Conference technogenic systems and ecological risk. The International Scientific Conference "Technogenic Systems and Ecological Risk" in NIAU Mifi attracted a record number of participants. Environmental measures to reduce

RADIATION BIOLOGY. RADIOECOLOGY, 2015, volume 55, no. 4, p. 442-443



BOT: 10.7868/80869803115040104

Since 2004, the Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy (Obninsk) annually hosts Regional Scientific Conferences "Technogenic Systems and Ecological Risk". The next 12th conference was held on April 23-24, 2015. The Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy is currently the largest branch of the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" and traditionally acts as the base university for the State Corporation "Rosatom", carrying out specialized training of young specialists for nuclear energy and related fields, including radiation ecology and biology, radionuclide medicine, chemistry, physics and mechanics of materials. Therefore, the main participants of the conference are young scientists, teachers and senior students from Obninsk, large scientific centers and universities of the European part of Russia, as well as neighboring countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan).

In the words of welcome addressed to the participants of the conference by the Director of IATE NRNU MEPhI N.G. Airapetova, Chairman of the Program Committee, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences R.M. Aleksakhin, Chairman of the Kaluga Regional Branch of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor A.I. Trofimov, representatives of the organizing committee of the conference, an appeal was made to young people to actively participate in solving important scientific problems that currently stand in the field of nuclear energy development, assessment and prevention of adverse effects of man-made human activities, minimization of man-made risks, including radiation accidents.

The theme of the plenary session, which started the work of the conference, was devoted to issues closely related to the fundamental and practical aspects of radioecology and radiation safety. The current state of the system of state monitoring of the environment was covered in his report by the director of the Institute for Environmental Monitoring Problems of the NPO "Typhoon" V.G. Bulgakov, who spoke about the work on the creation of an integrated system of integrated observations, the modernization of the observational network of Roshydromet deployed in recent years, the radiation monitoring system and the radiation situation in Russia, including the activities of Roshydromet in the period after the Fukushima accident. The problematic report was presented by I.I. Kryshev (NPO "Typhoon"), who touched upon the historical aspects of the formation of methodological principles of radiation safety and the role of the individual in the history of science, spoke about modern views on radiation protection of the environment, the latest international documents and developments of Russian scientists, presented unique data on the practical application of radioecological models to assess the radiation impact on biota in the areas where nuclear facilities are located. Plenary speeches determined the scientific

nye, production, organizational guidelines for assessing and forecasting the state of the environment, standardization and minimization of man-made impacts and risks.

In 2015, the conference brought together about 100 participants, 80 requests for speeches were received, 40 reports were delivered. The topics of the conference covered a wide range of issues in the field of ensuring the ecological safety of the biosphere, united in six sections: Nuclear and thermal energy, modern environmental technologies; Problems of waste disposal, storage of radioactive waste; Technogenic and environmental risks; Biotesting and bioindication of environmental objects; Environmental and pharmaceutical chemistry; Ecological aspects of the action of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation. The breakout sessions were mainly attended by young participants, their work, as a rule, reflects the search areas that are currently being implemented in leading research teams in Russia and neighboring countries. Although the declared topics of the conference are very broad and include many aspects related to the study of technogenic factors in the human environment, a significant part of the materials presented at these conferences traditionally concerns issues of radiation ecology and radiobiology.

The problems of monitoring studies, voiced at the opening of the conference, were continued by the report of N.V. Ageeva (NPO "Typhoon"), which presented data on the dynamics of the content of radioactive strontium in the surface waters of Russia on the example of rivers flowing through the background and polluted territory (URTS), and studied the effect of the water regime of the territory on the removal of the radionuclide into surface waters.

One of the main problems of nuclear power is the safe management of radioactive waste. Currently, many near-surface repositories created 50-60 years ago do not fully comply with radiation safety requirements. The results obtained in long-term studies, which are carried out by employees of the departments of ecology and biology of the IATE, NRNU MEPhI, in the zone of influence of the regional radioactive waste storage facility in Obninsk, were discussed. It is shown that the specific active

the content of C8 in soils varies widely from 3 to 22 Bq/kg; at two sampling points, an excess of the background value was observed; the main part of the radionuclide (67%) is in a strongly bound form. During biotesting of water samples from the control wells of the radioactive waste storage containing elevated concentrations of 90$g, a change in biochemical parameters (activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase and shikimate dehydrogenase) was revealed in all test objects (watercress, planaria, daphnia).


VNIIRAE, FMBTS im. A.I. Burnazyan and IATE NRNU MEPhI studied the state of the territory of the industrial site and the sanitary protection zone of the Far East Center for RW Management; when assessing the phytotoxicity of soils, it was shown that the morphological and physiological parameters of the test object (watercress) had a direct correlation with the level of soil contamination with technogenic radionuclides.

A number of papers present assessments of the impact of nuclear fuel cycle enterprises or radioactive contamination as a result of radiation accidents on the environment. K.V. Lunevoy (NPO "Typhoon"). The consequences of chronic irradiation of biota have been studied by VNIIRAE specialists for many years using the example of pine populations in the Bryansk region, contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl accident. Young researchers presented the latest data on the levels of cytogenetic effects and reproductive capacity in Scotch pine populations growing in contaminated areas, and showed that, against the background of an increase in the frequency of mutation events in the G6PD isoenzyme loci with an increase in the absorbed dose, the enzymatic activity in the seeds does not change, which suggests the leveling of the consequences of irradiation at higher levels of biological organization.

Reducing the impact of NFC facilities on humans and the natural environment is an important task of radiation protection of the population and the environment. To solve one of the key issues - reducing radioactive iodine emissions at nuclear power plants - M.A. Alekseeva (Obninsk Center for Science and Technology) suggested using microwave processing of vegetable raw materials to obtain hydrocarbon adsorbents. Testing samples of sorbents based on peat showed that the efficiency of purification by radioactive iodine increases from 89 to 95.8% when the sorbent is impregnated with a complex compound based on silver nitrate and potassium iodide. Another aspect of reducing the impact on the environment - optimization of the methodology for developing standards for permissible discharges - was presented by the Department of Environmental Protection of Smolensk NPP.

Scientific research in the field of radiobiology concerned the study of the characteristics of densely ionizing radiation, the stimulating effects of y-radiation, and the radiobiology of non-ionizing radiation.

On the basis of the Medical Radiological Research Center (Obninsk), the regularities of the late formation of colonies by irradiated yeast cells were studied depending on the quality of the radiation; It has been shown that the biological efficiency of densely ionizing radiation (α-particles) is 4 times higher than that of rare-ionizing y-radiation.

As part of the development of radiation technologies for agriculture, VNIIRAE is working on studying the biochemical mechanisms of the formation of stimulating effects during presowing irradiation of crops. Data were presented on the dependence of the activity of pyruvate kinase and peroxidase enzymes in barley seedlings on the dose of acute y-irradiation of seeds. The inhibitory effect of high doses of radiation on growth rates and the concentration of chlorophyll A was shown in a similar series of experiments on the study of biochemical

of the biological and morphological characteristics of barley seedlings after y-irradiation of seeds at doses of 0.1-100 Gy, implemented at the Department of Biology of the Institute of Aerospace Engineering, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

The study of the effect of electromagnetic fields on biological objects is also being developed at IATE NRNU MEPhI. The results of the work were presented, indicating the effect of low-intensity EMR in the range of mobile communication frequencies on biochemical processes and reproductive functions in Daphnia. An unfavorable effect of RF EMF on the state of the reproductive system of male rats was found during subacute exposure in the frequency range of the DECT standard (Research Institute of Occupational Medicine, Moscow). The results of studying the combined effect of ionizing (X-ray) and non-ionizing (infrared) radiation on the offspring of mice according to the tests "radiosensitivity" and "adaptive response in the bone marrow, lymphoid organs and whole blood" were presented by A.R. Dyukin (ITEB, Pushchino).

Udalova A.A. - 2011


    S. A. Geraskin, M. A. Dubynina, A. A. Udalova - 2012


    Aleksakhin R.M., Geraskin S.A., Udalova A.A. - 2015

    • Coverage: Regional
    • Event dates: April 24-25, 2014
    • Location: Obninsk, Russia
    • Organizers:
      National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
      Ministry of Education and Science of the Kaluga Region
      Kaluga Regional Branch of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
    • Number of speakers: 50
    • Web site:
    • Conference description:

      Conference sections: 1. Nuclear and thermal energy, modern environmental technologies 2. Problems of waste disposal, radioactive waste storage 3. Technogenic and environmental risks 4. Biotesting and bioindication of environmental objects 5. Environmental and pharmaceutical chemistry 6. Environmental aspects of the action of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation ORGANIZING COMMITTEE OF THE CONFERENCE Chairman: Aleksakhin R.M., Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Director of the State Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Co-chairmen: Airapetova N.G., Candidate of Economics, Acting Director of IATE NRNU MEPhI Shershakov V.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, General Director of FGBU NPO "Typhoon" Deputy Chairmen: Burukhin S.B., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean FEN IATE NRNU MEPhI Udalova A.A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Acting head cafe of Ecology IATE NRNU MEPhI Synzynys B.I., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, IATE NRNU MEPhI Conference secretaries: Momot O.A., Ph.D. IATE NRNU MEPhI Pyatkova S.V., IATE NRNU MEPhI Mishchenko S.V., IATE NRNU MEPHI PROGRAM COMMITTEE Geraskin S.A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, VNIISKhRAE RAAS Ignatenko G.K., Ph.D. .Sc., Associate Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Economics, IATE NRNU MEPhI Komarova L.N., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, IATE NRNU MEPhI Kozmin G.V., Ph.D. G.V., Ph.D., IATE NRNU MEPhI Momot O.A., Ph.D., IATE NRNU MEPhI Polyakova L.P., Ph.D., associate professor, IATE NRNU MEPhI Sarapultseva E.I., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, IATE, NRNU MEPhI Silin I.I., Doctor of Geological and Mathematical Sciences, Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Elements, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Synzynys B.I. ., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, IATE NRNU MEPhI Trofimov M.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, IATE NRNU MEPhI Udalova A.A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, IATE NRNU MEPhI Epshtein N .B., Doctor of Pharmacy, Associate Professor, IATE NRNU MEPhI

    • Added to the system:

    April 28-29, 2011 on the basis of the Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy (IATE NRNU MEPhI) VIII Regional Scientific Conference "Technogenic Systems and Ecological Risk". The conference is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

    The conference will have six sections:

    1. nuclear and thermal power engineering, modern technologies in industry and transport; nanotechnology;
    2. problems of disposal of industrial production waste, in transport, nuclear and thermal energy, storage of radioactive waste;
    3. technogenic and environmental risks, insurance of environmental risks;
    4. biotesting and bioindication of environmental objects;
    5. ecological and pharmaceutical chemistry;
    6. ecological aspects of the action of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation.

    Within the framework of the conference, a round table will be held with the participation of graduates of the IATE Department of Ecology.

    Participation in the conference is free

    Submission of materials.

    To participate in the conference, you must until March 25, 2011 submit the following materials to the secretaries of the organizing committee in electronic form:

    • Application for participation (on a separate sheet) including:
      1. name of the section;
      2. intended form of participation and performance;
      3. title of the report;
      4. surname, name, patronymic of the author (authors);
      5. information about the authors:
      - university (specialty, course, group); or
      - organization (division, position);
      - academic degree, academic title;
      6.coordinates for communication (e-mail, postal address, telephone).
    • Report materials with the following content:
      1. Title of the report;
      2. Authors;
      3. University (organization), city;
      4. Text materials.

    Materials in electronic form should be sent to the secretaries of the conference by e-mail: [email protected]

    Requirements for the design of materials:

    • volume no more than 4 pages of A5 format, WS Word, Times New Roman Cyr font, 11 pt., 1st spacing, justified alignment, paragraph - 0.5 cm;
    • margins: top, bottom, left, right - 1.5 cm;
    • title of the report in CAPITAL letters with bold type in the center;
    • authors and university (organization) in italics in the center;
    • no more than one figure and/or table.

    Presentation requirements:

    • presentation with a report 5-7 minutes, 3-5 minutes answers to questions;
    • presentation of your idea, project, proposal no more than 7 minutes;
    • demonstration (presentation of software products and other results of scientific activity in action; indicate the necessary equipment in the application) - 10-15 minutes;

    It is planned to publish the materials of the conference on the recommendation of the program committee of the sections after the conference.


    Gaziev Ya.I., Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Leading Researcher, State Institution "NPO "Typhoon"
    Glushkov Yu.M., Ph.D. chem. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Ecology, IATE
    Gorshkova T.A., Ph.D. biol. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Biology, IATE
    Komarova L.N., Dr. biol. Sciences, Professor, Department of Biology, IATE
    Machula A.A., Ph.D. chem. Sci., Senior Researcher, Deputy director for science HFC "BION"
    Momot O.A., Ph.D. biol. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Ecology, IATE
    Polyakova L.P., Ph.D. chem. Sci., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology, IATE
    Polyakova E.A., Chairman of the Committee for Environmental Protection, Control in the Areas of Improvement and Ecology of Obninsk
    Pyatkova S.V., Researcher, Department of Ecology, IATE
    Sarapulseva E.I., Ph.D. in Biology, Associate Professor, Deputy head Department of Biology, IATE
    Silin I.I., Dr. geol.-miner. sciences, ved. scientific employee of the Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Elements, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
    Trofimov M.A., Dr. tech. Sciences, Professor of the Department of A&D IATE
    Epshtein N.B., Dr. farm. Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Academic Affairs, IATE


    I International (XIV Regional) Scientific Conference "Technogenic Systems and Ecological Risk"

    We invite students, graduate students and young scientists to take part in the I International (XIV Regional) scientific conference "Technogenic systems and environmental risk", which will be held at the Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy (IATE NRNU MEPhI) on April 20-21, 2017.

    The conference is held with the support of the Public Council of the base organization of the CIS member states for environmental education, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sklyar Gennady Ivanovich, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Kaluga Region.

    The following thematic sections will work at the conference:
    1. Nuclear and thermal energy, modern environmental technologies
    2. Problems of waste disposal, storage of radioactive waste
    3. Technogenic and environmental risks
    4. Biotesting and bioindication of environmental objects
    5. Environmental and pharmaceutical chemistry
    6. Ecological aspects of the action of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation
    7. School environmental section

    During the conference, a competition of student scientific papers is held in each of the thematic sections.

    Participation forms:
    in a web conference.

    For the participants of the conference, an excursion to the Art Museum of Garbage "MU MU" is planned.
    The collection of abstracts of the conference will be posted in the RSCI.
    Participation in the conference is free.
    The issues of travel and accommodation of the conference participants are resolved independently.

    More information on the conference website

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