infobase (/F parameter) and the path to it (the address of the server database is specified in the /S parameter);
  • /С Allow Users to Work – optional parameter: if set, the system will not start, but the lock will be removed (the lock file will be destroyed), and then users will be able to access the infobase.

If the parameter is not set, then a specific user is allowed to enter, but the blocking is not removed. This user can do a full unlock in user mode by going to the Support and maintenance panel (section Administration - group of commands Program settings - command Support and maintenance:

And calling the form Blocking user work by the same command:

In the form that opens, you can unlock sessions by clicking the Unlock button, where /UC12345 – the permission code (12345) is specified in the /UC parameter. Parameter names are written in English.

For more information about command line parameters, see the help of 1C 8.3 Enterprise.

Method 3

There is an alternative and even simpler method for the user to use the above parameters for launching an infobase (hereinafter referred to as IB) - it is possible to specify the required parameters in the properties of the database of interest.

1. In the launcher window (marked "A"), select the locked database and click the Change button, after which the window for editing IB properties will open (marked "B"):

In property Additional launch options prescribe the unlock code and, if necessary, the parameter to allow users to work (in this case, after the first launch and before the next launch, this parameter must be deleted). These parameters have been described in more detail above.

Note: when an automatic backup occurs (directly or as part of another procedure, for example, during an automated update), the system blocks the 1C 8.3 infobase and sets the standard unlock code " Backup ».

Therefore, if the procedure "failed" and the database lock remained, but there is no way to delete the cdn file, then you can use the parameter when starting IB: /UCBackupCopying.

3. Click the Done button and return to the launcher window, where we launch the IB using the 1C: Enterprise button. Thus, the error “Starting a session with an infobase is prohibited. Backup” fixed:

If 1C 8.3 Enterprise operates in a client-server version, but the user does not have access rights and the necessary knowledge of database administration in this mode, then in this case, you should contact the system administrator for help. We only note that in the client-server version, in addition to access via the command line with additional parameters, it is possible to remove the lock using the 1C:Enterprise server cluster administration utility, namely, it is necessary to remove the flag in the properties of the required infobase Session start blocking enabled.

Anatomy of the lock file 1Cv8.cdn

The curious can look inside the 1Cv8.cdn file created when sessions are blocked - this is a simple text file that can be opened with the appropriate Notepad editor:

The text in the file is surrounded by curly braces that list the following comma-separated lock options:

  • 1 (0) – sign of blocking setting (1 – set; 0 – disabled);
  • 20160706154700 - full date (date + time) of the session blocking start, in our case it is July 06, 2016 20:00:00;
  • 20160706154700 - full date (date + time) of the end of the session lock, in our case it is July 06, 2016 20:00:00 (if the end date is not specified, then the value 00010101000000 is entered into the parameter by default);
  • This is followed by a text parameter, where double quotes contain auxiliary text displayed to the user in the dialog box;
  • "123" - the permission code is indicated.

As you can see, the file contains all the parameters displayed in the information and diagnostic dialog box that appears.

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Problem #1: The database file is missing.
Solution: This error tells you that the database files were not found at the specified path:

1c accounting ".

Most likely these files have been moved to another location on the disk, or have been deleted. If, nevertheless, they were deleted, try using special software that allows you to recover deleted files, just try not to use the computer at all before recovering the files (just turn it off), otherwise the chances of recovering deleted files will be less and less over time.

Problem number 2. At the entrance to the configuration - 1s hangs. Or 1s hangs while working in it, for example, when conducting documents.
Solution: Many do not know about this, but there is one wonderful tool! This is a special utility (exe file), which is installed along with 1c and is located in the "bin" directory, and the file name is "chdbfl.exe". For example, on my computer, the full path to this file is "C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv82\\bin\chdbfl.exe", where "" is the number of the last installed releases of the 1c platform, if in a simple way, then you need to open the folder with the installed platform of the maximum (by number) release in the directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv82\", and then go to the "bin" folder and run the file "chdbfl.exe ".

In the "Database file name" field, specify the path to the "1Cv8.1CD" file in the 1C database directory. How to view the 1c database directory - see screenshot #1 (above). Be sure to check the box "Correct found errors" and click "Run". After completing this procedure, 1s in many cases starts working as before. It is also recommended to run the "chdbfl.exe" utility if 1s slows down a lot during operation, for example, when closing a month, when posting documents, or when generating reports.

After running the "chdbfl.exe" utility, it is also recommended to enter your database in the Configurator mode.

Where the name of the database "Data Conversion" is any of your databases, for example, you can have it " 1c accounting ".

In the configurator, click in the menu "Administration" - "Testing and fixing ..."

Set all the values ​​of the flags and switches in the "Testing and fixing the infobase" window as shown in the screenshot above and click "Run". After completion - close the configurator and go to 1C as usual. Before starting "Testing and fixing the infobase", be sure to create an archive copy of the database, and how to do this, read our next article. Try to buy 1s from the official partners of the 1s company so that there are fewer such problems.

Computer programs, like things, tend to break down. If you do not have a full-time diagnostician, then you will have to carry out a set of measures to find out the causes of the breakdown yourself. To do this, you will need knowledge in the field of 1C administration and a general understanding of computer systems.
So, if the program at one fine moment stopped starting, with a 90% probability the failure problem is due to one of the reasons:


1. Changes have been made to the program code. As a rule, this is discovered in the morning, when all employees come to work and start 1C-ku. Why in the morning? Because usually administrators make changes to the code when no one is working in the program.

2. Pose planned configuration updates some functions added by the company may not work in 1C, including external printing forms, reports and processing. The most common mistake Object field not found" leads to a stupor of users. The situation is solved by debugging and testing the program code.

3. Power failure. It happens that the 1C program starts to fail due to incorrect shutdown, for example, as in the case of a sudden blackout. Most often this happens with file databases.

4. Not enough physical space. Resources are not endless. If you have a large workflow, then the daily growth of the database is also significant. And at one fine moment, without noticing it yourself, you may encounter the problem of lack of space on your hard drive.

5. License keys have run out. The program may not start, but with this error, the program will display a message stating that the license keys have run out or that they were not found at all.

6. Wrong login, password. The user has forgotten the password or the password has been changed by the program administrator. In this case, the program will also inform you about the failed login and the reason.

7. Network problems. If access to 1C is organized via a computer network within the same office. The most banal thing that can happen is that the network cable jumped out of the computer after cleaning the room, hit it with a foot, etc.

The remaining 10% of the reasons when the 1C program stops working are exclusive cases. It is definitely impossible to consider them in an article or forum. As a rule, such situations arise with information systems of a more complex architecture - client-server, remote control, web access, etc. Those. the larger the system, the more links, the more intricate the cause of the failure can be. In such situations, it is unlikely that it will be possible to hastily solve the problem; lengthy diagnostics by specialists, including system engineers, may be required.


From the described reasons for the error in 1C, you have most likely drawn some conclusions for yourself. On our own, we recommend adhering to several rules:
1. Make a copy of the 1C database. 1C - a program with commercial information. It is highly undesirable to lose data for a week, and even more so all data. Set up a frequency for archiving the database in case of any unforeseen circumstances. Even better - set up auto-archiving. We also recommend making a copy of 1C before making changes to the program code, before installing program updates.
2. Manage access. Restrict access to the configurator. Ordinary users should be deprived of the opportunity to make changes to the program code.
3. Power supply. Make sure that the computer (server) with the 1C base is protected from power surges and sudden power outages.
4. Duty specialist 1C. Keep the archive of the program in stash and


In a programme 1s 8.2 many accountants began to often face the fact that when working, documents or directories suddenly disappear somewhere. Or the situation may be different: in an open document or reference book, when you click the select button in an attribute, the attribute selection form does not open.

Why documents do not open in 1s? At the moment, a similar problem can be attributed to the system glitch of this version 1s.

How to solve it?

This problem is solved quite simply. In 1s 8.2 there is a status bar at the bottom, as in windows. You need to pay attention to her. It is worth saying that this line takes place if the "Show function bar" checkbox was set when the program was launched.

Figure 1 shows what the bottom of the program looks like.

Rice. one

In Figure 2, we have given a more complete picture, that is, we have reproduced in a more complete volume the situation that you may have.

Rice. 2

As you can see from the second figure, the actions that we need to perform in order to restore a document or directory are quite simple. In the bottom line "Function Panel" you need to move the mouse to the tab we need and right-click. As you can see in the figure, a list with actions has opened.

Need to choose restoring window position but. This option is always after "Close". The main thing is not to confuse mechanically. That's the whole solution.

The very same situation with the closure of working documents is a flaw in the program itself. Apparently so. Subsequent updates to this version may fix this issue. So, now you know why documents do not open in 1s.

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